30 january 2010 @ 02:52 am
http://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/tag/psoh+master+listhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/85693.htmlhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/psohhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/lpsohhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/count-d/leonhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/coun-d/leonhttp://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/29489.html?mode=replyhttp://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/37275.html?mode=replyhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/leon/dhttp://mysticdreamer32.dreamwidth.org/tag/psoh Title:. Enough
Author:The One Who Dwells In Darkness
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: D/Leon
Summary/an :Detective Leon Orcot has never felt like he's acceptable. Reviews feed the soul
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5641463/1/Enoughhttp://www.fanfiction.net/u/2073426/The_One_Who_Dwells_In_Darkness Title: Enough is Enough
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble, #289 - Left Behind
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/869911.html Title: El Dorado, Chapter One
Fandom: Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: PG
Summary: A few people said they wanted to see what exists of my Leon-in-the-Amazon story, even though it's a WIP. So here it is. But caveat lector: this is a WIP, and much of it is pretty rough, especially the later chapters. There are a few gaps in chapter three where I've put [Leon does blah blah blah] to cover up what hasn't yet been written. Also, D doesn't appear; it's just Leon running around, doing shit, being Leon. If you don't like reading rough drafts that cut off abruptly, you can wait until I've finished the thing, which will eventually happen though not soon.
Warnings: Spoilers for the whole first series and what exists of the new one.
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/271902.htmlhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/272309.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/272434.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/272760.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/272918.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/272918.html?thread=3110678#t3110678 Title:Feelings
Author:The One Who Dwells In Darkness
Rating: PG-13
Summary: D never acts on impulses. Reviews feed the soul.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5599391/1/Feelingshttp://www.fanfiction.net/u/2073426/The_One_Who_Dwells_In_Darkness Title: Feels Like Coming Home
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble. Challenge #293 - Different Holiday
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/885215.html Title: Fever
Author: naki_taoreru
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot and Count D
Notes: psohdrabble. Challenge #277 - Strange Healin
http://naki-taoreru.livejournal.com/2748.html Title: First Day
Author: Branch
Genre: Fluffy Drama
Rating: G
Characters: D, pets
Summary: D opens the shop on his own for the first time.
http://www.branchandroot.net/archive/2006/11/first-day/ Title:[Fic] Pet Shop of Horrors
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: Nothing that isn't kid-safe.
Word Count: 436
Warning: Major spoilers for the end of the Pet Shop of Horrors manga.
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/423777.html#cutid1 Title: Fifty Sentence
Author: Susan
Rating: G-PG
Characters/Pairing: Leon/D in some of them.
Notes: Okay, I'm not sure if this counts as fanfiction, but I think it sorta-does-kinda, so I'm posting it. This was my... contribution to 1sentence. Basically, it's fifty sentences of PSoH, with vague spoilers and absolutely no innuendo whatsoever. Really. At all. *coughs*
#12 was due to reading Sadie, Sadie I'll bet.
There is DEFINITELY no innuendo in number 48.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/6320.html Title: Guns N Roses
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/ Leon
Warnings: None.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/45406.html Title: Habit
Author: feather_qwil
Pairing: D/ Leon
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Challenge: VERY LOOSE interpretation of Temps Mort's 'Good Luck Charms'.
http://feather-qwill.livejournal.com/9317.html?mode=reply Title: Haunted
Author: Susan
Word Count: 1232
Rating: G apart from the swearing
Characters: Leon, D
Notes: Yes, I did blow an evening on this. It's a response to the fanfic100 challenge "Fire" and contains spoilersliekwoah. As usual.
Sumarry: The pet shop's haunted. Everyone knows that.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/6558.html Title:Honeymoon
Author tigersilver
Pairing: Leon X D
Rated: R
I am not feeling well and am thus posting, cause I can write with a fever, apparently. I thought they should have a honeymoon, of sorts, since I didn't think living together would be all that easy for them.
Hope you like it; please leave me a comment or 2.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29028.html Title: I'm Half Crazy
Author: Rex Luscus (rexluscus)
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,359
Pairing: D/Leon
Notes: Revised and reposted because I inadvertently echoed the phrasing of a far better story. Spoilers for the end of the series. In my world, Leon grew up in New York; just so you know. Many thanks to aubrem for her help/
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/13104.html Title: Insufferably Human
Author: aishuu, at home at quillofferings
Wordcount: 585
Taunt: My fandom will eat yours.
