Random Links

Oct 17, 2008 02:14

I bring you stuff.

First, I cannot embed the video, but you absolutely MUST go and see this video of an adorable baby bat being bottle-fed. SO CUTE.

Second, I bring you Mantyhose. No, let me rephrase that with an echo chamber: Maaaaaaaaantyyyyyyhoooooose!!! Let me state for the record that I have nothing against this idea that I don't have against pantyhose in general (uncomfortable, unhealthy, unsightly). But so long as nobody's making me look at a guy's fruit basket squished into a pantyhose crotch, we're good. It can even look attractive with the right outfit. But when you combine it with khaki shorts, the only term I can think of to describe it is savoir-fail.

Third, I bring you something else that alarms me. Celebrity life masks. I was okay, creeped out but still okay, all the way down past Linda Blair, Drew Barrymore, Angelina Jolie . . . I was even okay for the Gene Simmons one . . . and then I hit Christopher Walken and screamed aloud. I kind of want one, though, because Christopher Walken is pretty much terrifying, and I would love to mount this head inside my bathroom medicine cabinet, in a closet, a drawer, pretty much anywhere that people might snoop when they come into my house. And at the price, it's a great bargain. I mean, imagine all the screams of shock and horror that $15 could buy you! If only there were a way to camoflage it in a bunch of balloons. . . .

Fourth, this NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day was taken by a friend of my dad's while they were out at a starwatching party. He had a camera set up to take a picture every 30 seconds all night. My dad was right there when the meteor exploded, and said it flashed so bright it lit the ground up white, like lightning. Really cool! It's a beautiful photo. He told me about it before it came up on the NASA APOD site. I was pleased.

And, finally, Palin as President, an interactive Flash-based . . . thingy. Mouse around the room and click on stuff. Try clicking things more than once. It's total hilarity. You need sound, though.

Anyway. News. House painting is going slowly. For various reasons I've been doing it mostly by myself. The greatroom is more than half done, and we can probably finish it Saturday. I still have no idea what to do about the drywall.

There is a ton of stuff I want to take pictures of and share with you but I've been so wiped out from the redecorating that I can barely think straight, let alone find time and energy to set up backdrops and chase the sunlight.

Tomorrow, there is happy kitty news, and maybe some pictures! Right now, I have to try to get some sleep before I go out of my mind. Well, more out of my mind. It's all relative.

randomness, links

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