Second Chance at Happiness(6/22?)

Sep 26, 2009 19:42


Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Characters/Pairings: Team Tardis, Team Torchwood, Lacey, Tessa, Devon, Mere, Tony, Tavish, Jack/Ianto, Master/Ten/Rose, Gwen/Rhys, Mickey/Jake, Jackie/Pete
Summary: Lacey and Owen are stuck in the their childhood again, will this time be better?

Lacey and Owen sat on the sofa in Jack’s office, watching the Doctor, the Master, Jack and Ianto discuss them as if they weren’t even there.

“So let me get this straight. They were just trying to catalogue this thing, and it went off, and flash of light, they were this.” The Doctor gestured over at the couch.

Jack shrugged, “That’s pretty much all we can get out of them. He grabbed it, it starting up, she grabbed it to try to get it away from him, and then it went critical, flashed a bright light loud pop, and this is the result.”

“Gotta love how you fall under the drinking age, and suddenly you’re invisible.” Owen whispered.

The Master gave them a quick look. “And you lost the device?” The kids sighed, looking away, but still nodded. The Master smiled. “How did you manage that?”

“It’s not like we did it on purpose,” Lacey rolled her eyes, “we were trying to you know, get away from what we were assuming could be our awful painful death, you know. I didn’t know this would happen.”

The Master shook his head. “Always be concerned with the device, for especially these occasions. I thought I taught you better than that, Lacey. What was the first thing we ever went over?”

“Never lose sight of the device,” she sighed, “especially if you don’t know what it does.”

“And what’s the second rule?”

“Don’t touch anything.” She crossed her arms. “He touched it first.”

“Oh god, Lacey, is that all you can do is blame me? Fine,” he yelled, “My fault, I picked up and somehow activated, but you still didn’t go when I told you too.”

“And it only fully activated once you both held it.” The Doctor mused. “You know, it might have taken both of you, which is why…yes, I bet it was just turning on when he grabbed it. That might help us narrow down what we are looking for.”

Owen turned to Lacey, a self-satisfied look on his face. “Ha! See, it is your fault! OW!” He grabbed his leg that she kicked. “Christ, you were violent as a child!”

“And I was just doing what else I was taught. You don’t leave a friend behind when they’re in trouble!”

“Lacey, Owen, I told you two, didn’t I? Stop blaming the other. It apparently takes two in this case, it’s both your fault.” Jack said, sitting at his desk. He was wanting nothing more than to kick everyone out of the office and have a stiff drink. Why couldn’t things be simple? No, he had to have two of his employees, one of which was his daughter, had to turn themselves into kids. “Ok, you know what, it’s been a very very VERY long day. I think we all need to just need to step back.” He looked over at Ianto. “Go and tell the others to go home. Get some rest, and be in first thing in the morning. Owen, you’re staying at the manor with us.”

“What? Why? I have my own place. People leave me alone there, they won’t notice me.”

“Because I know all you have in that fridge is beer and leftovers.”

“And vodka!”

“Lacey, I don’t want to know how the hell you know that.”

“I bought it for us…him. You know, back when I could legally buy alcohol.”

Martha walked in as Jack looked like he was going to question the us in that statement. “Well, good news, and bad news.”

“Shit, give us the bad news, can’t get any worse than it already is.” Owen said, crossing his arms.

“Owen, Language!”

“Bad news, as far as I can tell, is she’s eight years old, and he’s about nine and half, ten years old. Good news,” She shook her head, “you’re both, as far as I can tell, perfectly healthy for that age.”

“I’m sorry, what was the good news?” Lacey said, “cause I don’t consider the mere fact that I’m healthy as good news.”

“Lacey, stop being a brat. Anything else you can tell us?”

Martha shook her head. “I want Tom to look over them, tomorrow. He might spot something that I missed. I thought maybe the test might reveal a clue on how to reverse it, but…”

“It’s fine Martha, I’m going to take them home, and we can start again tomorrow.”

“If I get stuck with another needle, I swear I am going to show it up somewhere Tom is not going to like.”

“Lacey!” Jack was about to pick the girl up and carry her out and plop her down in a circle, while trying to remind himself that she was stuck as an eight year old, and having a bad day. “She’s cranky.”

“Relax, Jack, I’ve gotten worse threats in A&E. Nothing she says is going to phase me, or Tom.” She smiled at the two kids, “Get some sleep. I think tomorrow might be as long as today.” She walked back out.

Ianto came back in. “All sent home, Rose is in the Tardis,” he told the two Time Lords. “The twins and Devon told me that if you need any help with our little problem, give them a ring.” Jack nodded. “Also, Tessa and Elwood are in the Medical Bay.”

“She’d better not let that snail slime up all my equipment again!”

“All right, we’ll get it cleaned off tomorrow. You two, off with Ianto you go, I’ll meet you guys back at the house.” He nudged both kids off the couch, and they reluctantly followed Ianto out of the office. Jack turned back to the Time Lords. “And you’re sure you’ve never heard of anything that could do something like that?”

The Master shrugged. “Plenty of devices turn people into kids, of all kinds of varieties, from just mentally zapping them back, to this. Problem is, I’ve never heard of thing that just disappears after use.”

“Nothing, not even a onetime weapon? Turn your enemies into kids, win the war?”

The Doctor leaned against the wall, looking out the window of Jack’s office and Ianto put coats on all three children, made sure Tessa had her backpack, picking up Lacey’s, and ushering them all upstairs. “I haven’t heard of anything like this. Maybe if it had a switch, or a button, then It would be very similar to things I’ve seen, but the way this is behaving?” The Doctor shook his head. “I’ll have to check with the Tardis tonight. Speaking of tonight,” He nodded towards the direction the kids and Ianto went. “You need a hand with her?”

“I’ve raised kids before, Doctor, but still…” He knew the other man was worried about his baby sister. “Keep your phone handy. I have feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

The Doctor nodded. “We’ll park the Tardis in the backyard, just in case.” He nodded at the other Time Lord and they left the immortal alone in his office.

Jack sat there for a few moments. He was worried. Of all the team members that it had to happen to, it had to be the ones with the screwed up childhood. He didn’t know much about either except what they let slip. He knew Owen’s mother didn’t like him and kicked him out when he was sixteen, and he knew Lacey had lost her mom when she was eight and the kids at her academy tormented her til she ran away from it all. And it was looking more and more like they were going to have to grow up all over again.

He got up, and put on his coat. Well, they’d just have to learn that this time around, it was going to be different. He’d make sure of that.

ianto jones, jake simmonds, torchwood, doctor who, tavish harkness, gwen cooper, martha jones, john hart, tom milligan, devon harkness-hart, tessa dawson, gray/john, pete tyler, gwen/rhys, gray harkness, fic: in progress, jack/ianto, original characters, lacey harkness, mickey smith, jackie tyler, jack harkness, owen harper, kid verse, rose tyler, au, ten, meredith harkness, a second chance at happiness, the master, tony tyler, ten/master, rhys williams

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