Note: Written per request for murasaki_plum
http://community.livejournal.com/100fandomhell/5825.html Title:Incubus
Author tigersilver
Pairing: Leon X D
Rated: R
Smex! And only smex! No sign of a plot here, ok? Not even a dribble....be warned. ^_^
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/46905.html Title: Into the Woods
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: NC-17 for language, sexual content, and Hermaphrodite!D
Type: One-shot
Characters Involved: Leon Orcot and Count D
Notes: This was written for (and cross-posted to) the LiveJournal community, psoh_fqf. Prompt #100 - D and Leon go camping.
I want to thank osami_marie for reading over this for me.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/17450.html Title:Instinct
Author: PowerfulPinapple
Pairing: D/Leon
Type: Oneshot
Summary/an :Of many things that were in the world, one thing took all to hell. DxLeon. NC-17. Bacically no damn plot
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5655992/1/Instinct Title: Lambs and Lions
Author: Jessi B.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Tet-chan/Chris
Notes: Written at work with no MS Word, thus no spell checking. You
are warned. Just a random thought done in about two hours...
Spoilers for the end of the manga series.
Summary: Sometime life takes unexpected turns.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/3006.html Title: Lack
Author: Stormie
Rating: PG-13 for brief (mild) language
Type: One shot
Characters involved: Leon, D
Notes: The usual "Leon can't stand D being gone" deal, I'm afraid. This was a birthday fic for my dear glitterbats. The link leads to my writing journal.
http://nadirickaiser.livejournal.com/11478.html Title: Language Barrier
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble. Challenge #294 - Foreign Language
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/887953.html Title: Leon get's a clue
Paring: D/Leon
Summary: written for the exuberance prompt.
http://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/124849.html Title: Lost
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: R for language
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble. Challenge #292 - Alcohol
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/879935.html Title: Lemon Curd
Pairing: Leon /Count D
Rating: NC-17, R
Warnings: A brief non-con session early on, but it isn't really all that non-con. Also, you may get dizzy when you read this - I did. Try sitting down, maybe eating some chocolate.)
Comments: Several (wonderful!) people have written dream sequences, here and elsewhere, and I was intrigued, so I tried my hand at it. There's a reference or two to other fics I've written for PSOH, so if you don't know Hamlin, don't worry. The outfit D is wearing is modeled on the one from Dynasty and he wears soemthing similar here and there in the illustrations. I have been rereading PSOH madly and grow even more amazed at the subtext. Matsuri-sensei is a genious!. As always, I don't own or claim these characters, although I think I might like to live with them, because I have a serious sweet tooth.
Title: Lovely Cakes
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Word Count: 400
Warnings: takes place after volume 10 and in Fumi Yoshinaga's Antique Bakery 'verse
Summary: While in Japan, D finds a special cake shop with a special chef
http://kanzenhanzai.livejournal.com/135635.htmlbonus fic
http://kanzenhanzai.livejournal.com/175514.html?thread=341402#t341402 Title: Looking
Author: Rex Luscus (rexluscus)
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Hermaphrodite!D. Because it makes sense, damnit. Suggestions of exhibitionism. And if you are looking for an actual story, look elsewhere, because this is PORN.
Summary: The blessing and curse of sleeping with a gorgeous creature like D is that everyone wants to be you.
Notes: Oh, and by the way: PORN.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/12499.html Title: Looking for someone like you
Characters: Leon, D, OFCs (Leon/OFCs, implied Leon/D)
Rating: R (For vaguely described sex.)
