(no subject)

Jul 01, 2009 00:40

Aaaaand exam period is OVER. For now. I treated myself with Vivian Vande Velde's Companions of the Night as a compensation. Holy shit! Ethan/Michel is one of the bestest vampires I have ever read! Which makes me think I really haven't read enough vampire books--good vampire books, the proper kind. I haven't even read Stoker's Dracula. I am a little very ashamed of myself. Not that Ethan/Michel isn't that good, au contraire HOLY SHIT where has he been all my life? This guy, who btw is (probably) older than the USA but looks twenty, has lied through his pointed teeth for at least 80% of the novel, is absolutely infuriating (no really, he's impossible, if I were Kerry I'd have smacked him up the head with that newspaper/pillow/potato chips bag, repeatedly. Probably staked him too while he slept. ANNOYING GIT!), makes no apologies, is quite happy with his vampiric existence (ok this is redeeming. how many vampires do YOU know that admit to like being vampires?), and basically you have no idea what he's really like except that maybe he has a soft spot for Kerry. I mean FFS! you only learn that his name is (probably) Michel in the last couple of lines of the book! After he tries to make Kerry into a vampire but maybe not really, he just wanted to neck her WHAT?

It was great!

Oh oh if you haven't read it, the book is about a girl who accidentally stumbles onto a group of amateur vampire hunters about to kill a boy who they claim is a vampire. The girl, Kerry, helps the boy, Ethan (Michel?) and they both escape and all seems to be over. The next day however Kerry's father and brother are missing and Kerry suspects and with good reason that the vampire hunters were right about Ethan all along, but!

Anw I have never read Vivian Vande Velde before and this was quite a shock to me, how good it was. I feel impulsed to look for more books of hers. I loved how intelligent Kerry was. Such a wonderful change from stupid heroines who get off unscathed out of dumb luck. Although she does fall for the vampire who would eat her. Okay so this book isn't exactly consistent. Oh who the hell am I kidding, I'm a Guy/Marianite, I've told consistency to fuck off and die a long time ago.

Ah, also, I have discovered I am unable to imagine of any male protagonist as anything other than blond (Michel has black hair and blue eyes. Perfectly acceptable characteristics otherwise!). This-- is annoying. ALRIGHT YOU BOOKS! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A LITTLE CHAT. *rounds up her book collection* WHO WAS IT THAT SPOILED ME EH? WAS IT YOU THOMAS? HOWL? I SEE YOU THERE TRYIN TO HIDE BEHIND THAT FAN VIDANRIC, I BLAME YOU TOO! FRANCIS REMOVE THAT GINORMOUS CODPIECE NECK RUFFLE AND STOP SLOUCHING NONCHALANTLY! I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION DAMMIT!! Look at this poor evil fellow here whose name I just found out is (probably) Michel but I've been calling him Ethan all day. Don't you care that he's been given an Extreme Makeover: The Blond Antihero Edition(TM) in my head when he's done nothing to deserve it? What? What do you mean it's my fault? What does Malfoy fan fiction have to do with anything? Don't be ridiculous! {nervous laughter}

Now, this book, I see it's been compared to Annette Curtis Klause's Silver Kiss which I haven't read because I kinda recoiled from it after finding out the ending (plus I imagine it to be much more emo). But CotN gripped me hard and I just had to read on for all the potential non HEA. Look, I need HEA's I can't help it, if I don't get a HEA in a good book I will be distraught for days; perhaps one day I'll talk about my hatred towards unnecessarily cruel, sad endings *coughdarkmagiciantrilogycough* but I don't want to taint this. But CotN wasn't like that at all. It leaves you the choice to imagine an ending for yourself in a way that books that promise sequels do not.

And it's great!

And ummm there are elements that've made my mind go dingdingdingdingding LABYRINTH!!! It's rather hard not to as there are: a veritable villain of a protagonist, who is very much older than the heroine, and spends the entire novel manipulating her, an absent mother, a baby brother in danger, growing up, choices. That is totally in this book's favour. So yeah!

In other RL news my BFF is coming to Thess(aloniki) on Saturday. She'll be staying for 10 days during which we shall spend a night in Athens in order to go to the Scorpions concert. Apart from that I've no idea what else we'll be doing together. Probably read books and drink choc cream frappuccinos at Starbucks (Yay! It's our thing. Starbucks is a haven. Yes. That is sad.). I must order books! And make my dingy place presentable! Waah laundry...

rl, books, vampires!

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