THR TRIUMPHANT RETURN! and it's a survey how gay is that!?

Apr 28, 2005 04:33

01. Last Cigarette: about 10 minutes ago
02. Last Kiss: so long I forgot
03. Last Cry: eh...
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: Mother Night Kurt Vonnegut still haven't returned it and it's like 5 months late
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: Sin City
06. Last Book Read: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy for the third time
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Fuckin' whore
08. Last Beverage Drank: Coke
09. Last Food Consumed: Chicken & Rice, Cottage Cheese and Cake!
11. Last TV Show Watched: I haven't watched tv in like 3 years
13. Last Shoes Worn: Work Boots... Ugh SOOOO HEAVY!
14. Last CD Played: Sigur Ros the one with the fetus on it
15. Last Soda Drank: Coke
16. Last Thing Written: Coke
17. Last Words Spoken: "That Fuckin'Whore was late to relieve me on watch so I had to wake him up!"
18. Last Sleep: like two days ago
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten: Don't eat sweets
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: about 15 minutes ago
24. Last Time Dancing: last night while kareoking Total Eclipse of the heart
26. Last Big Car Ride: I went to the corner store the other day
27. Last Crush: I don't have crushes.. I just fall head over heels and end up getting hurt
28. Last Annoyance: work
39. Last Disappointment: My days are full of them
30. Last Time Scolded: earlier today
32. Last Web Site Visited:

01. piercings = 4 (no ears or nipples or nose or lip or eyebrows. heh)
02. tattoos = 6 and the start of a half sleeve
03. height = 6'2"
04. shoe size = 11
05. hair color = dirty blonde
06. siblings = 2 step brothers and a step sister and a real brother

01. movie you rented = Boa -vs- Python
02. movie you bought = Spun
03. person you've called= Inman
04. person that's called you= lord knows my phone has been dead for two days
06. person you were thinking of = I am thinking of a lot of women at once.. Is that bad?
07. friend you made = Navarra

01. you have a crush on someone: Like I said before I don't crush
02. you wish you could live somewhere else = Belleville Michigan - Shot out!
03. you think about suicide. = no
05. others find you attractive = i sure hope so otherwise life's just a sick game for someone
06. you want more piercings/which do you have? = yeah
07. you drink = yea everynight almost
08. you do illegal drugs = hmmm, now this is a tricky one so I am going to answer maybe!
09. you smoke = yes
10. you like cleaning = sometimes it can be fulfilling
11. you like roller coasters = LOVE EM!
12. you write in cursive or print= half and half

+ long distance relationships: been there done that got the record for longest one and longest distance combined I think
+ suicide = not my choice
+ killing people = not my choice
+ driving drunk = depends where we are going back to your house sure!
+ soap operas = PRO! I got hooked on days one summer

+ thing to do = masturbate
+ thing to talk about = drinking or masturbation
+ sports = hockey
+ drinks = 7 & 7
+ clothes = funny t shirts LOVE EM!
+ movies = crazy shit
+ holiday = OCT 31st baby

+ ever cried over a girl = yea
+ ever cried over a boy = nah
+ ever lied to somebody= depends on what you consider a lie
+ ever been in a fist fight = hah yep
+ ever been arrested = yep

+ shampoo do you use = Pert Plus!
+ shoes do you wear= Sambas (black), Sauconys (Blue)
+ are you scared of = not being able to love the person I want to and having to settle

.. of times you have been in love? = fuck man a lot
.. of times you have had your heart broken= more than a lot
.. of girls you have kissed? = a few
.. of boys you have kissed? = 2 and that was just a bet and I got a whole footlong sub out of it
.. of drugs taken illegally? = No comment
.. of people you would classify as true, could trust with your life type friends? = 0
.. of people you consider your enemies? = no one really
.. of times your name has appeared in the newspaper? = once
.. of scars on your body? = like 15 id say
.. of things in your past that you regret? = eh no regrets I made all the right choices so far I hope
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