Word Count: 647
Notes: So, once upon a time there was a porn battle over at InsaneJournal, and once upon a time someone posted a PSoH prompt along the lines of "Came from Bahrein, got to Beirut / Looking for someone comparing to you / Tearing down windows and doors / And I could not find eyes like yours." Even if I had been able to post this on time, this still wouldn't be a response to to that prompt. Pleasedon'tkillmeforwritingth
http://community.livejournal.com/inkandkarma/tag/petshop+of+horrors Title:Long Time Travelling
Author: Nym
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: NC-17
Summary:When Leon went looking for D, he got lost. Really lost. 40kb
http://nym.amplexus.org/earlier/psoh/Long_Time_Travelling.htmlFrom the Timestamp Meme, a ficlet set 10 years after the events of Long Time Travelling
http://nym.amplexus.org/earlier/psoh/Timestamp2_LongTimeTravelling.html Title: Lost Lives
Author: Lithium Delusions
Rating: PG 13 (just to be on the safe side)
Pairings/characters: Papa D and Vesca
Notes: This sprang to mind after viewing a pic of NovaRaven done up as an amazing Papa D, standing next to a glass case full of plants. A little wander into how Daddy D took his vengeance as far as he did. Madness does lots of thing to people, even Kamis. The character that he mentions in his madness is our OC Entai, who appears in our "Wicked" PSOH fics. I may repost those later here.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/16694.html Title: Life-Cycle
Author: Vix
Rating: PG to PG-13, I suppose.
Type: Very strange one-shot thing.
Characters involved: D and Papa D. I think.
Notes: This thing is screwy. I know I'll regret showing it to anyone tomorrow, so best put it up now before I have the chance to hate it. Terrible way to introduce myself, I know, but oh well. Beware, I have no idea what I was thinking...
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/2792.html Title: Little Petshop of Horrors
Author: Katharos
Fandom: Crossover, Little Shop of Horrors/Petshop of Horrors
The many similarities, not to mention the fact that I keep stumbling over the titles, were practically begging for a crossover. Probably need to have seen both to get all the jokes.
http://antique-land.livejournal.com/10894.html#cutid1 Title: Lips of Wine
Author: Thia
Rating: R
Type: One shot
Characters involved: Leon, D (Leon/D)
Summary: "...whenever I need you, all I have to do is dream."
Notes: I did not create these characters. Terrible shock, that. Woe. Spoilers up through volume 4.
http://karolja.livejournal.com/29511.html Title:Mirage
Pairing:Grandpa D/D/Leon
Summary: Grandpa D meets Leon
http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?cid=206507&submit=View+Chapter&id=65631http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?cid=206508&submit=View+Chapter&id=65631 Title: Marathon
Author: Anodracs
Rating: G
Word count: 151
Characters: Leon, Count D, Chris, Pon-Chan
Notes: Response to challenge #275. Another response to the current challenge may be coming soon, as I don't like the overt fluffiness of this drabble.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/409678.html#cutid1 Title: Mix-Up
Author: naki_taoreru
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot and Count D
Notes: psohdrabble Challenge #275 - Movie Night
http://naki-taoreru.livejournal.com/2190.html Title: Midnight Encounter
Author: naki_taoreru
Rating: NC-17
Type: One shot
Characters involved: Count D and Leon Orcot
Notes: I wrote this ages ago for 30_lemons, but at the time the couple was already claimed.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/19637.html Title: Moth
Author: mystiri_1
Pairing: Leon/D
Rating: R
Warnings: kind of spoilerish if you haven't finished the manga. And mentions of male/male sex.
Summary: Although they claim to despise all humans, D suspects his kind have a weakness for some...
http://mystiri-1.livejournal.com/32383.html#cutid1 Title: Mysterium Tremendum
Author: Haruyuki
Word Count: 1159
Rating: PG
Notes: The link goes directly to ff.net. Apologies in advance for any inconvience this might cause, but the thought of sifting through the whole thing and adding lj-tags made me cringe. :P
Summary: A Leon and D post-series sort of thing.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2782988/1/ Title: Nián
Author: Thursday Saint Giles
Rating: NC-17
Type: One shot
Characters involved: Chris/Tet-chan, mention of Leon/D
Notes: D tells Chris the myth behind Chinese New Year, of the coming of the beast Nián and his desire for human flesh. Prompt 95 (New Year's) for my fanfic100.
Author's Notes: Pretty much spoiler free. Takes place AU, where book ten didn’t happen, or happened very differently. Future fic.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/18332.htmlTitle: Not In Love With You
Author: Enaty
Rating: pg
Disclaimer: Leon and D.
