
Dec 11, 2012 07:19

It's been FOREVEEERRR since I updated! That's awful. I'm having a weird time with the Internet, where I just kind of aimlessly click around for hours. It's horrid, and it's become a habit that I need to break. It's my way of tuning out after work I suppose.
I had a lovely birthday, uneventful, but nice. Went out for Thai food with friends after work, Thai food was gross, but friend's are so,so nice and they paid for it <3
other than that?
Work. Trying to get hours at work. Pure is such a douchebag company, they cut my hours again! My manager stepped down because she couldn't stand their bullshit. Apparently when she sent in her resignation Email the CEO didn't even reply....he said NOTHING at all to her until she had three days left (she got horribly sick for 7 days during her last two weeks) then he comes into the store and tells everyone before he even talks to her. Very respectful. One of my sweet co-workers who transferred to the Victoria location just gave her notice, without the staff that we have at our store, it was just an unbearable company to work for she said.
Despite that shit. I am enjoying life. Really, my company is balls but my team that I work with is so, so good. I love working at the clinic, I've been hanging out with one of the Dr.s a lot- you know, watching musicals and drinking wine on Saturday nights- yeah, grown up stuff. Lol.
I'm trying to put together inexpensive holiday gifts for people, I think I'm going to make some homemade candy! Harlen bought Jack Daniels Honey Whisky, so I think I'm going to make Whisky Salted Caramels! Yes.
I made it out to Bikram Yoga for the first time in the two years since I quit the studio. What a blast. My former teacher, and former studio owner came into the pharmacy to drop off some posters for her art show, and I found out about her sweet blog and upcoming book. So, i started reading her blog which is lovely and introspective, and just thought that it would be nice to go practice at the studio for a drop in.
Since I started with my home practice I've changed a lot mentally, I've calmed and found a lot of happiness. When I practiced at the studio I was aggressive and pushy with myself, but this was different. I didn't worry about anyone else in the room, I focused on myself, the postures, the teacher's voice. I was content, and I expanded easily into postures that I would find frustrating before. It was a real treat, and I didn't feel that I had to rejoin the studio again, I was happy, happy to have just a drop-in class. Mmmmm the hot room on a chilly day feels so good. :)
I am currently starting up with some holiday treat making for friends and family as I am fairly broke, (not horrible) tonight I made shortbread cookies and the Whiskey Salted Caramels! On Wednesday I'm going to make Nutella Truffles and Cinnamon Bun Popcorn and maaaaybe Salted Caramel Sauce, I'm on the fence about that one, I'd have to get some jars from the dollar store.
And I'm grateful for all the free samples I have access to through work so I can make little goody bags for all the ladies in my life! Mom is getting some luxurious soap and skincare treats which I have to send off to her tomorrow along with a parcel to the States....which will not get there in time for the 25th but, meh. Also tomorrow Weather permitting, I'm going downtown to the German Christmas Market in search of funny handmade German crafties for my grandparents, I will get drunk off mulled wine while I troll for nutcrackers and beersteins.
O.k. Gotta see if my caramels have set! :D

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