So, it's the centennial of the Girl Scouts...

May 14, 2012 07:40

...and if you've been following me, I believe you've seen me posting about how a number of "concerned individuals and organizations" are traumatized -- TRAUMATIZED, I TELL YOU -- over how the Girl Scouts are a bunch of commie pinko wimmins libbers who have the audacity to suggest to impressionable young girls that they have intrinsic personal value and rights. But this...this my friends...takes the fucking cake.

Shorter the US Council of Catholic Bishops: "We are investigating the Girl Scouts on the grounds that they do not appear to be sufficiently Catholic. Please ignore the fact that they are not actually a Catholic organization, nor are they obligated to adhere to Catholic notions about properly submissive womanhood."

I admit, I did not think I would live to see the Catholic Church and its political/cultural control apparatus in America implode this spectacularly on the axis of women's empowerment -- it's the twenty-first fucking century, after all, and the basic fact of reality is that women will no longer be yoked to the medieval stupidities beloved of the Catholic hierarchy. The fact that I am, indeed, watching this makes me want to break out the popcorn and booze because, goddamn, the forces of progressivism have no greater allies than the reactionary douchebags of the Catholic hierarchy, bravely looking to the future in the thirteenth century and doing it oh so very obviously.

politics, myrandom

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