Claimer: Their thoughts are mine.
Author's Notes: There's a great difference between being in love and feeling love towards someone. So please remember to read this carefully.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5663898/1/Not_in_Love_with_You Title:No Reservations
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: Leon / D
Word Count: 99! [Rejoice! Rejoice! For the first - and only time - I'm below the sacred 100! Verily!]
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/408328.html#cutid1 Title: Not Quite Paradise - Chapter 1
Author lostangelssong
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors - with a minor dash of Trauma Center: Under the Knife
Rating: PG-13 at least for this chapter
Warning: Lots of profanity, flashbacks, reincarnation, possible errors about certain medical professions, minor crossover, pregnant kami, Many people named D, sequelfic,
Spoilers: Volume 10 of the Petshop of Horrors manga is mentioned, and will likely continue to be so. The Papa D/Vesca side story from Petshop of Horrors: Tokyo might also be referenced. Also, this is a direct sequel to my fic Same Words Different Situation, so there will be plenty of spoilers for that as well.
http://lostangelssong.livejournal.com/101085.html Title: Not So Very Far
Author: rexluscus
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairing: D/Leon
Notes: Response to Challenge #141, 'Distance.' New member here. Hi!
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/210450.html Title: On a Clear Day
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: R
Type: One-shot
Characters Involved: Leon Orcot and Count D
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, 30_cuddles. Theme #19 - ‘sparks; fireworks’
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/4816.html Title: One Last Smoke
Author: rilo (me)
Rating: PG-13/R, for Leon's mouth
Pairing: D/Leon. (No heart attacks please.)
Warnings: Character death
Notes: Originally written and posted in my journal in December of '06. Betaed recently by the wonderful parallelpatriot, who's
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/23771.html Title:One Evening
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: Leon/ D
Rating: R
This the third one, finally. Mature, so don't read it if your not supposed to, 'kay? Please leve me comments - they make me a happy puppy and since I am doing my taxes, I need to be a happy puppy!
http://tigersilver.livejournal.com/7524.html#cutid1 Title:One Night (although it isn't really)
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: Leon/ D
Rating: G, General, all that
Appearing: Father D, Grandfather D and the usual cast of characters.
This continues the arc that I started a few weeks ago and brings me one step closer to trying to figure out how synchronous hermaphrodites actually give birth. Stay tuned!
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/27454.htmlTitle: Obvious Assumptions
Author: stress100
Characters/Pairing: Leon/D
Rating: NC-17
Type: One shot...possibly the beginning of something more.
Notes: Written for Round 4 of the Porn Battle asylum comm, over on InsaneJournal.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/38075.html Title: One Afternoon
Pairing: Leon X Count D
Warnings: Angst and sappiness. Lots of sappiness. Oh, I wish I could write Leon X D like Terry Pratchett (one of my personal gods)
Rated G, for General Audience, which means those 14 and under will be safe. I guess.
Dedication: Nym, Ani Mama and Yellowhorde. Bless you and may Sohki give you cookies.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/24998.html Title: Paid in Blood
Author: Setosgirl
Rating: PG
Word Count: 849
Characters: D, Toutetsu
Notes: I heart Toutetsu/D! Why aren’t there more fics…? Come on, it’s practically canon! Sure, he was just trying to eat him, but Toutetsu sure as hell seduced him… or maybe they seduced each other… whatever. ^_^ Anyway, this was supposed to be a T-chan/D fic, and it never quite progressed properly to Yaoi, but I tried. Hey, if anyone knows of any fics with the pair, could you tell me? ^^ Thanks!
Summary: D gives T-chan a little treat, in exchange for a favor…
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/8304.html Title:Parallels
Author: K.H. Ivywater (khi_word)
Pairing: Count D/Leon Orcot
Fandom: Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: R (for strong language and adult situations)
Words: 6,540
http://community.livejournal.com/khi_fics/1265.html#cutid1http://www.fanfiction.net/u/16780/K_H_Ivywater Title: Proof of Trust
Author: Thia/karolja
Rating: NC-17
Type: One shot
Characters involved: Leon, D, various extras in the background
Notes: Written for Porn Battle over on IJ.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/37802.htmlhttp://karolja.livejournal.com/tag/fandom:+petshop+of+horrors Title: Petshop Paradise
Pairing: Leon/D
Rating: R
Based on Vol 8's 1st chapter.
