May 28, 2007 01:32
i know, i know... its been a long time. i guess you can say i've been bz with my bf? yeah, almost everyday im at his house... doing? WHATEVER. what ever comes to mind we do. lol. riiiiight. nothing like that. we just chill and watch dvds and then sleep.
well, my old buddy francisco "kiko" left for vegas on saturday. we had a chill party on friday @ monica's bf's place. drinking and smoking... stuff. right when we came back from the car to get mr bubb, we chilled right in front of the house with monica, chris, and me.. with a whole bunch of others. puff puff pass right? when it landed on me the 2nd time, right when i was hitting it, monica warned me.. "hey, popos!" but she said it in a calm voice. i looked up and scared shitless out of my pants i blew the smoke out and tossed mr bubb in the plants... spilling the stinking water in the pot! hahahaha. poor plant. we went back inside towards the backyard and sat down.. waiting for the police to leave. wow. i was shaking... i couldnt feel my legs, i had to hold on to chris for support. he said "dont be scared, they got nothin on us." but i was more worried that they might search the front of the house and find mr bubb.. break it or take it.. or ask who owns it. catch me or chris.. NOT GOOD. plus, mr bubb is very special. he's the first one we've ever owned. been through a lot.. poor mr bubb. anyway, right when we walked out with that damn light pointed right towards us.. one of the cop cars sped up right next to me. what a fucking dick head. i hate cops. fucking pigs. almost hit me!!! :-P before we left, i got my piece back where i stashed it and went back to chris' place. 4 bowls total for that whole day.
yes, the party was raided.. first for me and i was scared... i was fuckin scared. i thought, for a second, i was going to get caught. *phew*
alright... a month before chris' bday! im getting him a skateboard, wheels, trucks, bearings?, charger for xbox360 controller... brunch @ the park, chillax @ the beach. maybe go to pat's @ night for some drinks and play pool. not quite sure what to do @ night time. still have to ask his boys if they want to join us @ pat's. OOOO!!! i have to bake him a cake too! and maybe some ganja brownies? hahahha..
i love chris.
i miss him... havent talked since last night's argument. he didnt even call me when he got home from work..... im sad.