Raspberry Ice Cream and Pictures

Jul 27, 2010 02:04

Title: Raspberry Ice Cream and Pictures
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Series: Kidverse
Characters/Pairings: Rose Tyler, Lacey Harkness, Owen Harper Lacey/Owen
Summary: Two friends mend their relationship over Ice cream and pictures
Notes: Written for the schmoop_bingo Prompt: Friendship

Lacey walked into the Hub after having taken a few days off work. Of course, being a Time Traveller meant she’d taken nearly a week off work, dragging Jonah and Max, even Betty and Maggie, onto a couple of trips. She avoided the future where she’d gotten sick, but took them to the past and futures on different planets. It helped, being away that week. It helped her come to grips with the fact that Rose was back and that she had overreacted. She felt two feet tall when she walked in, but she knew she had to do this. She walked over to where Rose was working on paperwork. “Hey,” she said, grabbing a chair and rolling it over to her, “Can we talk?”

Rose looked up from the paperwork. “I don’t know, are you going to throw things at me again?”

Lacey winced, but nodded. “I deserved that,” she gave a sheepish smile, “I promise no throwing things.”

Rose nodded. “I could take a lunch hour, are you back at work yet?”

“Not until tomorrow, I just had to do a project for advanced photography so came back a day earlier. Upstairs? I could go for a raspberry scone and a coffee.”

Rose shrugged. “Sure,” She followed the older woman upstairs. Jackie brought over their favorite snacks and two cups of coffee. The two girls sat awkwardly across from each other, silently picking at the food and sipping their coffee. “Switched to Decaff yet?”

“Afternoon, yeah, still need at least one cup of caffeine in the morning though, hard to get going otherwise, with our hours.” Lacey said, before sighing. “I’m sorry I went insane back there,” she said, meaning when Rose showed up. “It’s just…Koschei was the closest thing to a father I had growing up, half the time the closest thing to a brother too, and I hate seeing him hurt.”

“I didn’t think I’d ever get back to John,” Rose said with a shrug, “so I guess I didn’t think of it as lying to them. Our relationship had been on the rocks too, so I was running away, I didn’t think that I wanted to go back.”

“How did you know you wanted to go back?” She asked, curious.

“How did you know it was time to break up with your boyfriend?”

Lacey sighed, rolling her eyes. “Ok, so I was being hypocritical about the whole except one small part,” she said, “well two small parts, I didn’t lie about Owen to him, and he was an abusive asshole. I highly doubt John ever hit you.”

Rose winced, nodding. “I was standing by that Rift Drop, and I realized this would be my one chance. I could go back to him, or I could turn my back on it and stay here. But I was already drifting, had been since I died. And I realized I wanted to try to patch things up with John. I didn’t have time to say goodbye, if I took a second longer it would have shut, so I just ran through. I never thought I’d be back.”

“You need to quit thinking that, or the universe will show you how much it really hates us,” Lacey sat quietly for a few minutes, “he threatened Owen, which is why I stayed with him so long, once Owen was alive and we realized we were falling for each other. I couldn’t take it if he got hurt because of me.”

“So why did you eventually leave?”

“When I was kidnapped, and after the escape and the trip to Disney with Tessa, I realized something. I had a family that would drop everything to come after me if they thought I was in danger. And then there was Owen.” She shook her head, smiling. “Everyone else was amused if a little exasperated at the stunt I pulled. Owen looked ready to kill me for it.”

“He was worried about you.” Rose said, even she could see it, had always really seen it between the two. “He was terrified that he was going to lose you, I think.” She paused. “He doesn’t know Ian threatened him, does he?”

Lacey shook her head. “Why do you think I just never talked about it?” She smiled faintly. “So, two years, huh?” Rose nodded. “You got any kids yet?”

Rose laughed, “No, not yet, we hadn’t even started talking about children yet. We were just happy the relationship was over the hump. Given a few more months, the subject probably would have come up. So what about you?” She gestured at Lacey’s middle. “When did this happen?”

The Time Lady laughed. “Would you believe this is the result of too much wine on Owen’s birthday?”

Rose shook her head. “Isn’t that Valentine’s Day?” Lacey nodded, smirking. “Only you two.”

“Nope, that’s when Tad got pregnant too.” She said quietly, “but you didn’t hear that from me. They’re still keeping that pretty low key.”

“Ianto’s pregnant too? Is everyone pregnant?” She glanced over at her mum. She wasn’t expecting another kid, was she?

Lacey shook her head. “Just about, but no, you’re not about to be a big sister again. You know what, if Dad needs you, he can call you, I’ve got a gallon of homemade raspberry ice cream sitting in the freezer at the house. You have two years you need to fill me on, and I’ve got about three months worth of gossip to catch you up on.”

Rose laughed, nodding. “Let me just leave a message for Jack so he doesn’t think we’ve both been kidnapped.”

“Or worse, tried to kill each other,” the Time Lady giggled.

“Oh you two, just get, if Jack has a problem with it I personally sent you home because your giggling and babbling was frightening my customers.” Jackie said, smiling, waving at them as the two girls ran out of the shop. It was good to see the two make up like that.

