Prime Entry (6)

Jan 18, 2014 19:29

Yeah it's been a while, but welcome back to Chudda Prime. Joshua Hunter is currently rocking out he's so happy to see everyone. Of course he's not the heir here so let's check in with his brother shall we?

There's my heir...everyone remembers Ellis right? He was the oldest of generation three and that there is his wife to be I'm not typing her maiden name out again. It's way too long.

The whole family gathered together for the heir's wedding. It should be noted that everyone except Carol lives here...and that's primarily because she's still busy traveling the world. Now when I say everyone lives here....exactly who am I talking about? Well...

Joshua and his fiancee Stella Teranno for one.

Generation 2 heiress Catherine and her husband Alvin. Catvin forever.

Ellis' twin brother Jon and his fiancee Amy. And my generation 1 spouse Marisa was still roaming around the lot too.
And just think we're about to add kids to this lot!

Amy ad Jon got married the day after Ellis....they chose to have a quiet ceremony in the back.Jon didn't want to upstage his older brother. Plus Jon's a pretty easy-going low key kind of a guy. I can't see him as the type that would want a huge fancy wedding.

The three women marrying into the Haven this generation soon settled into life. They all took up the responsibility of caring for the family garden. After all appreciating nature is quite expected around here.

Ellis' spouse also continued to enjoy pottery and other arts and crafts activities. Which was completely fine by me.

The family soon realized she was pregnant. The day Joshua and Stella tied the knot in fact..

And then Ellis got abducted by aliens the same night. (Finally)
So yes generation 4 was officially on it's way. Two for the price of one hooray. (As if this lot isn't crowded already. Yeah secretly I love the crowdedness.)

Stalkery couples continues to be the norm....only now there's 4 of them. But by far I think Joshua and Stella are my favorite. I mean just look at them rocking out in sync. *giggles*

Amy and Jon wanted children, but Amy was having a very hard time getting pregnant. That's when she broached the subject of adoption with Jon and Ellis. They felt the need to make sure Ellis was okay with this since the Haven is technically his home, and there were already a ton of people living there. Ellis of course was completely fine with his brother and sister-in-law adopting. The more the merrier around here!

And so Hailey joined the family.

Life for the most part around Chudda Prime at this point was all happiness, rainbows, and butterflies. Ellis wasn't around that much since he was off working as a Space Pirate...still helping to save other planets from danger and all that, but he did have to slow down some as his pregnancy progressed.

Sadly Marisa had recently passed away which was a huge blow for Nae. She'd come to deeply respect the founding matriarch of the Hunter family. It was a huge loss when she left. But at least she was with her beloved Roland.

Joshua was now pregnant....yep. No he wasn't abducted, his wife's a Teranno...pregnancy in men for them is the norm. Duh.

And the first of generation 4 had finally arrived in Chudda Prime. A little boy named Eli.

Roland even made his first appearance on the night of his great-grandson's birth. No one could see him....except Amy. And to her he looked so sad. She'd never met her husband's grandfather, but had heard so many wonderful things. Everyone agreed that it had been so so sad he'd passed away so soon. And Amy thought he must feel the same watching him there floating in the moonlight.

Amy tried to get it out of her mind, but she just couldn't do it. Especially since that lamp was sitting right outside. She'd heard whispers about resurrection wishes in the order growing up....granted she wasn't much of a witch. Had been rubbish really, but what could it hurt to try? Wouldn't Ellis be so happy to have a little extra time with Roland? And wouldn't Roland be happy to have some extra time with his family? A chance to do all the things he didn't get to do before? After all the worst that could happen would be it didn't work. Right?

Alvin was bathing Eli....

Stella was painting....

And Ellis, Nae, and Catherine were working in the garden....

When Roland the Hunter suddenly walked back onto the scene.......


You just had to try that Resurrect wish didn't you? was I supposed to know it was going to turn Roland into a freakin zombie? I was curious okay?
And besides it's a fun twist....twists are good.

Join me next time to see how the family reacts to Amy turning Roland into a zombie.....
Oh wait...we have to visit Chudda Alpha first....*evil grin*

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