30 january 2010 @ 02:54 am
http://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/tag/psoh+master+listhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/85693.htmlhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/psohhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/lpsohhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/count-d/leonhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/coun-d/leonhttp://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/29489.html?mode=replyhttp://mysticnights32.insanejournal.com/37275.html?mode=replyhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/leon/dhttp://mysticdreamer32.dreamwidth.org/tag/psoh A Moth Drawn to the Flame by shinobinaraku
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5410279/1/A_Moth_Drawn_to_the_Flame Checkout by The Seventh L
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615009/1/Checkout Compatibilty by AsaLeonOrcot
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5482915/1/Compatibilty Define Arc by Ripe wickeD plUm
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600010357 Desire for Returned Affection by Disturbed Fox
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600043327 Is It Sweet? by The Seventh L
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615003/1/Is_It_Sweet Impossible Events For One Leon Orcot by Sapphirefoxgirl
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5443599/1/Impossible_Events_For_One_Leon_Orcot PSOH Dark Side of the Moon by tigersilver
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5542802/1/PSOH_Dark_Side_of_the_Moon PSOH A Thousand Words To Say Three Things by tigersilver
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5524622/1/PSOH_A_Thousand_Words_To_Say_Three_Things PSOH Dinner & Show by tigersilver
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5567444/1/PSOH_Dinner_Show PSOH Sake and Sakura by tigersilver
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5523941/1/PSOH_Sake_and_Sakura PSOH 25 Prompts Set 1 by Naotoki Yamanouch
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5543155/1/PSoH_25_Prompts_Set_1 Past Forgotten by Sapphirefoxgir
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5445491/1/Past_Forgotten Strawberry cake by Autumn
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047668 Taming of the Shrew by The Seventh
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615004/1/Taming_of_the_Shrew Through a Glass Darkly by LadySirius32158(updated)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5059160/1/Through_a_Glass_Darkly The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, and Deep by hina88
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047958 The Face in the Mirror by Flora_Winters]
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045842 The Change by dextrousleftie(Leon/D), (OC/Sofu), (OC/Lord D), (OC/Jill)
Okay... I didn't which ones went the story series and which ones didn't so I lumped all together.
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600041743http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600042598http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600043250http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600044174http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045232http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045823http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047986 Winged One by AuraBlackWol
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5458115/1/Winged_One Unbecoming Thoughts of One Count D by Sapphirefoxgirl
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5418928/1/Unbecoming_Thoughts_of_One_Count_D While We Tell of Yuletide Treasure by The Seventh L
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5614996/1/While_We_Tell_of_Yuletide_Treasure Author:geri-chan
http://geri-chan.livejournal.com/tag/petshop Author : Kayi Rowling
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/31568.htmlAuthor :yellowhorde
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/775323.html Artist: ani_mama
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/20933.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21619.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21828.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/22932.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/26948.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/27706.htmlhttp://ani-mama.livejournal.com/78801.html#cutid1http://ani-mama.livejournal.com/90686.html#cutid1http://ani-mama.livejournal.com/111640.html?#cutid1 Artist: rexluscus
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/210681.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/192646.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/209787.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/212463.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/212994.htmlhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/217843.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/219151.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/307546.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/224196.html#cutid1http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/223834.html#cutid1 Title: A Burning Question
Fandom: Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: PG
Summary: This is the unofficial round-up of that discussion we had on my journal the other day about Count D's wardrobe.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/230138.html?#cutid1 Title: A Little More Than A Spoonful
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Characters: Leon's pov, but includes D, Chris and the petshop animals
Request: For kneazles's request of Hyperactivity
Rating: PG, one swear word.