(This is the 1st fic I wrote about them before I found out there was Shin. Pardon any idiocies and I make no claim to any PSOH character)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/23929.html TitlePershop Perpetual
Pairing: Leon/D
Rating:Rating: PG
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/26017.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/25493.html Title: Planting a future
Author: novaraven
Email: novaraven1@yahoo.com
Fandom: Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: D/Leon
Summary: If a detective swears in a forest and a Kami doesn’t care... Angst, angst and more angst, ^^; enjoy!
Notes: A drabble that wouldn’t stop. Set several years after the end of the series.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/11097.html Title: Purple Poison
Author: Jessi B.
E-mail: shadowrider@blomand.net
Rating: PG-13?
Summary: Not everything weird comes from D, and a new case brings Leon a little closer to nature then he wants to be.
Notes: This is a story that’s been in the back of my head for a while, it’s been a slow night and after looking over "Rappaccini's Daughter" I got this to work out a bit. Written at work, between doing things, hope ya like!
"Rappaccini's Daughter" can be found here:
http://www.shsu.edu/~eng_wpf/authors/Hawthorne/Rappaccini.htmhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/3206.html Title: Pure of Heart
Author: Hellsfire.scythe
Chapter: 1/9
Summary: When Charlie turns eleven years old, ‘What more does a boy want than a pet?’ thinks Willy Wonka. Their trip to a local pet shop brings more surprises than ‘just a pet’. CatCF/PSoH
http://community.livejournal.com/ordered_rambles/2863.htmlCount D
http://tatsu-subaru.deviantart.com/art/Count-D-109270536willy wonka
http://loonylucifer.deviantart.com/art/Influence-Older-Charlie-23210476 Title:Queen
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/ Leon
Note: Tetsu, Pon-chan featured.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/45793.html Title: Real Candy
Author: sailorswift
Characters: Leon/D
Rating: PG
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/1306100.html#cutid1 Title:Rival
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/ Leon
Rating:G to PG-13
This is a series of shorts (longish shorts) written for Advent fic days - I'm ahead of myself, 'cause I've completed this with 10 ficlets altogether. And I know I just posted, but I kinda liked the concept of this one, so pardon me if I am annoying and have a safe, warm and happy holiday season!
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/51747.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/52182.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/52311.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/52597.html Title:Sadie, Sadie
A Pet Shop of Horrors novella that is now complete. The premise: once Leon Orcot gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. Especially when that idea involves Count D. Romance and comedy: this one is a lot less serious than Unwilling Sleep!
Disclaimer: PSOH and all affiliated characters belong to Matsuri Akino, not me. (Buy her books!) I'm making no money from this or any of the site's contents. This story is rated R overall for mature themes and is not for minors.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/sadie_01.html Title: Sake and Sakura
Pairing: Leon/Count D
Rating: NC-17
Based on: Vol 6, "Flowers and the Detective", which has a very interesting gap in Leon's memory, one which looked remarkably like a 'set-up' on the part of Count D.
Credits: Characters and quoted dialogue are the property of Matsuri Akino. I own only the plothamsters work-thoughts and actions not originally part of the story.
Please leave me a comment. I wrote this in a terrible hurry, so they may be some editing oddities or midly odd things, and I beg for your kindness in overlooking such things.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29986.html Title: Same Words, Different Situation
Rating: PG-13 (overall - mostly due to language)
Archive: Ask and ye shall be as gods receive
Warning: Lots of profanity, flashbacks, reincarnation, possible errors about certain medical professions
Spoilers: Volume 10 of the Petshop of Horrors manga is mentioned, and will likely continue to be so. The Papa D/Vesca side story from Shin Petshop of Horrors might also be referenced
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/34897.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/34897.htmlhttp://lostangelssong.livejournal.com/98769.htmlhttp://lostangelssong.livejournal.com/98872.htmlhttp://lostangelssong.livejournal.com/tag/swdshttp://lostangelssong.livejournal.com/tag/petshop+of+horrors Title: Spark in the void
Author: novaraven
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: D/Leon
Length:One shot?
