deer returning

Mar 02, 2014 18:25

They must still be hungry, cos these deer came right back after I fed them. there were five of them, but the food was being hogged by two large ones who would kick the others to make them leave.

I went out to see where their paths go, but they came right back soon thereafter to see the empty bowls. I slowly went out while they were there, so they all ran up to the top of the next hill, to Deer Meadow. I have just gotten settled down again when the first one has returned. I guess it's Corona. She has white on the back of her ears I think. She's also quite dark. She has a slight white or lighter strip across the back of her head that I can see when she eats.

She's got a white bottom of her jaw. she's not too big, but she's not skinny. She may be pregnant, but doesn't look too big. her eyebrows are dark, with a mushroom cloud on her forehead. I'm glad she's here alone. She's also got tear spots and tear lines.

I'm so glad she came back. They must know that a human is going to be the one feeding them. So it's nice she came. She' ate a few cups of feed and then heard another one coming up the steep hill on Sunrise hillside. It looks like White eye rings, or Plain Jane that's coming up there now. Dark chest stripe, mushroom on forehead.

She's thin and probably hungry. She's checking out where I stepped when I came out, in front of the hammocks. She concerned about what's coming up the chute, but I don't see anything there. She'd better hurry on over and eat before the rest of the gang comes along. I'm assuming she's one of the five of the last group, of the three that didn't get a chance to eat.

She stamping her foot as she comes on over. She's standing behind the three elms at the moment. The feed is in bowls on the other side of the cluster, up on the higher level. Willem's playing his music on the computer. She's checking the upstairs window and the pathway to Bill's, also the side of the house where the compost is, or checking the lane. her nose is wiggling and her ears are forward. She's backing up at the moment. Stopped. Ears forward, intent, head slanted a bit. The white around her mouth looks like she's got snow in her mouth.

Ah, she's turned back and is facing up to the feed now. Oops, foiled again, gotta study the path around the porch to the other side of the house.

Here she comes, stomping, one step, holding her ground and looking around, dipping slightly to smell, raising her chin to smell, her nostrils flaring. She looks like Mickey Mouse when she looks at me that way with her ears out.

I guess if she stomps her foot, another deer would perk his head right up. oh, here she comes, foaming at the mouth, it appears. Must be snow, or fur. The white goes up into her nostrils, reminding me of the ring in the nose of a bull.

She's going to lose her chance to eat! I guess it must smell quite like me out there. Danger danger! She's turned back to stand guard, oh now she's climbed the hill to the door level where the bowls are. I've gotta see that white on her mouth. She steps, widens her stance with her font legs, reaches ahead and down, over the feed, then turns again. perhaps she'll do it...I don't know. she's awfully scared!

Rabies is her name!

Oh, another one has come up being her. two now. Wonder if she'll be as skittish. has she not been here before? is it my scent?

I'll film I film them all the time. Bib is standing on the lower level in front of the hammocks. She's gone back down now.

Okay, I stopped and filmed them all for awhile. She didn't come up till two others did. I filmed them for awhile till Willem started to play his compositions. Two with dark chest stripes came. Bib ate freely. Swallowtail has returned. I imagine it is her. she's not afraid of my movements now though, not since I tried to scare her off my moving a lot! I guess we are going to be distant friends.

Bib has very white insides of her legs. very white like wearing shorts. She's got not a corona, but what could grow to be a swallowtail. She's very shy, nosing the other deer. imagine having four deer standing right here in front of the house like this.

okay, this corona is more of a headband tht is fat on the sides above her eyes or just of to the sides. She's very skittish ad skinny. Such a good idea to feed them in separate bowls. But she kicked her bowl a bit. Shorts, indeed. with a chest stripe.

one is standing guard, two are eating, the other is off to the side waiting to eat and another is behind the lilacs. Swallowtail just pushed shorts over.

I had to stop writing and film them. It was a good idea to use the bowls again. Everyone ate while they were here. So much better than just one or two gorging themselves!

deer watching, deer feeding, deer naming

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