Disclaimer: Petshop of Horrors is amusing, but not mine
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/1187298.html#cutid1 Title: Attention Seeking
Author: Anodracs
Rating: G
Word count: 103 *screams*
Pairing/Characters: Taizuu, Count D
Notes: Response to challenge #272
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/407983.html#cutid1 Title: A Meeting of Minds
Rating: PG (Language)
Word Count: 263
Characters: Wu-Fei, Leon
Notes: I don't like Petshop of Horrors: Tokyo. It's existence kinda offends me, mainly because a) it's return to the format of the beginning of the original series without the character development D got, and b) WHERE THE HELL IS LEON? WU-FEI IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE! So... I kinda decided to write fic where the two met. This is as far as I've got with it, but ehhh... (Spoilers for PSoH volume 10, rusty rusty writing skills, response to [info]fanfic100's challenge "Club.")
http://community.livejournal.com/inkandkarma/35244.html Title: Apple Pie
Author: anactoria
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~300
Pairings or characters involved: Leon, D
Notes: Not a challenge response. Written for stagesoflove Week 1 (Prompt: Pie). (Their sign-ups are open here til tomorrow night, so there's still time to spread the Petshop love!)
http://anactoria.livejournal.com/11331.html#cutid1 Title: A Small Taste
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: R
Warnings: swearing, mildly explicit sex scene
Summary: Leon realizes he looks forward to his "interrogations" of D
http://community.livejournal.com/yaoi_challenge/100246.html Title: A Kami in the Heian Court
Author: Katharos
Rating: PG-13
Type: 1/2
Characters involved: Sofu, D, and Sai
Notes: Crossover with Hikaru no Go. A story of D's childhood.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/1474.html Title:A Hitch in HIs Day...
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/39251.html Title: Apple Pie
Author: anactoria
Rating: PG-13
Word count: ~300
Pairings or characters involved: Leon, D
Notes: Not a challenge response. Written for stagesoflove Week 1 (Prompt: Pie). (Their sign-ups are open here til tomorrow night, so there's still time to spread the Petshop love!)
http://anactoria.livejournal.com/11331.html#cutid1 Title: Anything You can
Author: Susan
Rating: G
Characters: Papa D, Q-chan, D
Type: One-shot
Notes: If you don't know about Q-chan yet, this won't make a lot of sense. And that was the closest you'll get to a spoiler warning. *ahem* Anyway... This was something I came up with at work - For no real reason - and it turned out to be too long to be a drabble. *sigh*
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/4935.html Title: And Then It Bit Him
Fandom: Harry Potter/Pet Shop of Horrors
Pairing: Severus Snape/Count D
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~10,000
Warnings: Epilogue-compliant for HP, but with live!Snape; spoiler for PSoH V.10.
Summary: When Snape's first Animagus transformation doesn't go entirely as expected, he finds himself plagued by a mysterious being, who - in the company of a pet man-eating goat thing - proceeds to thoroughly turn his life upside down.
http://community.livejournal.com/slashfest/224172.html Title: A Second Piece
Rating: NC-17
Fandom/Pairing: Petshop of Horrors / Leon x D
Word count: 6,300
Warnings: Hermaphrodite!D
Notes: No spoilers. AU, I suppose. Many many thanks to nym777, aubrem and schemingreader for their help and support.
Summary: Count D discovers that it is one thing to know, but another to understand.
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/244292.html#cutid1 Title: Be My Girl
Author: Telanu (telanublackbird@gmail.com)
Pairing: D/Leon
Fandom: Pet Shop of Horrors
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Seriously AU. A little ditty 'bout Jack and Diane.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_unfinished/be_my_girl.html Title: Best Friend
Author: Branch
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Rating: PG
Characters: D plus a surprise
Summary: A ficlet of speculation. If humans can't stay with the shop, then...
http://www.branchandroot.net/archive/2006/12/best-friend/ Title: Beauty
Rating: R
Summary:Leon finds D, at last, but he doesn't find what he expects
http://nym.amplexus.org/earlier/psoh/Beauty.htmlBeauty Timestamp Ficlet - 10 Years Earlier
From the Timestamp Meme, a ficlet set 10 years before the events of Beauty
http://nym.amplexus.org/earlier/psoh/Timestamp3_Beauty.html Title: Being in love is difficult
Author: Kasia-chan (yaoilovefan)
Rating: G or PG
Characters involved (in this chapter): Count D, Jill, Chief
Warnings: None I think... D centered. ;)
Notes:Take place after Chris returns to his Aunt and Uncle
Summary: When Leon stops coming to the shop, D misses him and decides to visit Leon at work. He finds himself pulled into a case that'll make him realize how vulnerable he really is and what his unsettled feelings for Leon mean.
