mixed recs

Oct 15, 2008 21:35



mixed recs

Title: A Small Percent of Me
Author: mizface
Fandom: due South
Character: Fraser
Rating: G
Prompt: “All of You” by Cole Porter

Title: Because of You Chapter
Authors: Sairalinde & Anorienparker
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Faramir/Haldir
Summary: Faramir is sent to Helm’s Deep, where he almost dies saving Haldir. In doing so, Haldir,
whose only hope was to die there himself, becomes responsible for the
Disclaimer: No money was made from this story and all characters belong to the incredibly talented Mr. JRR Tolkien and his estate.

Title: Bon Matin Is French For Good Morning
Author: soft_princess
Pairing: Giles/Xander.
Fandom: BtVS
Summary: Canada's a very big country, that's one thing Xander remembers from his high school
geography lessons. It's big, and it's north of the US, and some places of it are really cold. That's about it.

Title: Creeping Around In My Head
Author: lazy_daze
Reader: juice817
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17

Title: Looking for Trouble
Author: realsies
Pairing: Spike/Angel
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters belong to other people; I'm just playing.
Summary: Bored by the daily life of a businessman and looking a
distraction, Spike picks up a young hustler and quickly finds that
'distraction' is an understatement.
Warnings: Uh, human AU, angst, violence, prostitution, non-con, dub-con,
mentions of drug use, BDSM, toys, humiliation, and some others I'm sure I'll think of later.
A/N: Plotty chapter. Yay. There's some smut at the end though, so please hang in there...

Title: Scar Tissue
Author: Rimau
Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Email address: rimaufic@yahoo.co.uk
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hell hath no fury…

Title: The Hunt
Author: Rimau
Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Email address: rimaufic@yahoo.co.uk
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Highlander
Summary: Methos joins Connor MacLeod on a hunt. Who's the prey?

Title: The Matchmaker
Author: Rimau
Email address: rimaufic@yahoo.co.uk
Fandom: Highlander
Pairings: Duncan/Methos
Date: December 1998 (revised May 2000)
Disclaimers: Not mine, borrowed without permission, am not making any money. Please don't sue.
Summary: Connor MacLeod and Adam Pierson go to rescue Duncan from a homicidal cult.

ats, ds, lotrs, hl, due_south, rps, recs, due-south, buffy

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