Jan 24, 2010 18:07
Life in La Crosse, went from boring to nuts. After I worked my weekend I spent about 4 days home alone since Charlie wasn't back in town yet. Charlie got back on Thursday afternoon and we decided to go out.
This place downtown called the Arena has ladies night on Thursdays so we got free drinks! We went and played a couple games of pool before deciding to explore what was upstairs. Low and behold we found a dance floor! It was pretty sweet. Charlie and I spent some time just kind of chilling until we ran into our friend LB's boyfriend. It was funny because he originally hadn't made a very good impression with us. But he pretty much protected us all night. While we were there a guy offered to help Charlie "get something off her shirt", an older guy helped us find a place for our stuff behind the bar and bought be a drink because he thought I was at the concert earlier that night, a black guy threw his arm around me and asked me if I worked out, and a really nice guy gave me his number. So this was out of the ordinary enough, but wait, it gets better
The next night Charlie and I went out with the kid I gave my number to, Palmer. Well his last name is Palmer, first name Aaron. He was a really sweet kid and we went to a bunch of different places downtown. After we finished out at the bars we went back to our place. Palmer was playing around with our guitars and stuff before we decided to watch a movie. Palmer and I were snuggley and we ended up making out. This kid is an awesome guy. He's emotional, creative and artistic. Him and I really clicked, but obviously Jordan came to mind in all of this. I felt kind of bad about it the next day and I was talking to Charlie about it. She told me not to feel bad because everything happens for a reason. I embraced it, and decided to do my best to not let it get to me.
So I go to work and everything and everything is normal. I clock out at 10 and try to get some sleep. I missed a couple calls from Tietze and Kyle then got texts from Tietze saying that my friend Mike was 'no longer with us', but then another one saying he was in critical condition because he'd fallen and hitten his head. So of course I'm flipping out. I'm supposed to work at 6 the next morning and obviously I'm getting like no sleep. While this was happening I was getting texts from Palmer while he was at work. He was telling me how he wanted me to come over for breakfast, but I told him I couldn't because I worked at 6. Well Palmer worked until 6:30 that morning, and after he was off he called me. He was going on about how he was wondering how people would react if he were to die, and that his life was too hard for him to deal with it anymore. So of course I'm bawling on the phone with this kid I just met like 2 days ago, trying to convince him not to kill himself. I'm not sure why I took it so hard, or cared so much for someone I barely know, but I could practically feel my heart breaking. He would keep hanging up and I would keep calling back. This went on for about an hour before I finally got his address and found someone to come into work for me for a couple hours. I went over to his apartment and he was outside the building smoking with a friend. I gave him a hug, and we went inside. I tried not to say too much because I didn't want to risk saying the wrong thing or anything that would give him a wrong impression of any kind.
Friday night I had explained to him that I didn't want to be that girl that lead him on or broke his heart and talked about the whole situation with Jordan. But because I had made out with him and was taking time to go make sure he was alright I didn't want to say the wrong thing. I told him I was glad he was safe, as I had already said a lot on the phone, and just pretty much kept him company. He had worked a 12 hour shift, so he tried to get some sleep. I layed with him and I think I fell asleep a little bit too. Around 10:30 I told him I had to go, asked him if he was okay, told him to get some sleep, and that he could call me if he needed to. Of course as soon as I was back at work I just started worrying again. I texted him and told him to let me know sometime tonight how he was feeling and he texted me and told me he was okay.
Also while I was at work I tried to get more information on my friend Mike. I texted Joe, who used to be his roommate, and he proceeded to call me and tell me it was a joke that "they didn't expect to blow up so bad". Needless to say I was pissed. But I was so drained emotionally I couldn't rightly express it. I told Joe how dumb they were for doing it and that it was fucked up. Joe apologized and agreed it was out of line. He commented on how tired I sounded and I told him the jist of the story about Palmer. I think it made him feel worse about the joke, but I'm strangely okay with it.
This weekend was the largest example of "everything happens for a reason" I'd ever experienced. I just kept thinking about how we were led to one another and why God decided that I should be at that club and meet this person because He knew I would be needed later. And the more I think about it the farther back it goes. Charlie and I wouldn't have stayed long enough for me to have met Palmer if it weren't for Joel being there. We wouldn't know Joel if LB wasn't dating him. She wouldn't be dating him if she hadn't met him at Crossfire and the list goes on.
Never again will I deny any plans that God has for my, or anyone else's life, because I know it's all part of some wonderful plan.