SPN recs

Oct 18, 2008 12:41

SPN recs

Title: An Offer He Can’t Refuse (bottom-dean)
Author: softbluebuddy
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: None
Word Count: 100
Part 1 is here: http://softbluebuddy.livejournal.com/86994.html#cutid1
Links to each subsequent part at the bottom of each piece.

Title: Half A Life
Author: Lonnie
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, Trickster
Summary: Dean's deal is almost done and Sam's beyond desperate. With one last idea he goes to find the demon that will be the owner of his big brother's soul with an offer that surprisingly enough is accepted!
Link to fanfiction.net:

Title: Hate Me
Author: claudia_lexan
Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Category: angst, drama, AU
Summary: what if Dean was the little brother. Sam still went away to college but he left his little brother with his dad figuring, foolishly, that he could trust his old man to take care of him.
Notes/Warnings: slash in later chapters

Title: Hot in the Parking Lot (bottom!Sam)
Author: eclecticxdetour
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: public!sex, fellatio,
Summary: Porn.
A/N: I was trying to get the next installment of the "Never Mess With a Winchester" universe done, but it just wasn't going where I wanted it to. However, this little idea hit me when we were driving home for Fall Break and I wrote it in about an hour or so. I hope you enjoy :]

Title: In One Easy Lesson
Author: Ladyjanelly
Fandom: SPN RPS
Pairing: non-sexual Jared/Jeff (really, it makes sense), Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: BDSM-- 100% Safe, sane, consensual bondage, domination, submission, pain-play
“He’s not weak to want this,” Jeff says as his eyes cut over Jensen's way.
first part here

Title: Save Me From Myself
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Summary: [Based on 04x04 Metamorphosis] Sam doesn't manage to convince Dean that he
hasn't gone too far with using his powers. That has a destructive effect on their brotherly love.
Is it too late when Sam finally starts realizing what he's done?
Warnings: H/C, some angst/drama

Title: The Looking Verse
Author: ysbail
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-con, Dean/OMC, Dean/OMC, allusions to Dean/Sam
Summary: It started with a look, with the way John saw people looking at his son. It ends with Dean having to live with it.
A/N: Déjà vu? It’s possible. These stories were originally posted as ‘The Look’, ‘None So Blind’ and ‘Too Dark To See’.
And now, after editing them, I’m posting them again - more than 2 years after the first one was originally written.

Title: Unexpected Company
Author: dotfic
Rating: Gen, PG-13, preseries
W/C: ~7,200
Disclaimer: They all belong to people who aren't me.
a/n: Written for innie_darling's birthday. This started with a double drabble I posted earlier this
year, It's Just One of Those Days. Insightful beta reading by smilla02, who nudged and poked
and guided and refused to settle for less.
Summary: The one where John has wings, Sam is a toddler, Dean is seven, and Bobby is in way over his head.

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