Summary: Lots of D angst as usual.
Notes: It may keep going but if it does Sofu D will be running the show and I don't know if I can duct tape Leon in one spot long enough to get another scene.^^; Does it need more?
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/12683.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/14178.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/15572.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/16329.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/16517.html Title: Short Course Descriptions of the Classes Taken by Leon & Count D
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: NC-17, R
WC: huh?
Off to NYC this morning, soon as I get my act together. Manga store & thai food and chocolate croissants in Grand Central! Please leave me a comment if you have a moment, do. Have a great holiday if you are having one and if not, just a pleasant da
Title: Strawberries
Author: Susan
Rating: G
Word Count: 525
Characters: Sofu D
Notes: SOFU D SPOILERS. You have been warned. A response to the fanfic100 challenge "yellow."
Summary: Did you ever wonder why Sofu kept to that shape? Why yes, I DID have to change that from a spoiler. X_x
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/7881.html Title: The Clash
Author: tigersilver)
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/45255.html Title: The Sound of Silence
Author: Jeweleyes
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Leon takes D to a karaoke bar. Weirdness happens.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/5718.html Title: The Morning Constitution
Author: Voodooroller
Rating: PG (Lime flavored)
Type: on going/in progress
Pairing: D/Leon
Notes: Summary--Leon is insomniac, shows up at D's and....
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/551.html Title: The Usual
Rating: PG
Fandom: Crossover (Harry Potter/Petshop of Horrors)
Notes: All right, you jokers. This is for all of you who think Snape and Count D look so much alike. But specifically, I blame ariadneelda.
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/219737.html#cutid1 Title:The Detective Falls
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1728
Notes: Alternate Timeline, no major spoilers.
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/504310.html#cutid1 Title: This Is Not A Test
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: G
I lost a friend last night, a very beautiful woman who fought the good fight against ovarian cancer for more than a year. The world is not the same without her - she is, was and will be always an indescribibly fascinating and charming person, one who touched many. As I was in the midst of this when it happened and had just reached that final door, I transformed her into a unicorn, for in the truest sense she is a magical creature, to be valued above rubies. I hope that I see her again, some day, if not in this life or this sphere, than another. With love, to Judy
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/35762.html Title: The Next Day
Author :tigersilver
Pairings: Leon/D
Rating: G
Remarks: All done. With bows to Anne Rice and Terry Pratchett (Small Gods) and an apology for tweaking European history somewhat, here is that last of this arc. I hope you like it - it's rather long, so attempt to stick with me, till the very end!
Thanks to: Techiegoat for being so kind, and everyone who put up with my constant, annoying posting.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29639.html Title: The Sweetest Thing
Author: anactoria
Rating: PG-13
Characters involved: Leon, D, Taizuu
Notes: Written for stagesoflove Week 5 (Prompt: Chocolate).
I've been posting these to psohdrabble, but this final one got a little too long. ;) If you'd like to read them from the beginning, the first one is here and the rest are linked. :)
http://anactoria.livejournal.com/14212.html Title: Tired
Author: madwriter223
Pairing: Leon/D, Chris
Rating: PG
Warning: Fluff, possibly
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/419678.html#cutid1 Title: Things Unsaid
Author: anactoria
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Chris, Sam, Leon, ?
Notes: Response to challenge #286: Announcement. Or more correctly a reverse-response. Set quite a few years post-manga, in case that isn't clear. ;)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/415937.html#cutid1 Title:To Start From Scratch
Pairing: D/Leon
http://deusssexmachina.livejournal.com/8705.html Title: The Leopard Hunt
Author: madwriter223
Pairing: Leon/D
Summary: The hunt is afoot, with D as the prey.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Hermaphrodite!D, for the most part. And a surprise ending.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/58938.html Title: The Things They've Forged
Author :haruyuk
Rating: G
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors/Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Notes: PSoH-wise, this would be set during the time when D's shop is in Shinjuku's Kabukichou. KHR-wise...I imagine this as taking place immediately after the Kokuyou arc; not that it really matters, though, because there's not much of a plot. ^_^*
http://haruyuki.livejournal.com/84077.html#cutid1 Title: To Explain by Example
Author: drachenmina
Pairings: Count D/Leon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Blood, sex and dreams. But not all together. And the merest whiff of a suggestion of Mpreg.
