other tos lists
http://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/kirk/spockhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/st:toshttp://mysticnights32.xanga.com/701979687/recs-based-on-sttos-show-and-books--but-not-new-movie--2009-/ After Effects by Rosemarie Heaton.
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Five/index.htm A Meal To Rememberby kira-nerys
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Summary: A meal between friends turn into something completely different
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/a-meal-to-kira.htm An Ode to Water by Hypatia Kosh
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
Summary: A love letter from Spock to Kirk.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/ode-hypatia.htm And When the Bond Breaks by Ra
(James T. Kirk / Spock) nc-15
Summary: Spock takes the shuttle for a brief mission to investigate a spatial anomaly. When he returns
to the Enterprise, things are a little
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Eight/bond-breaks-rac.htmhttp://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Eight/bond-breaks2-rac.htmhttp://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Eight/bond-breaks3-rac.htmhttp://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Eight/bond-breaks5.htm Bonding by K’Chaps
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Summary: Kirk and Spock bond. The situation is quite different from what Kirk expected.
Warning: Violence, Rape, Bondage, not for the weak of heart.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Special-IV/bonding.htm Berries by jesmihr (smut fic )
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=424more fics by this writer
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewuser.php?uid=29 Camping by k1of7
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17 (m/m sex)
http://www.cosmicduckling.com/spirk/k1/Camping.html Change of command by D.G. Littleford
gen no paring to speak of
http://www.fastcopyinc.com/orionpress/2266-2270_The_First_Mission/change_of_command.htmmore fics here
http://www.fastcopyinc.com/orionpress/archives.htm Daedalus Aloft by Lyrastar
(S/m, James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Summary and note: This is a sequel to Brueghel's Icarus wherein Spock's shuttle crashes backwards through time into
the Roswell New Mexico desert of 1947, and some stuff happens. I think that's all you really need to know from the first
story to follow this.
http://liquidfic.net/brueghel.htmlhttp://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/daedalus-aloft.html From Death Through Darkness by Hypatia Kosh
(James T. Kirk / Spock) .
Summary: Spock enters pon farr a month after the Fal-Tor-Pan. What does Kirk do?
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/TwentyTwo/darkness.html From the Depths by Lyrastar
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Summary/challenge: Taken from the Cliché Fuh-Q-Fest at
http://www.kardasi.com/Cliched/index.htm Pon farr in a cave--and make it different.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Ten/depths-lyra.htm Ease Into Love by kira-nerys
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG
Summary: McCoy makes Spock realize he's got to admit to his true feelings.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/ease-kira.htm How To Grow Wings and Fly by Farfalla
(James T. Kirk / Spock) G
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/wings-farfalla.htm I Know You're Out There Somewhere by Farfalla
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG
Summary: "At his side, as if you've always been there, and always will."
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/somewhere.html I was JT's Love Slave! by k1of7
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
http://www.cosmicduckling.com/spirk/k1/JT.html Lost Sailor by Greywolf the Wanderer
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG-13 (m/m love, h/c)
http://www.skeeter63.org/~allaire/LostSailor.html Night in the Apollo by Farfall
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Summary: What would happen if Kirk and Spock got locked in a science museum overnight? My apologies to
Mrs Basil E. Whatever-that-children's-book-is-called.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/night-apollo.html Out of Ashes by Rae Trail
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG-13
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/ashes-rae.htm Out of Uniform by Farfalla (hot little pwp)
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
Summary: Circa 2288 or so, Kirk and Spock have some fun in a storage compartment. PWP.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/out-of-farfalla.htm Picking Perfect Tomatoes by Ster Julie
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG
Summary: The boys make a discussion of tomatoes very hot indeed.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/tomatoes.html Personal Effects by Jesmihr
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=266 Rose Hips and Vulcan Lips by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
http://trekiverse.us/archive/feed/2004/ASCEM/BC-E123.txtmore fics here
http://www.cosmicduckling.com/spirk/stories.htm Replica by Dread Nought (sex toys, and a naughty Spock..my..oh my) pwp
(James T. Kirk / Spock) R
Summary: Answer to a very, very old challenge to write a sequel. In Part 1,
Spock convinces Kirk to let him help create a dildo replica of Kirk's
equipment for Kirk's remote girlfriend. Part 1 closes with Spock
relishing the mold he now has for additional copies. Well, what is
Spock going to do with another replica?
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/replica-dread.htm Srrong Together by jess
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17 rape
Warnings:prostitution, references to past (m/m love, h/c)
http://jess.inengland.googlepages.com/strongtogether This Deadly Innocence, or The End of the Hurt/Comfort Syndrome by Leslie Fish
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
http://foresmutters.org/FSPtextfiles/deadly.txt The Image of Perfection by Deborah Cummins
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Summary: On a seemingly routine mission, Kirk and Spock are caught up in a Klingon plot to undermine the Federation
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/perfection.html Too Much of a Good Thing by Lyrastar
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Fun with kironide
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Eight/too-much-lyrastar.htm The Other Man Trap by Slasherfem
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
Warnings: NC-17 (for graphic violence, grisly death scenes and attempted rape scene)
Summary: An ENTERPRISE landing party beams down to a planet to find a Federation archaeological team missing. When Captain Kirk
finds the shape-shifting creature responsible, it takes him prisoner, disguises itself as him, then beams back on board with the others
and goes on a killing spree.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Twenty/other-man-trap.html The Teapot Dome Scandal by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Summary: Kirk and Spock just can't have a normal shore leave, can they? Inspired by Diegina's natural habitat, the beautiful tearooms
of the Czech Republic. This story is for her, in thanks for showing us around her country and in affection for being a cool person, and is
accompanied by big hugs.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/TwentyTwo/teapot.html Where the Dreams by T'Pat
(James T. Kirk / Spock) PG-13 (m/m love, h/c)
http://members.tripod.com/TSU_Campus/TPat/tp_wtd.html J kitty's tos fics
http://www.invisibleplanets.com/ Art
Milkshake by Mina (aww cutness) rated g
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/MinaKS1-Milkshake.jpg Amok Time Hug by Mina ( lol, still cute) Rated G
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/Nine/MinaKS2-AmokTimeHug.jpg ***
aw sweet comic's