Breakeven (8/?)

Sep 23, 2009 21:10

TITLE: Breakeven
AUTHOR: naddypants
CHARACTERS: Ianto and Jack. Don't worry they'll get together in the end!
SUMMARY: With Lisa gone and Ianto left alone with a baby in a cold hospital, his life feels like its about to end. But will it? (OH NOES! What's this? Ianto's sick?)
WARNINGS: Completely and utterly AU. Turn back now if you don't like AU...Also, it's a bit sad in places.

A/N: Not much to  say really, but I guess I wrote this pretty spontaneously. I've been wanting to write AU for a while (you can blame 
just_being_me08 and her amazing Tales of a Time Agency(now finished) for that) and this story came along and it seemed to work. I really hope it does, as it's kind of close to my heart in a sense...Also, this chapter is dedicated to the amazing  melthorne  for being an awesome beta, and making me feel really good about this chappy, as always, and  just_being_me08  too as she never ever fails to put a smile on my face, and support my writing and generally be the source of all my confidence, as well as fixing my epic fails!

DISCLAIMER: I own the action figures, 'cause I'm cool like that. The actual series etc, belongs to RTD and the big ole Beeb. I can't afford to be sued, I'm still in school!

Part 1: ( 'Cause when a heart breaks, no it don't break even... )
Part 2: ( I'm sorry about the madness, but that's the way it's gotta be... )
Part 3: ( Throw me a lifeline. )
Part 4: ( You've got brown eyes like no one else... )

Part 5: ( Hush little baby... )
Part 6: ( I'm havin' fun, don't put me down.  )

Part 7: ( Who's going to find me? )

Ianto's mouth fell slightly open, his mind descending into a stunned silence, before a false lull, an innate calm settled upon his thoughts. He stood, in those moments, gazing into Jack's eyes, not entirely sure what to say or do. The calm was soon replaced with the harsh realisation that he was staring blankly at the man who had just asked him out on a date. He coughed bashfully, feeling his cheeks flood with a sudden wash of heat.

The flurry of thoughts that followed nearly overwhelmed him, the fore of which being the fact that Jack was staring at him, eyes wide and searching, before falling when he shook his head to rid himself of all the pointless worries that were bubbling up. Mentally kicking himself, Ianto opened his mouth to convey his true answer, before Jack could babble out a stream of nonsensical apologies.

"Jack, stop"

It was the other man's turn to be slightly slack-jawed as his eyes mirrored Ianto's not moments earlier; wide, unsure.

Ianto smiled, "Go on then"

"Is that a yes?"

"Why yes, I do believe it is. But first thing's first; you promised me a trip to my own house, and then we'd go back to the hospital"

And with that, Jack was a blur of motion, a Cheshire cat smile exploding across his face as he turned, grabbing the bag he'd left at the door filled with the things Dylan had requested (and a few he hadn't) in one hand, and his car keys in the other. He ushered Ianto out of the house and quickly locked up, before joining Ianto in the Jeep.


The journey to Ianto's flat was mostly silent save for the few directions Jack needed to get there. He seemed to know Cardiff far better than any American had the right to, Ianto thought, smiling to himself as he tried to push thoughts of the last time he was in the flat, with Lisa, and replace them with ones of how embarrassed he was at how small his own home was compared to Jack's. In reality, he was more worried about the emotions that were slowly threatening to overwhelm him as they reached the street he lived on.

"This one here Jack, thanks. I just need to grab a few things. Do...would you come in with me? I need to dust off the coffee machine anyway..." Ianto sighed, desperately trying not to sound pathetic, but knowing it wasn't really worth it.

And so Ianto hopped out of the car, pacing to the front door and not looking behind him to check that Jack was following. The sound of blood rushing through his ears enough to block out the sound of even the other car door slamming. It wasn't until the presence beside him was more solid, that Ianto was even able to turn the key and let himself in.

Opening the door was like ripping the plaster off a fresh wound. The stale smell of a life once ready to be lived hung in the air, the bitter tang of fresh paint still not shifted from the air despite the months since he'd painted the room they'd set aside for Cerys. Lifting the most recent post, Ianto looked around, noting that his mother had cleaned up on her visits to pick up clothes for him. Typical, he thought idly.

He turned to note Jack still standing awkwardly at the door, and realising what he must be feeling, he offered the other man a reassuring smile before ushering him in.

"As you can see, the living room is...well here. Make yourself comfy and I'll get the coffees on"

Nodding, Jack did as he was told, unconsciously shaking his head as he did so. The feeling of being inside the house of someone who had died recently never ceased to fill him with nervous energy.

"Black, no sugar, right?" Ianto called through from the next room.

Looking up and to the door of the kitchen where Ianto was leaning out, questioning look on his face, Jack nodded. "Yeah, that's the one"

"Just a minute then."

Flicking the switch to turn the machine off, Ianto turned to the counter, lifting out the sugar to take the bitter edge off his own drink. He pulled out the small tray from the cupboard also, shaking his head at the absurdity of the action, but knowing it was just a mad Health & Safety habit he'd picked up from work.

Walking the (pitifully) small distance from the counter to the door, and directly into the living room, Ianto paused, gazing at the man hunched over, elbows resting on his knees as he held his head in his hands. The stance was of a man in despair, but Ianto saw it for what it was...

