One Week Update

Apr 18, 2012 02:03

So it's officially been a full week ever since I started working at an animation company. While I still suck at getting used to the tools I need to actually contribute anything, I'm still learning. It's a bit of a confidence boost whenever my friends on Facebook that have actually used the program tell me that I'm picking up on it quickly, though I wish the guy training me felt the same way. The poor guy seems so frustrated with me whenever I sit there looking confused. There's so much to learn, and not enough time!

On the bright side, I finally got to try my hand at character design today. There's apparently a new project that the boss wanted me to get involved in. I was basically requested to redesign the characters for this project, as she didn't like how the original stuff looked. Here's hoping the higher ups like the stuff I managed to get done today. Character sheets are so fun ♥ Really, it was just nice to feel like I was actually contributing something for once. It was nice to work with my usual tools of trade. Now if only I could do this kind of work all the time.

More good news~ My computer's been fixed. It's amazing how cheap it was to get it fixed here. I was able to get a brand new hard drive and had my data (the important stuff anyway) restored for less than $200USD. From what I remember, it was a lot more expensive to get this sort of crap fixed in the states. I love you, HP Service Center in Sangmu.

Speaking of which, it's insane how little time there seems to be in the day when you're working full-time. It wasn't until recently that I realized that this is the first time I've been working full-time ever since I came to Korea (not counting the subbing I did). It's a little frustrating whenever I have things that need to be done, but it's nice to know that I'm using my time to be productive instead of watching Food Network for hours while getting angry about the laundry. I just wish I could sleep better at night, as this staying up late thing is making work a little difficult. Sigh~ I miss the days when I could stay up until 4AM, only to wake up two hours later for work. These old bones just ain't what they used to be.

Anyways, time to try and catch some sleep. Wil's already snoring, so it's going to be a long night. I wonder if Korea sells anything to help with that. How do I always get stuck living with people that snore? Curse my Wolverine-like senses!

~ Jen

P.S. If you're reading this, I miss you.
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