My Week

Apr 12, 2012 09:06

Spring is seriously kicking my butt.

In other news, my computer's broken. Ahaha, such perfect timing when you consider the fact that my new job doesn't let me out until 6:30PM, meaning that I don't have the time in the morning or evening to take the thing to a service center. I think I'm more annoyed with the fact that I've lost access to being able to work at home. At least I have Wil to help me out ♥

I'm starting to pick up on work stuff a little more, though I still feel just as useless as I did on my first day. I do appreciate them tossing me a book to help, but the whole thing is in Korean. Never has it taken me so long to read one chapter of anything. If anything, at least I'll come out reading Korean super fast (though I still fail at comprehension).

So I'm finding myself falling into a bit of depression as of late. I guess it's the normal "omg, I'm at a new job and everything is changing as a result" phase I go through combined with this strange sense of loneliness. It actually makes me miss teaching. Most foreigners who come to Korea are here to teach in some way. While it's not exactly original, it does leave these people with those they can talk to and relate to on some level. They also have the comfort of working with English speaking co-workers who can help them out in case anything goes wrong. I seem to be in a unique situation where I don't have that. If I'm lost or don't understand something at my job, there's no one more experienced that I can talk to in a comfortable manner. I also seem to be struggling with a strange identity crisis where I don't get to wave around that foreigner card that so many others here can. Got blonde hair and blue eyes? Korea's your oyster, and everyone here wants to be your friend. Look Asian? No one gives a crap.

I think this odd form of racism is leaving me a little bitter. I'm also finding myself wanting to stay away from social situations. Wil's friends are great, but in the end, they're his friends. They're people I can't really relate to, and the only reason I get invited to anything is because I'm automatically associated with my guy. I don't like that.

Jeez, look at me going on and on like a 14 year old. I guess some things don't change.

~ Jen
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