can't help it live-meta: 3:11: "The Eclipse part 2"

Dec 01, 2008 21:05

I'm really too tired for this (and I'm coughing so much that I'm missing big chunks of dialogue), but I really just can't sit here and take this without comment. That would go against everything I am.

Longest. Eclipse. Ever. Look, I've SEEN one. It lasts for about 20 minutes from beginning to end. GUYS????

Sandra, don't take Claire to the hospital. Now they're onto you. *sigh* I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Claire's got every disease ever for some reason... huh? They give her antibiotics and Hayden ges a relaxing work week in a hospital bed looking rough in a bad wig. Some girls have all the luck. Cristine got three whole weeks like that, though. Anyway, Claire flatlines. WHEEEEE!

Peter, PLEASE stop looking directly at the eclipse. Please. Also, even though he's extraordinarily beautiful, it annoys that he has to try to convince the Haitian to go back and kick some ass. Way to have a super-dramatic reversal from the way it was at the end of the last episode - PART ONE OF THIS ONE. C'mon, guys.

And Bennet? WHAT THE HELL? Waited until AFTER Sylar and Elle have it off before he shoots? So he WATCHED???? Oh my GOD, Noah, what kind of pervert are you? (Either that, or Sylar is a 15-second wonder. Which, y'know, sure, ok.) And, yeah, nice work, Kristen and Zachary, but you're not fooling me. Or, should I say, Zachary. You did not sell the sensuality to me. I still got a feeling of "eww girls".

But then Nathan's in bondage and everything's OK again. Baron Samedi comes down and puts him in his place with a quickness, even though he yells and gets butch and everything. *sigh* He's SO pretty. He talks a lovely line to a young female fellow prisoner, and I wonder if he's trying to get in her pants even though she's like 11.

Mohinder prepares to stalk Maya. Arthur (and Flint) continue to put the thumbscrews in, and burn him with a Zippo to show that they're serious. OH SCARY. But Mohinder hits Flint with a microscope (OUCH), they tussle, and Mo gets the better of him. Nice work, Mo! He grabs a business card and Maya's address, and books it out of there.


Wow, Daphne has cerebral palsy! Gosh... that's pretty severe. She and Matt are a real pair. She thinks Arthur's behind the loss of abilities; that it's a punishment for her having betrayed and lied and been a betrayer. Matt tells her that's bullshit, that he loves her, etc. She flicks him off with a "you didn't even know I had CP, homie, so you're dumb and you should leave now." *sigh*

Meanwhile, in the comic book shop of awesome, not only is it Wednesday and the New Releases shelves are groaning with shiny new pamphlets (but mostly 9th Wonders!), Seth Green and Breckin Meyer try to make sense of Hiro and Ando. Yeah, good luck with that. Hiro slaps down some of that sweet Nakamura-money-backed plastic and buys a whole longbox of 9th Wonders, which is pretty amazing, seeing as there are only 14 issues. Maybe he also bought a lot of Namor the Submariner too. Hiro reads the entire comic book of the series so far, and totally loves it. Breckin Meyer actually figures out what the deal is with the eclipse (AND HOW NICE THAT THE DAPHNE CORN FARM IS A 2-MINUTE WALK AWAY FROM A COMIC BOOK STORE.)

Meanwhile at Ralphs, Sylar is shoplifting gauze and other various first aid supplies and is dressing Elle's gunshot wound right there. WET CLEAN UP ON AISLE ONE, ewwww. Make that "biohazard" cleanup. Benet has chased them to the stockroom, and Sylar puts Elle into the service elevator and sends her away screaming so he can have a High Noon standoff with his old nemesis. Fisticuffs! Nasty accusations! More Fisticuffs! Nice work, Jack! He grabs a box knife, and slits Sylar's throat. WHEEEE!

In Haiti, the Haitian and Peter rescue a really fabulous haired young postitute and knock the shit out of Samedi. Then they go rescue Nathan, and Peter volunteers to stand behind and be backup while Nathan, the Haitian, and the girls get away. Peter calls himself "expendable". Oh, please don't be serious about that. No, really. Dumb and all, I need Peter. We all need him. Seriously, imagine the show without him.

OK, now we're at the halfway point of the episode, and the stakes are high. I know they can't be TOO high, though, because otherwise why would Greg still be shooting episodes right now, and by "right now", I mean like 5 days ago? Y'know? Seriously? Then again, ... eh. I must not question. Questions lead to confusion, confusion leads to fear, fear leads to anger, and anger leads to me listening to the assholes on the internet who do nothing but talk shit about the show. And I am better than that. And dammit, I want Wil Wheaton to guest star. I have to believe. And you know what? I still fucking love this shit. My heart is still pounding, even though an hour ago I was so tired I had to close my eyes and stretch out for a moment. Not every TV show can do that for me. Not every show can make me care so much. So there.


Sandra cries. The eclipse ends. Just in fucking time, eh? Claire's... not dead. OK then! That was two seconds of "Whoa!" Yep, right on. OK.

Daphne's already gone in Kansas. Matt's got his ability back, too, and he can hear that Daphne's not that far away, and that her dad hates himself for not being there for Daphne more. Anyway, Matt finds Daphne like ten yards away, talking to a scarecrow. One that she made. To save her dad's crops. Awwww, Brea, you're SO CUTE, and this story arc is SO NOT. It's, dare I say - stop me - I'm gonna - IT'S CORNY.