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047191http://yaoilovefan.livejournal.com/tag/pet+shop+of+horrors Title: Case #1:Ice Cream
Author: vanilla_ofuda
Paring: Leon/D
Rating: PG-13
Type: Humour, Romance
Challenge: #1- Can I have this?
http://vanilla-ofuda.livejournal.com/24381.html#cutid1 Title: Chinatown.
Author: Cairnsy
Fandom: Foster's Home For Imanginary Friends/Petshop of Horrors.
Rating: PG.
Challenge: Foster's Home For Imanginary Friends/Petshop of Horrors.a> for ms_kinnikufan
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/856563.html#cutid1 Title: Chocolatier
Author: Crazy_ladi
Rating: Uhm...PG-13?
Characters: Leon/D, T-chan
Word Count: 1255
Notes: Random Idea. :D
Summary: Leon has been given the task to find a chocolate creation that D has never had. Oh dear? or Oh goodie?
http://crazy-ladi.livejournal.com/tag/psoh Title: Courtship Rituals
Author: mystiri_1
Pairing/characters: D/Leon
Rating: R
Summary: Spring means spring flowers, new life, and procreation. And the pets in D's shops are not the only ones feeling the heat...
http://mystiri-1.livejournal.com/20472.html#cutid1http://mystiri-1.livejournal.com/tag/fanfiction:+pet+shop+of+horrors Title: Compatibility
Autor: LeonAsa
Rating: NC-17
Type: Chapter Story
Characters Involved: Count D, Leon Orcot, Honlon, Chris Orcot, Pon-Chan, T-Chan, Ten-Chan, Jill, Papa D, Vesca, Sofu D, and all pets living in D's petshop.
Notes: Leon wants a kid, a family, so he starts to date like crazy, but what will D do about it? D/Leon, Papa D/Vesca
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/58294.htmlhttp://leonasa.livejournal.com/1400.html#cutid1http://leonasa.livejournal.com/1692.html#cutid1 Title: Cosplay & RUB IT IN
Author: whittertwitter
Rating: PG
Word count: 139
Pairings or characters involved: Chris, D, Leon.
Notes: Written for Challenge #278, comic book hero. Just a little piece I thought up after learning that Leon shares a VA with Seymour Guado of Final Fantasy X. And stopped laughing. Picture to follow as soon as it’s finished.
http://whittertwitter.livejournal.com/2401.html Title: China
Rating: G
Pairing: D/Leon
Type: Oneshot
notes: Jian bird is a creature from Chinese mythology. The characters of Leon and D belong to Matsuri Akino. Everything else is mine. XD
http://deusssexmachina.livejournal.com/7401.html Title: Consequences
Author: ederyn
Rating: PG-13
Type: One shot
Characters: Count D and Leon
Warnings: language, violence, death of an OC
Summary: Count D helps Leon get a little justice
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/17798.html Title: Conversations of the Heart
Author: lebensbaum
Pairing: Leon/D, Chris, and Pon-chan
Rating: G.
Spoilers: Whenever Chris came to live with Leon.
Author's Notes: This can be considered a loose sequel to the untitled piece about D's dream. It can be found here. At this point, Leon has learned to hear Chris, and no longer needs the laptop. He hasn't quite learned how to hear the pets, though. Also, the chocolate mentioned does actually exist, and you can order it online. Christopher Norman was listed as the best chocolatier when I looked up gourmet chocolates.
http://lebensbaum.livejournal.com/20018.html Title: "D Is For De Lorean"
Paring: Leon/D
Warnings: None. No one forgets anything in this one. No one dies, drowns or gets sun-burned, either.
