My BFF's keeper and why I have been more or less ignoring my f-list

Jul 08, 2009 12:55

BFF is indulging herself in the bed after three nights of having to wake up before 9. It's 12.30 p.m. now, just got up myself, I can hear my body screaming at me to GET A ROUTINE BITCH, YOUR FRENETIC WAKING SCHEDULE IS MESSING WITH MY PHOTOSENSITIVE HORMONES, buuuut I'm all TALK TO THE HAND, BODY. Okay so this just got weird. Change of subject.

Last few days were really tiring, it was a loooong train ride to Athens, we decided we were not bothered to go to Scorpions after all (sacrilege?) and yes that does mean that we wasted a ten-hour trip back and forth, booked a hotel and bought the tickets for naught. I-- can't explain why we decided against it, for myself it was a twisted reverse psychology: I just wanted to be contrary to all the trouble. So instead we took a walk down town Athens, (no not for sightseeing, we could pull off the map-holding tourist act so much) discovered a French bookshop, and then we visited my long lost brother at his new bachelor pad.

Never two words were used to describe something sooo eloquently. He. Has a pool table. And a dart board. And a fridge that more or less contains only beer and milk. And two lazy boys in front of a 40-inch flat-screen TV. FFS! It was fun! I'm seriously considering going down to Athens again for the NIN concert, in order to redeem myself of course and with absolutely no purpose to indulge myself in front of my bro's TV oh no.

OK BFF is up. We must go in search of food and a valiant quest this will be.

P.S. She has been converted. Took me seven months but she will be drinking water in The Rarmitage's name now. HA!

rl, ra

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