Second Chance at Happiness(5/22?)

Sep 26, 2009 13:07


Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Team Tardis, Team Torchwood, Lacey, Tessa, Devon, Mere, Tony, Tavish, Jack/Ianto, Master/Ten/Rose, Gwen/Rhys, Mickey/Jake, Jackie/Pete
Summary: Lacey and Owen are stuck in the their childhood again, will this time be better?

Jake looked up from closing down the register when the door slammed open and Owen stormed through, glowering at him, almost daring him to say something to him. He followed him as marched to the back door leading to the Hub, jumping slightly to hit the button to open the door, and storming downstairs. He turned again as he saw Mickey and Martha walk in, Mickey holding Lacey’s hand as she looked about to burst into tears.

Mickey looked up and saw him, before bending down to talk to Lacey, “Hey, go on with Martha. I’m gonna help Jake close up and wait for that pizza, yeah?” He knocked her a bit on the chin playfully, smiling when she giggled a bit and nodded, moving towards the now older woman and let her take her hand for the rest of the trip back downstairs. He looked back up at Jake when they were gone, surprised to see him smiling at him. “What?”

“Nothing, just thinking our kids are going to have a great dad in you.”

“Oh stop. Just all that time helping Jackie with Tony, is all.” He was leaning on the counter. “I thought you were downstairs helping them look for away to turn the midgets back into their usual cheerful selves.”

“I was, but Jack is driving us all a little bit crazy. I think Ianto was damn near ready to kill him if he wasn’t also worried about those two.” Jake nodded downstairs. “How’d you guys get them out of the tree? Last we heard, Jack was expecting us to be on tree watch most of the evening if not into the night.”

Mickey chuckled. “Martha bribed them with a bag of caramels each and the mere mention of pizza and buffalo wings got them moving faster than if we’d told them we’d found the way to put them right. Now,” he looked around, “what’s left to be done?”

Owen stormed rest of the way downstairs, not even waiting for the door to open up all the way before squeezing through and throwing himself down on the sofa. He propped his feet up on the coffee table without thinking, leaning back til he was staring at the ceiling with a sigh. He only looked up when he saw Martha and Lacey walk in, her giving him a glare. “I’ll go first. Show you who’s chicken shit, Harper.”

He stared off after her. Damn insane bird, she was confusing enough when they were adults, but now that they were kids, it was like ten times worse. “Worst day ever!” he muttered.

“Looks that way, mate,”

Owen turned, startled. He hadn’t even seen Rhys, sitting there with one of the twins. “What’re you doing here, Rhys?”

The older man shrugged, bouncing the little six month old on his knee. “Gwen called and filled me in on what was going on. Said it might be a long night, and I think she was just missing her babies. Take it you and Lacey not adjusting too well.”

Owen shrugged. “I’m sick of her looking at me like I can protect her. Ever since this has happened, she’s been hiding behind me, clinging to me, or looking to me to make the choice. She’s eight, not helpless.”

Rhys looked at him. “You’re an only child, aren’t you?”

Owen nodded. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Well, she wasn’t, was she? Even before she was a Harkness, she had that Doctor, right?”

“Yeah, he’s her older brother….oh.” He looked over towards the medical bay where Lacey was letting Martha examine. “Still doesn’t make sense, I mean, we’re basically the same age, and technically, she’s always been older than me.”

Rhys just shrugged. “She’s smaller than you are now, even if you aren’t older or younger than her. I’d say just go with it. It’s not like this is going to last very long, right?”

Owen ignored the question. “Where’s the other one?”

“Tessa is chasing Edwart around here somewhere. I think they may be in Jack’s office.” He was about to say more when a terrified shriek came from the medical bay. Rhys watched Owen jump up and run in there, probably not even realizing he was jumping to her defense.

Owen ran into the medical bay at the sound her shriek, to find her cowering in a corner, and Martha giving her an exasperated look, holding a needle in her hand. Owen had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, since he knew that would only piss off the girl. He walked over to her, and sat next to her, not even getting five seconds before she trying to push her face into his chest. “She’s a bit phobic of needles, Martha. Should have warned you about that.” He gave an apologetic smile as he nodded that Martha come over and get it done with while she wasn’t looking.

Martha was just finishing the blood draw when Jack burst in, looking just a bit winded, and looked down to see the two kids, Lacey beating on Owen for tricking her, again.

“I told you,” He said, smiling, “You would never see through my ploys, for they are indeed cunning.” This got her giggling, and he started laughing with her.

Jack turned to Martha, a relieved look on his face. “Needle?” When she nodded, he just shook his head. “How’d you get them here?”

Martha nodded over to the bags of caramels on the table. “All right, Owen, you’re turn, hop up there. Lacey, try not to eat your whole bag before the Pizza gets here.” The little girl grinned and grabbed one of the bags and was out the med bay before Jack could stop her.

