other tos lists
Abandoned by kira-nerys ( even though i know spock will be back..this is still really sad)
Kirk realizes that Spock is truly gone.
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/One/index.htm A Fine Officer by Dread Nought
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210160713/thyla.com/fineofficer.html A Burning Question by Deanna
"Kiss me?" James Kirk squeaked.
Spock's eyebrow rose up into his silky fringe. "That is what I said, Captain."
Kirk gaped at him. "That's what I thought I heard you say, Mister Spock." He coughed.
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204172226/thyla.com/burningquestion.htm A Place For Me By Morgan LeFey
Kirk attempts come to terms with changes in his friend (following the events described in of Barbara Hambly’s
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/One/index.htm A Winding Path by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213100300/thyla.com/sf/winding-path.html A Transitional Christmas TOS K/S by Bats
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210105603/thyla.com/kstransitional.htm Caught TOS K/S by Bats
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210104516/thyla.com/kscaught.htm Cover of Night by Killa
I wake to darkness, remembering in my bones that he's dead before I can remember where I am or how I came to be there,
or even my own name.
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/cover.html E I E I O by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213100653/thyla.com/sf/eieio.html Encounter In The Captain's Lounge By Kris (Batsrgr8@aol.com)
ABC Challenge K/S
http://web.archive.org/web/20040822205224/thyla.com/encounter-bats.htm Fairy Tail by cardassianfire
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210154432/thyla.com/fairytail.html Humans are Strange by Estelendur
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204025956/www.thyla.com/sf/strange.html Him by Blue
I can't do this anymore. I'm sick of it. I'm making myself sick over it. Every thought I have now revolves around him.
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210154524/thyla.com/him.htm If You Are Going To San Francisco... by Acidqueen
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213101838/thyla.com/sf/if-you.html Kisses Sweeter Than Wine by EmGee
Summary: “First Kiss on a Part of the Body Other Than the Lips” Challenge. It’s a PWP.
Any more information and the summary will be longer than the story
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/One/index.htm Kirk in the Nexus by CJK
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213102558/thyla.com/nexus.html Last Breath by Djinn
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204224516/thyla.com/LastBreath.htm Lombard Street by Lyrastar
Twenty-two days after the ceremony, Captain James T. Kirk (ret.) had nothing to do. His Marin County residence was spotless
and provisioned with six months worth of everything imaginable. The roof garden was weeded and pruned with nary a leaf out of
place. The drive systems on his speeder had been tuned, overhauled and upgraded; the whole thing sparkled inside and out--
undercarriage included.
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213103354/thyla.com/sf/lombard.html Life Is But A Dream by Ellen Fremedon
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204224828/thyla.com/Life.html Letter home by Am-Chau Yarkona
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210162115/thyla.com/letter-home.html Losing It by Dread Nought
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210161021/thyla.com/dreadp.html More Than Enough by Acidqueen
Summary: Kirk and Spock are stranded in NY 1932, and it's New Year's eve...
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204225533/thyla.com/More_than_Enough.htm My Captain by Dylan
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210104134/thyla.com/my-captain.html No Brighter Moment by Killa
Pairiing krik and spock
The man who had no name wound his way through narrow passages, right hand extended to trail along the damp and familiar stone
wall. He wondered for the hundredth time in twelve years why he always forgot how smotheringly dark these tunnels were. For the
hundredth time he felt the rebellious thought, quickly stifled, that next time he would bring a lamp.
http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=626 Price of Silence by Acidqueen
angsty, dark
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213101109/thyla.com/price.html Rhythm (Flux Æterna II) by Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten
A shaft of clear moonlight pierces through the curtains like truth. It shines from the shapes on the bed with just not quite enough
light to make it discernable where one man's form ends and the other's begins. Indeed, they are practically dissolved in each other,
so complex is their embrace
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213094129/thyla.com/sf/rhythm.html Small Packages by T. Jonesy
It's Spock's birthday, and Kirk has found the perfect gift -- but when he makes a wager on it with McCoy, extreme silliness ensues.
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/small_packages.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/small_packages2.html Search for Me by Djinn
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213095107/thyla.com/sf/search4me.html Surrender by Killa
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/surrend.html Sharing the Risk by Killa
The dream sun beat down on the forest canopy overhead, while below the air retained its cool, damp chill. The stone under
his hands was hot, slick as obsidian, seeming to thrum with a malevolent life-force.
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/risk.html turning point by Killa ( novel very long) (K/S, K/F
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/turnpt.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/turnpt2.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc1.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc2.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc3.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc4.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc5.htmlhttp://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/fc6.html "The Book" by BUNNY
http://web.archive.org/web/20041204155143/thyla.com/bunnybook.html The Captain and the Comma by Bersakhi
http://web.archive.org/web/20041210161701/thyla.com/comma.html The Kiss by AtieJen
First line Challenge. Write a story with the first line, "Kiss Me."
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213100005/thyla.com/theKiss.html The Odd Guest K/S by BUNNY!;
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213100659/thyla.com/oddguest.html The Proposal by Bluesky
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213101720/thyla.com/proposal.html Unfair by Arachne
http://web.archive.org/web/20041215151809/thyla.com/unfair.html Points of Interest by Saavant
Spock has sexy ears
http://www.kardasi.com/SBS/One/index.htm Ponn Farr by Arachnethe2
Warning (m/f and m/m sex)
http://www.skeeter63.org/~allaire/PonnFarr.html What the Heart Remembers by Killa
Spock woke in a room he did not know, the pale light of a yellow sun at the windows and long afternoon shadows falling across the bed.
He half-expected the soft vibration of ship's engines. When he realized why the silence felt wrong, why the slanting light disoriented him,
he knew that he had been dreaming again.
http://www.seacouver.slashcity.net/killa/wthr_new.html Winter Solstice by Dread Nought
http://web.archive.org/web/20041213101457/thyla.com/wintersolstice.html Waiting For Night To End by Elise Madrid
http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=50 **********
Lyra's tos fanfiction
http://liquidfic.net/tosfic.html Judith Gran's tos fanfiction
http://www.alternateuniverses.com/judygran/index.html jacquez's tos fanfiction
http://www.allslash.org/tos/fiction/noandyes.html Laura Goodwin's tos fanfiction