Stepping into the room properly, Jack looked up, his posture changing completely, a smile bursting across his face as he accepted the coffee, "Thanks...mmmm smells wonderful"

Shrugging, Ianto gulped down his own and sighed, "It's been a long time since I've had a decent coffee..." He justified when he noted Jack staring at him questioningly, smirking and watching Jack sip his coffee before leaving to gather the things he needed.

Jack himself was rather surprised by the aromatic flavours currently attacking his senses. Humming in appreciation he smiled and stood, following Ianto to watch him as he threw things into a bag. There was something about the line of Ianto's shoulders, the pace at which he threw himself into things; not slowly, but well calculated, that Jack found himself respecting. It wasn't until the young man started coughing uncontrollably that Jack made his presence more obvious.

Placing the coffee down, and a steady hand on Ianto's back, he knelt down, the hand on his back rubbing soothing circles. "Ianto, are you okay?"

Ianto's steadily reddening face choked back a laugh as he rolled his eyes. He finally stopped coughing and replied, "Yes, I'm fine..."

Pensively, Jack stood up and lifted his coffee once more, not seconds before Ianto leaped to his feet, coughing once more and half-sprinting from the room. The gagging sounds that followed shortly after confirmed as Jack had thought earlier...


Not an hour later, a doctor at the Hospital confirmed the worst - Ianto had some sort of virus (Which one? Jack thought idly) and wouldn't be allowed to see Cerys for at least a week. The doctor then proceeded to bypass Ianto and tell Jack to keep an eye on him, and should he worsen in the next 24 hours, to bring him back for a blood test, causing both men to frown.

Jack hadn't intentionally went in with Ianto, but the young man had been overtly stubborn about going in, despite how visibly ill he was, and so Jack had followed him to ensure he told the doctor the truth, and not just mumbled about a cough and a hangover.

Upon leaving the office, Jack settled Ianto into the hospital cafeteria with a hot chocolate as he ran up to see Dylan.

Walking into the room, Jack saw the young boy's face light up, arms flung wide, awaiting a hug which Jack gave him willingly before dropping the bag he'd brought onto the end of the bed. "How are you Dylan?"

"I'm good. The Doc said I can go home next week," Dylan said, pushing a pair of comically large glasses up his nose.

Jack laughed and ruffled his hair. "Why on earth are you wearing those?"

"My eyes went funny when I was reading so I told Mrs Jones and she got a nurse and the nurse got my eyes checked and then they gave me these because they didn't have any little frames so I had to have adult ones and I think they're too big but I can see properly now so it's-"

"Woah woah woah," Jack cut in, laughing at the small boy's outburst. "Remember to breathe... Okay. So next week, you and me, we'll get you a cool pair of glasses then?"

"Yahuuuuh!" Dylan smiled, gripping Jack's shirt tightly. "Where's Ianto?"

"Ahh, Ianto's not well I'm afraid, so he's going to have to stay at home a while"

At the mention of Ianto's name, his mother turned around. She'd been politely allowing Jack a moment with his son, expecting Ianto to come in to visit Cerys after what she assumed was a discussion with Cerys' doctor.

"What's wrong with him?"

Jack sighed. "Sorry Mary, uhm, he woke up this morning and vomited, I thought it was just food poisoning until we went back to his place and he started coughing himself stupid. I took him to see the doctor and they told him he wasn't to see Cerys for at least a week"

"Is he okay?"

"He's down in the cafeteria if you want to see him. I can sit here if you want"

"Would you mind?"

"Not at all"


"Ianto Geraint Jones! I told you you'd worry yourself sick!"

Groaning, Ianto raised his head slightly to acknowledge the presence of his mother, before allowing it to fall forward again so he could breathe in the warm air still emanating from his hot chocolate, grasping it as if it was the last hot thing left on the planet as the rest of his body shivered involuntarily. "Mam, don't, please"

"Well I told you! And Rhi told you too! But you never listen do you?"

It was just at this moment that Ianto's cough decided to rear it's head once more, shaking his frame and making his throat feel all the more abrasive. He thought it cruelly ironic that he got ill after leaving one of the places he was probably most likely to catch some strange and exotic disease. Now, it felt like he'd caught the most hellish flu imaginable.

Of course his mother was fussing over him, when all he wanted was to be curled up in bed, sleeping, or just lazing around feeling sorry for himself. Shrugging her off, he sighed, "Mam, I just want to go home and sleep. Is Cerys okay?"

"Better than okay. Dr Harper said after her next surgery, all being well, you can take her home! I'll go tell Jack I'm taking you home. Your Dad hasn't seen you in-"

He slowly shook his head in response. "No Mam...I...just get Jack, he can drop me home...I'll see Dad after I get Ceri home, 'kay?"

Mary sighed and turned to walk away, before pausing and muttering, "You just better promise to look after yourself better. I know Cerys is important, but you've to take some time for yourself too"

Ianto simply groaned and let his feverish head fall forward and rest on his upturned hands while he waited for the gentle hand on the centre of his back that announced Jack's arrival.

Ahhh I know, I'm being cruel and making Ianto stay away from Cerys, but there is a good reason...all of which will be revealed next time. :D And it's nothing bad, so stop worrying! Anyways, please let me know what you think. Am I going in the right direction? Was it good? Bad? Missing something? Let me know. I loves comments. :D

breakeven, ianto jones, janto, captain jack harkness, jack

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