Disclaimer: I own only the plot, and the dreams
Summary: Tracking D down, even with Leon’s dreams helping him out, is only half the battle.
Huge hugs for the beta and US-pick to the wonderful bluestocking79
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29335.html Title: Time Will Not Forget
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Rating: PG
Warning: Angst?
A/N: I hope you all can enjoy some good angst and love right? 8DDD?
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/42101.html Title: Twilight
Pairing: Leon/D
Appearing: Q-chan, and Momo (at least a mention)
Rated: R for smex, thank you.
Warnings: Go away if you're not allowed to read smex, please.
Third one in an arc, with quite possibly more to come. Comments, please, cause they are manna, man.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/26559.html Title: Untitled
Pairing: reader's choice - gen or D/Leon
Rating: G
Word Count: 220
Warnings: assumes knowledge of events in "December"
Summary: Set in volume 6 at Christmas, not long after Leon and Chris' Aunt and Uncle have left. Just a quiet moment at the shop.
http://kanzenhanzai.livejournal.com/191315.html Title: Unforgotten Lost
Author: MysticRice
Type: Chapter/Part 1
Rating: PG-13 (for language - Chris ain't a morning person)
Characters: Chris, Leon, Totetsu, and eventually Count D
Notes: Okay the part 1 is an introduction. Setting is after 12 years after the
manga ends, inspired by Spirited Away and Petshop of Horrors: December.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/1279.html Title Untitled
Pairing: Leon/D (eventually)
Style: Chapters
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21092.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21294.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/22146.html Title: Unwilling Sleep
Pairing: D/Leon
A Pet Shop of Horrors novel set after the end of volume 10 of the original manga. It looks as if D and Leon will be separated forever--until D makes a choice that will change both their lives. But can he and Leon live with the consequences of his decision? This story is rated NC-17 and is not for minors.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/unwilling_sleep_menu.html Title: Unexpected
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot with mentions of his mother and Chris
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble. Challenge #286 - Announcement
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/852701.html Title: Vicious
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/897145.html Title: Valhalla, part 1
Author: Jeweleyes
Characters: Leon/D
Rating: R, for sexual fantasy and brief mention of naughty bits.
Summary: The water's not working at Leon's apartment...
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/6132.html Title: Warm Chocolate
Series: Petshop of Horrors
Pairing: D/Leon
Warnings: Erm, almost-smut, plus the usual slash.
Rating: PG-13
Summary:D and Leon have fun with chocolate.
http://feather-qwill.livejournal.com/10128.html Title: Weak In The Knees
Author: Telanu
Rated: PG-13
Summary: After the events in "Dragon" (vol. 2), D reflects on certain acquired tastes.
Disclaimer: PetShop of Horrors is the property of Matsuri Akino. I'm making no money from writing this work of fanfiction.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/weak_in_the_knees.html Title: What it all comes down to
Author: Susan
Word Count: 523
Rating: G
Characters: Leon, others mentioned.
Notes: I found this in my notebook, and I'm hoping guessing that it was a response for a fanfic100 challenge. Hey, even if it isn't, at least it makes me LOOK like I'm still writing PSOH stuff, right?
Summary: When you stop to think, what it all really comes down to is a choice.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/9473.html Title: Word from the Wise
Author: Susan
Rating: G apart from the swearing
Word Count: 823
Characters: Leon, Sofu D, New D
Summary: Leon was looking for D - for the splash of colour that stood out as real among the misty-water-colour people. That's what he's found, but he's not found D.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/163741.html Title: World to Come
Word Count: 1,314
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama/General
Summary: Sofu. Chris. Legends. Bedtime stories. Revenge. Most of all, D.
http://haruyuki.livejournal.com/41509.html#cutid1 Title: Wording Is Everything
Author: allroadslead2coffee
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: NC-17
Warning: male/male romance
Summary: Leon is granted something he greatly desires, but not by Count D.
Notes: I have no idea if I’m going to tell how the Phoenix came into the picture.