“You bribed them?” He looked out the door as Lacey ran into his office where Tessa was, and could soon hear both of them giggling. He shook his head. “Some things will never change.”

The Cog-door turned again, and in walked the twins and Devon, laughing about something. Devon saw Jack, and waved. “Uncle Jack, have you been keeping Lacey overtime? We’re supposed to go shopping and out to the clubs. We ended up shopping without her. But we came to get her for the trip to the clubs.”

“Yeah, Devon, about that…”

Devon looked up at the office as the eight year old walked out, still holding the bag of caramels, her sister’s snail crawling over her shoulders, sliming her clothes. “Uncle Jack, did more of our family fall through the Rift.”

Jack sighed. “Not exactly. Devon, that kid is Lacey. She and Owen had a bit of an accident with some alien device that fell through the Rift “

“What kind of accident? Did they knock it over in one of their stuffy phobia battles?” Tavish asked, still a bit in shock over his older sister being younger than him.

“No, we didn’t!” Owen called out from the med bay.

“And it was his fault.”

“We’re not going through this again!” Jack said, holding his arms out in stop and settle down motion. “I don’t care whose fault it is, it happened, and now we’re trying to fix it but dammit, if you two keep pulling the blame card I’m sending you both to the circle, got it?!” He waited til he got nods from both of them. “Good. Now, Gwen has a couple weeks worth of clothes for you…just in case!” he clarified when they both looked like they were about to protest. “You two can try them on…” He looked up as Mickey and Jake came in, carrying in dinner. “After dinner. Put Elwood back in the terrarium, girls.”

Tessa giggled as she pulled her pet off her sister’s shoulder. “He got you good, it’s dripping down your back.”

Lacey laughed, shrugging off the sticky jacket. “Was fun though. Kinda tickles.”

Jack shook his head, smiling that at least with Tessa she wasn’t too different from normal. He watched Owen button back up his shirt, running to get to the conference table for dinner.

He looked at the twins and Devon. “You guys can stay for dinner if you want.” They nodded and moved over to the table, watching as Tessa, Owen and Lacey got into it already with the paper straws and salt and pepper packets.

Lacey grabbed the whole container of buffalo wings, with a gumbling Jake telling her she was only getting that cause she was having a bad day. Owen snuck one out of while she was busy making a face at Jake, only to watch as Tessa stole his pizza slice with a smirk on her face, taking a huge bite out of it.

Gwen and Rhys were taking turns eating and feeding the infants, while Ianto and Mickey fought over a slice of a Hawaiian that Rose grabbed when they weren’t looking. Meredith, and Tavish laughing as she got away with it. Devon bribing Lacey into giving her a wing with an extra slice of cheesy bread, and Jack shook his head. Minus the fact that Lacey had to sit on her knees to get half the reach she was used to, and Owen’s legs were swinging freely instead of tapping out some annoying rhythm against the ground, nothing would seem out of the ordinary.

The sound of the Tardis startled them all. Jack looked over at Rose. “I thought we weren’t going to call them until the morning?”

“ I didn’t call them.” Rose said, shaking her head. “I’m not crazy, Jack. And we talked about it.”

Lacey had climbed down from her chair, a dejected and resigned look on her face, and they all notice that Owen went and stood next to her, grabbing her hand, giving her a little nudge. She looked up at him as she heard the Doctor and Master arguing as they often did as they walked out of the Tardis.

“I told you, it’s Friday, you got the landing wrong…again. That’s it, you are not allowed to pilot, Doctor, I mean it.”

“If I remember correctly, you were the one who put in the corordinates. So you must have punched in the wrong date. At least we’re just off by a day. Oh! Hello.” He said, noticing the group sitting around, “Oh, is there any Pizza left….” He found himself staring at the two kids standing there. “Jack, my sister is eight years old.”

“Oh look at that, give the man a prize,” the boy next to her said, getting a bit of a laugh out of Lacey.


“Two for Two, Doctor.” Jack said, “They had a bit of an accident.”

The Doctor looked at them both, then back at Jack, with a bit of an incredulous look. “You call this a bit of an accident?!”

The Master had watched the entire exchange with a small shake of his head. “Can’t leave you people alone for a second, can we?”

ianto jones, jake simmonds, torchwood, doctor who, tavish harkness, gwen cooper, martha jones, john hart, tom milligan, mickey/jake, devon harkness-hart, tessa dawson, gray/john, pete tyler, gwen/rhys, fic: in progress, jack/ianto, original characters, lacey harkness, mickey smith, jackie tyler, jack harkness, owen harper, kid verse, rose tyler, au, ten, meredith harkness, a second chance at happiness, the master, tony tyler, ten/master, rhys williams

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