Received my Men's Knuckle from March today.
It's so much better than February's issue, I didn't like that one at all (only 3 Ryoma pages and a disturbing "how to sex" section O_o).
March issue begins with the cutest section of warukore ever. A close up on a outfit they wear on their daily lives, what they have inside the bag, the hair products they wear, their cellphone wallpaper and stuff like that.
Apparently me and Ryoma use the same perfume LOL. How appropriate, right? xD
The cutest one from this section was definitely Kentarou, he wore such cute outfits and cute glasses and his hair was great. He never really captured my interest, especially after that last hair cut that was awful, but on this issue he's adorable. I love his golden sneakers so much, I want ones just like that, because mine are so old and falling apart.
Their weights are so weird O_o Seriously, Yuushi and Ryoma are the same height, but Ryoma (58kg) weights 5 kg more than Yuushi (53kg). How is this possible? They're both so skinny. I'm only 2 cm taller than them and I weight 52 kg, almost the same as Yuushi, it's weird just to think about it. And if I understood correctly, Ryoma's ideal weight is 40 kg and Yuushi's 45 kg. That's very disturbing. I like skinny guys, but no guy should ever weight that little, really.
Now, why wasn't Yousei on this issue?? He wasn't in ANY page. Isn't him a Men's Knuckle model anymore?? I like Yousei, please bring him back Ayukawa-san. -_-
Boy's Knuckle is such a hilarious thing. They're babies in gyaruo clothes! The youngest is only 16, poor child. I just realized that one of them visited my mixi once. LOL
Yay for Ryoma's Buffalo Bob's advertisement, it's all over the magazine. xD