Really Good Kitten News

Oct 18, 2008 04:40

I promised kitty news.

First, go here and turn your speakers up for appropriate background noises. It's endless kitty purring!

Second, Hecate/Widdershins, the black cat who needed a home, has found someone! It was meant to be, apparently. Thank you to ladymairwen for passing the word along to the lucky new parent. I wish them both a bright future and a happy Halloween.

Third, oh my god you guys, oh my god, the cuteness. Remember that little calico kitten omimouse found who needed a home? That teeny-tiny kitten?

She is still tiny:

Those last two just break my heart with the cuteness. Furry guys with tiny kittens make me melt like a popsicle.

She is doing well, fighting with her purple hedgehog, and chewing on beards. Bless the three of you for taking care of her. It's stuff like this that gives me hope.

I want to thank all of you, too, for helping out with these things. I sometimes feel like I post about this stuff too much, like I'm going to turn into a mini kitty rescue community. Then again, lately, I've missed a couple of chances to post about things because I've been really busy, and I feel really bad about that too. I can't win for losing, I guess.

What I'm trying to say is I appreciate your patience, and your caring, and your generosity, and your goodheartedness. You people reading this? You are the only reason whatsoever I have any faith in my species left. You consistently prove to me that we actually do have a better nature.

Thank you for that, too.

kitty pics, cuteness, kittens, pics, cats, animals

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