Today I went to the movies to watch "Lust, Caution", directed by Ang Lee. I was so close to buying the dvd last month, but I'm glad I didn't because now its on cinema. Portugal is so slow. I couldn't lose the chance to watch Tony Leung on the big screen again, it's so rare. The movie was nice, I think the story didn't worth a two and a half hour movie, but it wasn't boring either. At some point though, I must admit I thought I was watching some kind of kamasutra movie, seriously. I saw more from Tony Leung that I would ever expect or want, I mean, I even saw his balls and how hairy he is O_o but ok, I can get over it. Although he didn't have many lines, he was great, especially at the end. I don't care how old he looks and how bad his skin is, he is my favorite actor ever, one of the best of the world.
But now this only made me wish for a Wong Kar-Wai movie with him and maggie again ;_;
I miss Wong Kar-Wai movies so much. He should stop making film's with non chinese people, it just can't possibly be the same. Wong Kar-Wai without Tony Leung just by itself is depressing, so a movie without any chinese what so ever is even more depressing. The feeling wont be the same, one of the seductive powers of his films is the way chinese act, the way they stare at the other actor on that special scene, the way they smoke and how the perfect song plays behind.
Yesterday was my sister's birthday. We had dinner together with our parents and her husband. Then we went to the club Bauhaus, it was the first time I went there. My sister used to go there when she was 19, so they decided to go there again to remember the old times. Well, most of the people who go to Bauhaus are in their 30's, the age of my sister and her friends. It was the Night of Rock, so all the music played was from late 80's and early 90's rock. The best song of the night was "white wedding" by Billy Idol, I danced so much. There's no way I would listen to that song on any other club. I simply adore Billy Idol <33