Mar 02, 2014 16:18
I am glad I went to church, but I think I was too tired to go. I really need to take my own car when I go, anyway, so I don't have to be there so early for Willem's meetings and stay so late while he does the finances.
We stopped to see Ginny, then came on home.
The roads were pretty clean when we came home, except for in front of the cedar berm on the highway.
A large doe stood on the hilltop beside the end of the house when we got home. He didn't move while we parked, got out of the car and walked into the house. It was neat to see him. By the time we got into the house, changed and got to look out the window, he was gone.
I filled the feed bucket and tossed it all in front of the door, onto the snow. I thought more deer could eat if it weren't all in one bucket, hogged by one deer. (comon) Deered by one hog.
I put on my camo clothes again, draped the coat over my legs and am siting watching out the hill. I've got some videos cued to upload now.
She is quite skiddish with me now, as usual. Or is this pain jane at all. she's peppery all over, with a red cut under her leg. pl j has whiter circles ar her eyes.
She looks up to look around.
Okay, six were just here, Underbite, swallowtail, pepper, Bib and two others I didn't identify.
They seemed to arrive one after another, but cleaned up a lot of the feed at the end of the toss line.
I have now used up a whole bag of feed again. I guess I could feed them smaller amounts. It seems they will eat as much as I put out for them. It's the beginning of March, with -20C wind chills tonight and until Thursday. March always comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb!
I got some good footage of all five looking up at the camera. They seemed to be everywhere, four beside the door and two going opposite ways by the hammock.
The pathways that riddle the hilltop are interesting. I'd love to go out there and follow them, see how the deer path goes, so they don't have to come up the steepest part of the hill.
People have been telling me to be careful of the predators that will hurt the deer and me. Fortunately the farmer next door kills any of them he hears. They've attacked his sheep before, but he blows em out of the field! The coyotes, I mean. I haven't heard the packs lately.
So here I sit, looking out over the beautiful hilltop, all bathed in snow, wondering what's over the edge, grateful they come so close to me, here on the hilltop.
My neighbours also feed the deer near their homes. I imagine dozens of people up the road do the same thing. I'll stop when the snow goes away. I don't think they'll come after that anyway!
deer filming,
deer watching,
deer naming