Yes, I'm already going to hell.

In Haiti, there's strife and mud cookies and a hail of bullets, some of them fired by a very cute Peter with entirely the wrong posture but damn, he looks good doing it. He surrenders, all sunlit and sweaty, and walks toward the guerillas. Then the Haitian busts some heads, Nathan busts the rest, Peter mops up, and it's swell. Unfortunately, Samedi is still around, and he and Nathan threaten each other in sexy sexy Français. Nathan flies Samedi into a jeep, then the Haitian grabs him by the forehead and does his mojo. YAY HAITIAN! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY HAITIAN! YAY JIMMY JEAN-LOUIS HAVING SOMETHING AWESOME TO DO AT LAST!

YAY! (...but still, what's his name? and where's George Takei??)

And why is Maya in New Jersey? Anyway, Mo's turning back now that the eclipse is over. Maya opens the door - why? - only to find Mohinder already gone. Why would Maya answer the door? She never wanted to see him again.

In the comic shop, Seth Green lays the logic of Honor and Heroism on a locked-in-the-bathroom Hiro. He literally breaks down the whole concept of Hiro's character for us. Thanks! It sounds so good coming from you, ginger babe! He also points out all of the various character arcs, such as how Hiro's never in the same situation as Claire. (Hey, I never noticed that!) Reading ahead, Seth discovers that he needs to go rescue Claire, and take her to the greenhouse on the roof of the Deveaux building, because we love that set. It reminds me of Claude. *sniff*

Claire is upset about Noah leaving yet again. Understandably. She's bitter and hateful and resentful of the fact that she died. (Um, AGAIN? Remember, you've died before, it's no big deal?) Anyway, since the eclipse is over, Sylar and Elle are at the house too, powers intact, and mad as hell. Sylar nearly strangles Bennet, but Noah drops the fact that NO SYLAR'S NOT A FUCKING PETRELLI. HAH HAH HAH! So there! Mwahahah! (and - er, psych.) And speaking of psych, Noah reminds Elle that Sylar killed her father. Sylar gets mad at that and tries to slit Noah's throat, but HIRO shows up, grabs Sylar, zips him away - then comes back and grabs Elle and does likewise - then comes back again, grabs Claire, says gleefully "Save cheerleader", and, presumably, zaps away with her, preferably someplace nicer than he put the bad guy and his adoring beard.

NICE! OK, the episode has magically redeemed itself. How do they DO that? And no, tonight I'm not even drunk (or even tipsy, as is my usual practice) and... er, not terrifically high (not at all, in fact, not even on cold medicine, which I should be). So I'm not just intoxicatedly loving the show because I'm too wasted to know any better. That comforts me, anyway.

Meanwhile, at the comic shop, Matt and Daphne show up all shiny. Seth tells them that Hiro's gone, but that Isaac left his sketchbook to the chubby bike messenger (I remember!) and it has one more story in it. Find that story, find the destiny! Also make a killing on eBay!

In Haiti, dirt just agrees with Nathan's face. Peter's too. They have a tender moment. And then Nathan LOSES HIS FUCKINGMIND and decides that Arthur's idea was right; suddenly he wants to build a droid army - I mean a mutant army - I mean a special army - and WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. NOT. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS AND HIM FLYING DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY MORE LEGIT. I CALL BULLSHIT! No, no, no, no, no! WHY MUST THEY KILL NATHAN OVER AND OVER AGAIN? WHY? Either appreciate the sheer awesomeness of Adrian Pasdar, or cut him the fuck loose. And Milo too. They're a package deal, obviously. But don't wreck his character. That's just shitty. It is. That doesn't make any sense at all, and in an offensive way, not in a "fuck science, this is fun TV with hotties and special FX" way. NO.

OK, episode losing its luster again. So... ok... this little "eclipse taking everyone's powers" diversion was for shits and giggles? it didn't really mean anything? Oh, guys. I'm trying really hard. But... Goddammit, that's BULLSHIT.

Sylar and Elle are dropped off on a romantic beach. Sylar is really upset about the stuff about him NOT REALLY BEING A PETRELLI (snerk). He makes Elle sit down and kisses her and makes out with her some more, and then muses philosophical about being free of parents and powers and stuff... and then drops the episode paradigm, "No one ever changes." Yeah, we're getting that. And then. He takes. Her BRAIIIIIIIIIIN! Bye, Kristen! I looove you! Your check's in the craft services tent, next to the Tawny Cypress memorial salad bar and the Santiago Cabrera art gallery.

Meanwhile, Hiro and claire show up on the roof at the moment when Baby Claire is given to Noah. In color! THERE'S George Takei! They're in da past! And... what the fuck? What's the meaning of this? What goes on? Who? When? Why? Where? AND IN WHAT FORM???

*groan* Oh my HEAD.

In the previews: Peter vs. Nathan. Arthur vs. Angela. Sylar vs. Everybody.

I am going to have to rewatch to really get a genuine sense of how I feel about the episode as a whole. Some very good things; some very, VERY BAD things. I don't know; y'know? On the other hand, I am under the weather, and very tired, so... hmmmm. *headscratcher*

wtf, heroes_meta, :(, show commentary, no seriously wtf, awesome

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