Mixed slash recs

Oct 13, 2008 18:35

Due South recs









Mixed slash recs

Title: Daiki
Author: Geri-chan
Pairing: Leon/D
Rating: R , mostly PG-13
Sequel to: This can be considered a continuation of my earlier series of stories (Revenge
The Day After, Spirits, Blodeuedd), but it can stand on its own as my version of what happens after Book 10.
Summary: A crossover between Petshop of Horrors by Matsuri Akino and Dolls by Yumiko Kawahara. Raphael
is introduced to the petshop inhabitants, and an unexpected visitor drops by the San Francisco petshop.

Author: viggorlibean3 & okinay
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Rating: NC17
Warning: No disrespect intended to the clergy
Note1: Co-writing exercise fueled by prompt ‘hands and knees’
Note2: This story (and other co-written offerings) will be housed at our personal comm - texas_slash. Head over and JOIN so you can get in on the action!

Title: Curry
Author: Geri-chan
Pairing: Leon/D
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Stand-alone fic, not part of the series that starts with "Revenge"--D and Leon are not a couple in this story. (Or you can picture it as a prequel, since I use the same OC wolf pet, Lupin.) A sort of crossover with Revolutionary Girl Utena; none of the characters from that story appear, but I did borrow the device of the body-switching curry powder from one of the anime episodes. Due to an accident involving the curry, D and Leon switch bodies.

Title: Be the One
Author: Aingeal
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG
Prompt: Sing like you think no one's listening/
You would kill for this, just a little bit, just a little bit, you would...
Sing something soft, sad and delicate, or loud and out of key, sing me anything/
We're glad with what we've got, done with what we've lost...
(Existentialism on Prom Night - Straylight Run)
Kink: Gentleness
Notes/Warnings: Huge thanks to andeincascade for last minute support, advice and beta.

Title: Fade To Black (Not While Your Hand’s In Mine) Ch 2/18
Author: runedgirl (Lynsey)
Rating: NC17 soon - these chapters PG13
Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/demon!Dean
Summary: The brother that Sam gets back isn’t the same, but Sam’s love is. Sam risks everything and leaves everyone he’s ever cared about behind in the desperate hope that the bond between him and Dean might just be strong enough to transcend what hell did to him.
Set post Season 3, seven months after Dean’s deal came due and written over the summer before it was AU, this story just kept writing itself and wouldn’t let go until it was an epic love story in every sense, eventually spanning five decades with enough twists and turns to make me dizzy.
Warning: Spoilers for S3 finale; some violence; Wincest (obviously)

Title: Sea
Pairing: OB/VM
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Written for the Viggos 50 challenge at viggos_50
Summary/Notes: OK - there is a plan (sort of). These ficlets will form a continuous narrative (hopefully) and should be read consecutively. My intention is to take the prompt words in order because I am (a) lazy and (b) lacking in imagination, so this may well lead to all sorts of wild and spurious interpretations.
The link to my table is here.

lpoh, spn, recs, due-south, due_south, rps, lotr

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