other tos lists
http://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/kirk/spockhttp://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/tag/st:toshttp://mysticnights32.xanga.com/701979687/recs-based-on-sttos-show-and-books--but-not-new-movie--2009-/ Crossovers
Out of the Big Black by Rae Trail's (TOS/TNG X-over) uh well Kirk dies after leaving nexus. Q-amanda dicides he deseves another chace at life with Spock so she makes him young again. Our Q finds him and brings him to Picard--his mate for few years now. The
first story is painful and sweet. Mostly-bottom!kirk..but will top!kirk in other chapters.
http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ksoutofthebigblackr.htmlKirk and spock decied what to with their new life togeather
http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ksontothedeepbluer.htmlKirk enjoys his new life and family
http://web.archive.org/web/20030809043443/vibeting.com/rae/great+greys.htmKirk needs help from Picard and Q
http://web.archive.org/web/20030809041837/vibeting.com/rae/Azure+Skies.htmOver all i'll say i loved this series and highly recommend it to anyone.
doctor who(Torchwood) /tos crossover
A Stranger in the City by AstroGirl ( loved it )
Jack meets Spock
http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=24508 Tos/hl/xfiles
http://www.seventh-dimension.com/stories/Three_D__Master/ TOS/HL
EpiloguetoV-ger ( DM/M, kirk crossover)
http://www.seventh-dimension.com/stories/Gail/EpiloguetoV-ger.txt just tos
Another Country Beckons by Rae Trail
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
http://web.archive.org/web/20090206205601/http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrailhttp://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ks-anothercountrybeckons-r.html A Time to Receive by Debbie Cummin
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
One year after the V'ger mission Kirk and Spock return to Iowa for the holidays
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=675 Blowing Smoke by Hypatia Kosh
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=524 Destiny by Elise Madrid
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Existing in a loveless marriage with Lori Ciani and haunted by memories of his past, Admiral Kirk humors
Lori’s suggestion that they visit a carnival psychic.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=786 Getting to Know by Rae Trail
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
http://web.archive.org/web/20090206205601/http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrailhttp://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ks-gettingtoknow-r.html Galileo Foursome by Rae Trail
(James T. Kirk / Spock, Q/Q )
http://web.archive.org/web/20090206205601/http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrailhttp://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ks-galileo4some-r.html Home is the Heart by Rae Trail
(James T. Kirk / Spock )
http://web.archive.org/web/20090206205601/http://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrailhttp://members.fortunecity.com/stshymoon/raetrail/ks-homeisheart-r.html Interlude by drarroway
(James T. Kirk / Spock )
My first story and it really shows; previously posted on Ampersand in 2007 (pen name, Phoenix). H/C. I have made a
few minor changes, though they didn't help much…
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=670more here
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewuser.php?uid=151 Just Chocolate Cherries? by Dale ( usally don't so for totally bottom!kirk , but this is funny and ho...uh pubic sex,
sex-crazy-vulcan so yeah all smut.
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
There's no such thing as privacy when Spock has a crisis.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=618 Lost Sailor by Greywolf the Wanderer
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Post "Amok Time" K/S hurt/comfort Betas: All Praise to raku and Jungle Kitty, beta readers above and beyond the call
of duty, big time. Thanks to Killa and Val the Night Bird, for moral support.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=672 Messages by Lyrastar
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
A message--personal and confidential--is delivered. Short.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=535 Mistletoe Challenge by Amanda Warrington
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
Despite the name, this is not a 'challenge' or humorous story. In his final year, Spock briefly meets Kirk at the Academy
Winter Ball. One day, many years later, the man who made a lasting impression on Spock assumes command of the
Enterprise. First Time story narrated by Spock
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=778 Memories by Debbie Cummins
(James T. Kirk / Spock )
Near the end of his life Leonard McCoy receives a visit from an old friend Note: A modified version of this story was f
irst published in Charisma 3, several years before Star Trek: Generations was released.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=674 The Misunderstanding by Debbie Cummins
(James T. Kirk / Spock )
Kirk and Spock's attempts to blind themselves to their true feelings leads to a nearly catastrophic conclusion.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=676 The One Night Stand by Dahlyia
(James T. Kirk / Spock )
Kirk gets very drunk on shore leave and happens upon Spock.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewuser.php?uid=160 Spock's scarf by Mountainmistybear
(James T. Kirk / Spock)
this is a christmasish story. kirk and spock go on shore leave, to a place in the snow and woods. any feedback would
be appreciated. criticism as much as praise. though i will admit to a slight preference for the latter.
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=776 Sugarplum Christmas by starshadow
(James T. Kirk / Spock) NC-17
http://www.starshadow.net/sugarplum.html You are... by Dale
(James T. Kirk / Spock/McCoy)
http://www.ksarchive.com/viewuser.php?uid=32 Art
tos art by I.M.Mueller