Owen hated the days he worked not only at the Hub but had to pull a shift at the hospital, damn small town and it’s shortage of medical professionals. He walked into the house, thinking nothing at first of the laughter. Lacey might have Betty and Maggie over, one last girl’s hurrah before she returned to work the next day. “No, I’m telling you, bright orange. I don’t know what I was thinking…hang on, Owen’s got a picture of it somewhere.”

Owen paused from his usual routine of grabbing a soda from the fridge. Why would she be talking about the colour of her cast with Maggie and Betty? “Oh my God, Lacey! You look like hell!” Rose was here? She invited Rose over? He grabbed his soda and headed upstairs. He paused in the doorway of their bedroom, shaking his head. Rose laid on her stomach across the bed, while Lacey lounged on her side, propped up on one elbow, the tub of ice cream Jackie sent home the other day with him in between, as well as the scrapbook. Rose looked over when she hear him chuckle. “Oh, hi Owen,” she said with a smile. “Why in the heck did you let her choose radioactive Orange for her cast?”

“Oi! I didn’t think she’d actually pick it and she was doing that pathetic I’m injured and tired and scared and you’ll give into me, right thing she does whenever she’s hurt.” He said, walking into the room. “I was unable to resist it.”

“He is powerless against my pouts.” Lacey said with a nod. “that and the fear of sleeping on our sofa.”

“Or getting kicked out of the house.”

“That was one time, and I still maintained you deserved it.” Lacey said, crossing her arms with a little pout.

“You didn’t even let me get a shirt on! I was lucky you allowed me shoes. And then I had to put up with Gwen and her obsession with putting it in my lap. It hates, me Lace.”

“Edwart does not hate you, he can just smell your fear.” Lacey said.

“He really cries everytime he’s handed to Owen?”

“Yeah, they were using it as a party trick when Romana regenerated, blowing our normal family cover to Betty and Maggie, and then Jonah showed up. Oh you’d like Jonah, he’s a skanky version of Dad.”

“Have you met your father?” Rose laughed.

“No, really, Jonah’s worse, the minute he found out I was related to Jack he started talking about bagging a Daddy Daughter combo like it was Bingo Square he could check off.” Lacey giggled. “Everyone apparently got the wrong impression of him.”

“He called you skanky.”

“Uhm, Owen, I was.” She said, motioning him to sit on the bed. “Come on, get over here, and I swear to god, if Jack calls, I’m throwing the phones into the toilet and flushing them.” She had a brief shudder, remembering the last time all three shared a bed like this.

“Let’s not think about that, instead, tell me about the wedding!” Rose said, getting girly again. “When is it?”

Owen rolled his eyes, trying to hide the little flashback he’d had to the morning everyone was thinking of. “Late July, early August. We haven’t chosen an exact date yet.” He slid down behind Lacey, an arm going around her waist. “We’re still waiting for two gay men to choose a bloody cake.”

“We didn’t want it to overshadow Mickey and Jake’s. They did get engaged before us.” Lacey pointed out, nuzzling back into Owen.

Rose chuckled at her two friends, glad to have this back. “Although I think the display of the engagement was to keep you from killing people, Lace.”

“Oh, please, they were going to get engaged then, the threat of violence just lit a fire under Mickey’s arse.” Lacey said, with a shrug. “I’m leaning towards August 1st. Darla said that’s a good wedding date. It’s good luck.”


“She’s an old friend of Spike’s. Great Grandsire or something. Yes, vampire, but she likes Lacey enough, you should see the two birds going on about dresses and motherhood.” He rolled his eyes, kissing Lacey on the shoulder as she leaned back to pout at him.

“Has anyone pointed out how sickeningly cute you two are?” Rose said, with a smile. “You’re almost as bad as Mickey and Jake.”

“almost?” Lacey asked

“Yeah, the two of you don’t seem to need to be in the same room all the time. I swear to god, Mickey and Jake are damn near inseparable.” Rose looked at the clock on the nightstand. “Oh man, I gotta get home. Mum wanted me to have dinner with her and Tony. I completely lost track of time!” She reached over to hug both of them. “Hey Lacey, call me, later, yeah? About the shopping?”

“Yeah, will do. See ya tomorrow at work.” She waved as Rose ran down the stairs, already on the phone with her mum. She rolled in Owen’s arms so she was nuzzling against his chest.

“I take it the two of you are close to where you were before?” Owen said, smiling as he rubbed her back idly.

She nodded. “It was awkward at first, but then we started talking about babies, and then ice cream got brought up, and then we were back here and catching up, good and bad.” She glanced back at the gallon. “I think we left you a bite or two.”

“Oh how generous.” He said, though he obviously was more amused than annoyed. He really was glad the two weren’t fighting anymore, or worse. “Come on, how about I at least attempt to get a real meal into you.”

“Are you taking me out to Dinner, Owen Harper?”

“Maybe, only if you’re good, and actually eat a proper meal.” He gave her a little look that said, ‘leave the jelly babies at the house’.

“Deal. Let me get dressed.”

kid verse, owen harper, schmoop bingo, lacey harkness, fic: complete, torchwood, rose tyler, doctor who, au, lacey/owen, jackie tyler, original character, fic: prompt

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