Immah write choo summink. Liek woah.

Oct 29, 2009 16:45

 I've been neglecting writing recently. I've been super (REALLY super) busy lately. Still, I've got bits and pieces down here and there, and there are two chapters of Breakeven that are nearly ready to go. Anyways, as I only really have time for this, I thought I'd throw out the line.

I stealied this from the lovely thehubsitter

The first TEN people to comment this post get to request a drabble of ANY pairing/character of their choosing (of ANY fandom) from me (with a prompt, if it pleases you to give me one). In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.

So enjoy, and feel free to request, and in return, I shall do my absolute best to get them done. ^^,

prompt, writing, writer's block, meme

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