Today's find.

Aug 19, 2012 03:09

Apparently, at some point, I wrote four pages in my little bedside notebook about an artifact known as the "Fork of Horripilation*."

I have no memory of writing this.

Perhaps it was Ms Knightley-Someday. Although if it was, I have to confess her handwriting looks nothing like I thought it would.

It's quite interesting. Perhaps I will contact her and ask if she knows anything about it, and would be willing to send pictures.

ETA: I have just retrieved the notebook and looked at it again. The excursus on the Fork of Horripilation is followed by a drawing of a pterodactyl ejaculating lightning bolts.

I cannot explain this, either.

* Horripilation: a real or fancied bristling of the hair of the head or body, resulting from disease, terror, chilliness, etc.

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