May 01, 2011 00:07
Found an absolutely gorgeous longhaired grey tabby cat on our porch tonight. She's got babies somewhere, feels like two to four from the state of her kitty nips. She's thin -- not dangerously, but still too thin for a nursing mother -- but appears in good health otherwise. We fed her two packets of squishy food, which she didn't seem familiar with, but got the hang of pretty quick. She has maybe the longest tail I've ever seen.
Definitely an outdoor cat, she has those sorts of reflexes and responses, but she's not feral. She's maybe a year old. A baby. She's extremely sweet and cuddlesome, but was very aggressive towards Fish when she saw her through the door, which is not good at all. We set up the cat carrier outside the door, in the woodpile, with some towels and such. We might get extremely lucky and find that she moved the babies there. I came in and washed up in case she has anything, but she looked clean.
I'm going to have to find where she's staying, if she belongs to anyone, and if her kittens are outdoors, I am going to have to do something about that. I don't even know what. At the very least, I'm going to have to get her spayed so she doesn't make more.
I don't know if I can handle the hiss-trionics of adding another cat to the household, let alone babies. Snarling, fighting, pissing . . . sigh.
And vet bills. Which I cannot afford.
At least she makes her own kitty formula.
*bangs head on wall*
I don't have any practice at not caring. Goddammit. Sometimes it fucking sucks having a conscience.
jesus christ it's a lion,