Signal boost on this one, please.

Aug 21, 2012 23:45

Help save the Lakota Sioux sacred homeland.

Pe' Sla is an area in the Black Hills of South Dakota (just west of Rapid City) that is considered by the Lakota people to be the Center and heart of everything that is. It is part of our creation story. It is a sacred place. We perform certain ceremonies at Pe' Sla which sustain the Lakota way of life and keep the universe in harmony. This area is currently owned by the Reynolds family.

They plan to auction off almost 2,000 acres on August 25, 2012 to the highest bidder. It is likely that the state of South Dakota will put a road directly through Pe' Sla and open up this sacred place for development.

The seven bands of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Oyate (people) aka Oceti Sakowin (Great Sioux Nation) have a collective effort to buy as much of Pe'Sla as we can at this auction (although we also believe that the land cannot be owned and that our sacred places were illegally taken by the United States). Yet we are trying to work within the current U.S. laws to regain custody of our sacred sites and prevent future road and industrial development. Our sacred ways must be protected and passed on to our future generations so that our children may live.

The thing about Indiegogo that is cool is that if you don't make goal, you still get to keep the money. The site just takes a larger cut. So anything you donate WILL be used! Every little bit helps buy more of the contested land.

And I gotta say, I like the fact that most of the incentives are, basically, knowing that you did the right thing.

I only heard about this yesterday, and that's a shame, because I wish I had been able to boost the signal sooner. They are really short of their goal, but since they DO get most of the money this is not a cause for losing hope or for not helping out because it's "pointless." This is the opposite of pointless. This is helping. And it's important.

So spread the word. And give what there is to give, even if that's just a dollar.

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