Short but good sleep...deer analysing at the door

Mar 02, 2014 07:40

I think I turned off the lights at 11:30, then woke up at midnight to unplug the clock and plug it back in. I slept well, but at six, woke up intent on seeing the deer again. During the night, they came and ate over half a bucket of feed.

I refilled it then went back up to get my camo clothes on.

here come two. swallowtail and Bib ae back. I can't get my camera out cos they are right here /dot is with them, too she's come right up to the dish. oops she's not Dot, that's snow on her forehead. I have to clear my throat but there are three deer right here beside me. It's agonizing! I had to hold my breath.

There are two heads in the bucket and Swallowtail behind them. They aren't so wary of me right now, as I don't think they can see me with my hoodie on. Another is coming up now, but Swallowtail is spooked. Plain Jane with the white eye rings came up. She has a dark line down the back of her neck.

Swallowtail is very good at watching. I swallowed and one of them saw it. I have a tear running down my eye, which they can see, too. How amazing that when I swallowed they saw it.

Swallowtail nosed Plain Jane. I can't see around my laptop screen Geepers, now my nose is also running. Plain Jane spooks easily and runs away, then eventually comes back and slides in-between the others. It's awesome to see their personalities like this. The black at the back of their nose, rings their lower jaw perfectly, so Underbite, who isn't here at the moment,'s jaw being offline, is a give away. Swallowtail is so wary of me. He leans his head back, sticks out his tongue a bit and smells to see if I'm dangerous. he has a wet nose with grain crumbs all over it every tie he comes up for air! Sometimes I can see the lump go down his neck. They are animals with divided stomachs, so have to go sit and chew their cud. I can't believe how much these three deer ate! It's important to put it into bowls to separate them so one can't eat all the food up!

Bib and Plain Jane are finished eating and are now standing watch, likely waiting for Swallowtail to be done and to leave with them. the importance of the group staying together, probably for protection from coyotes, is obvious.

Plain Jane has white ear backs and a line down the back of her neck. Wary though she is, she is mighty close here with her nose in the bucket. Swallowtail scares Plain Jane away. Plain Jane has a bib. Did I say that already? Interesting, Swallowtail is shivering! I wonder which one of the deer fell into the stream the other day. I'll have to go back and have a good look.
Oh my goodness, Plain Jane is Corona!

Swalowtail sure eats a lot, the whole bucket if she can. I need to go through these and organize all the details about each deer.

Did I mention that Swallowtail has a bib? But that's not the one last night with the bib, that was bright eyes who had a salt and pepper face.

It is hard to hold still for so long! I think there is a small animal there as well. Maybe a bird. It sounds like a mouse is in here with me, too! Ill hae to get the mouse traps and put them in here, just in case!

I can't see anything outside. Finally those deer have left! Whew, now I can relaz and breathe easier! I lowered my laptop screen so I can see better. Oh, a bird just flew away.

It's such a lovely scene outside right now. Plain Jane is more interested in the birds and not so much me at the moment. The others ate so much, or at least Swallowtail did!

Three bluejays are here with Plain Jane who is keeping watch again. They are squawking at her, knocking snow off the branches and oh, that's a crow with a feather out of place like a tag sticking off. He's cleaning up the snow.

Okay, the deer just left. Whew, it's kind of a relief to have them leave so I can move a bit.

I sure made a lot of typos while typing without letting them see my arm move. one of my arms isn't hidden by the laptop. The keys are over to that side of it. Sure were some easily spooked deer; of course, coming up right to the door must be a pain for them!

deer watching, ethology, deer naming

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