Dedications: The kind souls (you know who you are) who read my last one and commented. My plothamsters really like you. Also to the several people in this comm who write such excellent fic that they inspire others..thank you for existing. You make me happy.)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/24123.html Title: "D is for Desire", The Times of Their Lives
Paring: Leon/D
Set in various times of their long association, and is something that I don't seem to be able to stop writing, though probably I should be doing something else...Som are longer and some are shorter and I've got quite a few of them now, so be prepared. ;D
I don't own these characters and I thank Akino-sensei heartily for letting me play with them...I hope I did indeed 'play nice.'
So, let me know...please XD (nicely - just ignore me completely if you don't like it, 'kay?)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/33234.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/33298.htmlhttp://tigersilver.livejournal.com/7524.html#cutid1http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/34348.html Title: Dark Side of the Moon
Paring: Leon/D
Warnings: A complete absence of plot. No real thought or point to this, other then the loose framework of me wondering what the first time would be like, if they switched roles. If you are looking for a fic with meaning, you will probably not find it here.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/31112.html Title: Daylily
Author: Nimori
Pairing: D/Leon
Wordcount: 29,000
Rating: NC17
Warnings: AU, hermaphrodite!D, D family shenanigans, crazy procreation hijinx.
Summary: For as long he can remember D has been a battleground in the war between Father and Grandfather. Now their conflicting survival tactics are coming to a head, and D must keep his family from destruction while dealing with his increasingly complicated personal life.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/43160http://community.livejournal.com/psoh_fqf/4759.htmlart to it
http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa215/ani_mama/ballparkdate.jpg Title: Daedalus
Author: key_sama (Key the Metal Idol)
Recipient: garrideb
Pairing : Count D/Leon, Chris, Tetsu
Rating: PG
Prompt: I will be happy with any type of fic, but if you'd like a more specific idea, please visit my Dear Santa letter.
Summary: It's tea and cake as usual at Count D's, but what's in the box from an old acquaintance of D's?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/31367 Title: Dastard
Author: pink_bagels
Summary: Leon creates a whole new sensation in the host community
NOTE: 'Dastard' is a real word. It is thought to be an archaic form of 'bastard'. :P
http://pink-bagels.livejournal.com/5730.html#cutid1 Title:Damnation
Author: Telanu
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A PSoH/Sandman crossover: the petshop sells desire -- what happens when Desire comes to the petshop? Nothing good.
Categories: Angst, AU
Author's Note: If you don't have at least a passing familiarity with both The Sandman and PetShop of Horrors, this fic will make but little sense. Also, I know that in the PSoH DVD episode of "Delicious," the guy's first name is Jason, but since the Tokyopop manga translation calls him Ethan, that's what I'm sticking with here.
Disclaimer: PetShop of Horrors is the property of Matsuri Akino. The Sandman is the property of Neil Gaiman. I am making no money from writing this work of fanfiction.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/damnation.html Title:Departed
Pairing/characters: D/Leon
Warnings/notes: ... see request.
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/814497.html#cutid1 Title: Defribrillator
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: G
Summary: Leon and D have a little chat about global warming.
http://pink-bagels.livejournal.com/6822.html#cutid1 Title: Deathbed
Author: Setosgirl
Rating: PG
Word Count: 865
Characters: Leon x D
Notes: Yeah, since I've never been able to read the last two manga... well, just assume that this ignores them utterly. ^^
Summary: It's been sixty years... sixty wonderful years. Time catches up with everyone eventually, though, and D can only watch his beloved on his deathbed. Angst, Shonen-Ai
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/8133.html Title: Dealing with Difficult In-Laws
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/24698.html Title: Deliverance
Author: Tosca
Characters: Nagi, Count D, Leon, Schuldig, Crawford
Rating: G
Type: One-shot crossover
Spoilers: post-Glühen, pre-Book 10 PSOH
Summary: Why do you think Esset never infiltrated China?
Author's Notes: Fic request written for immortalstar for my White Rabbit Meme
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/3758.html Title: Deviant
Author: Setosgirl
Characters: slight Leon/D, incubus/D
Rating: NC17
Notes: I probably should have divided this into chapters, but it was always intended ot be a oneshot. Yar, it's long. ^^
Summary: What happens when it's D who breaks a contract?
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/8479.html Title: Divine
Author: Ket Makura
Rating: R
Rating: NC17
Type: One Shot
Characters involved: Leon, D
Notes: Count D sells a lonely man a pet of heavenly nature...
http://flagellantket.livejournal.com/6503.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/9136.html Title: Denial
Rating: g
Pairing: Taizuu / Count D (the elder)
Warning: Angst - gobs of angst. Hopefully, you like angst. I know I do.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/40622.html Title: Disclosure
Author: stress100
Rating: NC17
Source Fiction: Petshop of Horrors/Men In Black
Main Characters: Leon, D, Agent J, Agent K, and Frank (the pug in MIIBs)
Words: 1,730
Summary: The current definition of "weird creatures" to Leon has become the humans who seem to maintain normal lives-causing him to catch the eye of a former co-police academy cadet, now known only as Agent J.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/36424.htmlhttp://stress100.livejournal.com/2752.html#cutid1http://stress100.livejournal.com/tag/petshop+of+horrors Title: Disciple
Characters: Leon, and by omission, D
Rating: G
Word Count: 4300
Summary: Leon learns.
http://wreathsandbells.livejournal.com/30233.html Title:Dinner and a Show
Pairing: Leon/D; Pon-chan/Jill (only implied)
Rating: R
This is in reply (sort of) to a kind soul who asked if I'd ever done Pon-chan X Jill. Sadly, I hadn't. I probably still haven't but I did kinda try. The rest is set in the original series, some time after Vol 5 and before Vol 10, and is mostly Leon's POV. Poor boy.
I do steal my titles...it's either that or thinking, which generally I try to avoid.
Let me know if you like it (notice I didn't ask to be slammed (hee, hee, I am a coward, yes!)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/31235.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/31568.html Title: Dragon Ex Machina
Author: Kashuneko
Rating: R for language through chapter 14. X in chapter 15
Type: Multi chapters
Characters involved: Count D, Leon, HonLon, Totetsu, Tenchan
Summary: After D leaves, Leon is miserable and D tries to bury himself in his work. Hon Lon decides something needs to change.
Disclaimer: I do not own Pet Shop of Horrors or its characters. These are the property of mangaka Matsuki Akino and publishing house Tokyopop (in the U.S., anyway). I make no profit from this story. Please don’t sue.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/55811.html Title: Dragon Child
Author: stress100 aka allroadslead2coffee
Characters: Leon, Chris, D, Kanan, Shuko, Junrei
Rating: R for Leon opening his mouth
Summary: After Leon has been traveling abroad for months looking for D, his aunt and uncle convince him to visit his brother for Christmas. The two brothers end the day talking about a special family member that they can't be with.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/38961.html Title: Dragon of the Sea (A PSoH/PotC crossover)
Author: Lithium Delusions
Rating: PG 13 (just to err on the side of caution, it may go up later)
Characters: D (actually one of his ancestors) and you guessed it... Captain Jack Sparrow.
Notes: Yeah, so here's the first chapter of that PSoH/PotC crossover. Don't know what I was thinking, don't want to know. My roomate was giving me funny looks the whole time she was betaing this. Can't say as I blame her.
Comments welcome. (Did I get Jack right?)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/18067.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/18332.html drabbles by rexluscus
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/193542.htmlhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/202101.htmlhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/217457.htmlhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/239519.html?mode=replyhttp://rexluscus.livejournal.com/219638.html Title:Dangerous
Author: Telanu
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Categories: Drama, Suspense
Summary: It is unwise to meddle in Count D's affairs. Especially if you meddle with Leon Orcot.
Disclaimer: Pet Shop of Horrors belongs to Matsuri Akino. I am making no money from this piece of fanfiction.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/dangerous.html Title:Dead But Not Gone
Author: GundamNymph
Fandom: 21 Jump Street/Petshop of Horrors
Pairing: Hanson/Penhall (Leon/D)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Hanson's life is going no better than it had been as an undercover cop. But as it worsens and his world becomes dark, he starts to feel a familiar presence. One that protects him.
http://gundamnymph.livejournal.com/4489.html#cutid1 Title: Debouch
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: R
Characters/Series: Leon, D, Rau Wu Fei/Shin Petshop of Horrors
Notes: Spoilers for book ten of the original manga. Many, many thanks to rexluscus for the beta-read!
Summary: D has a plan up his sleeve when Rau Wu Fei delivers an ultimatum. (author's note: If you like Rau, you probably won't like this story--He's a very nasty person in here!)
http://pink-bagels.livejournal.com/2079.html#cutid1 Title: Defribrillator
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: G
Summary: Leon and D have a little chat about global warming.
http://pink-bagels.livejournal.com/6822.html#cutid1 Title:Decision
Author: Telanu
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Porn! Don't you wish Leon Orcot would just make up his damn mind and go for it already?
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/decision.html Title:Desperate
Author: Nym
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: R
Summary: Leon visits Count D with only one thing on his mind.
http://nym.amplexus.org/earlier/psoh/Desperate.html Title: Demon
Author: Jeweleyes
Rating: NC-17, for violence and rape.
Characters: Leon, Papa D, D.
Notes: Leon is tortured by D's father. A bit of an alternate ending to the events in the ending of PSoH. If this story offends, or violates any community rules, I will gladly remove it. Feedback welcome. And yes, I'm working on chapter 2 of my other PSoH fanfic.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/6686.html Title: Deliquesce
Author: Snapped Chopstick
Rating: PG-13, for language.
Pairings: Implied Leon/D
A/N: This one's over 600 words... I wanted it to be a drabble, darn it. But it ran long. Some of you have probably already seen it, too - it was originally put up at the PSoH Fanfiction Yahoo! group.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2234329/1/Deliquesce Title: Delirium
Author: mage_of_time
Rating: PG-13 for swearing.
Type: One-shot.
Characters involved: Leon, mentions of Chris and D.
Notes: Written out of a bored fan's anger at the ending of the manga. It's been boiling in my mind for a while, but I just was able to fully write it yesterday. Also posted on ff.net under the same title.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/7194.html Title: Double Agent
Author: pink_bagels
Word count: 5199
spn/psoh crossover
Pairings/Series: John / D, hints of Leon x D/Supernatural x Petshop of Horrors
Rating: PG-13
Summary: John helps out an injured friend, and discovers a mysterious ally along the way.
http://pink-bagels.livejournal.com/7431.html#cutid1 Title: Drive
Author: Telanu (telanublackbird@gmail.com)
Pairing: D/Leon
Warning: WTF.
http://nym.amplexus.org/wips/WIP_Drive_PSoH.html Title: Dragon Ex Machina
Author: Kashuneko
Rating: R
Characters involved: Count D, Leon, HonLon, Totetsu, Tenchan
Type: Multi chapters
Summary: After D leaves, Leon is miserable and D tries to bury himself in his work. Hon Lon decides something needs to change.
Disclaimer: I do not own Pet Shop of Horrors or its characters. These are the property of mangaka Matsuki Akino and publishing house Tokyopop (in the U.S., anyway). I make no profit from this story. Please don’t sue.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/55811.html Title:Duh
Author: Telanu
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG
Summary: Who do they think they're fooling? Really.
Disclaimer: Okay. I'd never.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/duh.htmlTags: chris, jill, leon/d, psoh master list