Perfect Match

Jun 26, 2012 00:00

Title: Perfect Match
Author: mystery
Pairing: Baekyeol ft. involuntary voyeur!Kai
Rating: R
Genre: Kinda smut, fluff
Warning(s): Voyeur!Kai
Summary: Jongin accidentally discovers Baekhyun and Chanyeol's relationship and does some thinking.
Author’s Note: I have no idea what this even is.
Fanfiction Masterlist


”Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck-“

Jongin stopped dead in his tracks. That sounded like Baekhyun’s voice. Was he jerking off? But-

“God Chanyeol, don’t stop!”

Okay, so he definitely wasn’t jerking off. Jongin’s body moved on autopilot and he inched closer to the slightly open door to Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s room. The crack was just enough to be able to see through.

A very naked Chanyeol was sitting on the edge of the bed, an equally as naked Baekhyun in his lap. Jongin’s eyes took in Baekhyun’s thrown back head, the glimpse of Chanyeol’s big hand around Baekhyun’s cock, the shiny sheen of sweat across their bodies against his will. His eyes widened when he realized that from where he was standing, he had perfect view of the way Baekhyun’s back flexed when he moved on Chanyeol’s cock and even the way said cock slid in and out of him.

He shouldn’t be watching, but he couldn’t look away. He felt guilty, sick even, as he felt his own cock begin to swell, straining against his underwear.

Baekhyun’s brow was furrowed, his mouth hanging open. His lips were glistening red in the gentle light the lamp on Chanyeol’s bedside table provided. His eyes were shut and Jongin couldn’t help but think beautiful. Chanyeol obviously agreed with him, as the other was intently watching Baekhyun’s face, his neck, as he held Baekhyun’s hips and lifted his own. The otherwise so loud and boisterous Chanyeol was surprisingly quiet.

“Baekhyunnie,” he moaned, just as the thought passed through Jongin’s head. Baekhyun’s eyes flew open and he lifted his head to look at Chanyeol. As soon as he had the other’s gaze, his eyes fell half-lidded. “Baekhyunnie, you’re so beautiful.”

The flush on Baekhyun’s skin increased tenfold and Jongin’s hand began sneaking towards his crotch. His first thought had been that they were just relieving some tension, like friends with benefits, but it definitely didn’t seem like it now. Friends with benefits did not call each other beautiful during sex.

“I’m close,” Baekhyun gasped, his head falling forward this time, landing heavily on Chanyeol’s shoulder. Jongin was worried for a moment that when he no longer could look at Baekhyun’s face, Chanyeol would look up and spot him in the doorway, but Chanyeol bent his neck and started placing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses across the expanse of Baekhyun’s neck and shoulder. Jongin grimaced to himself as Chanyeol moved away, revealing a shimmering trail of saliva. Surely it couldn’t be pleasant to be kissed like that? Nonetheless his traitorous hand slipped into his boxer shorts and grasped his hardened length.

“Me too,” Chanyeol groaned against Baekhyun’s neck, “so close baby, god, so close…”

A high-pitched, whine-like moan slipped out from Baekhyun’s mouth. “I love you,” he panted, and Jongin could see his lips move against Chanyeol’s shoulder.

Jongin’s stomach gave a jolt when Baekhyun’s words reached him. I love you, Baekhyun had said. His body went rigid as he waited for Chanyeol’s response.

“I love you too,” Chanyeol murmured, his voice hoarse and strained. “So much, I love you so fucking much.”

Jongin didn’t have time to react to that before Baekhyun threw his head back again, his body stiffening and convulsing as he came in hot spurts across his stomach and Chanyeol’s hand, his mouth hanging open in a choked cry.

He didn’t stay to see the look on Chanyeol’s face when he came as well, but pulled out his hand from his pants and turned around, love confessions echoing in his mind as he crept into his own bed and tried to will away his erection.

Breakfast was an extremely uncomfortable experience for Jongin, but no one else seemed to notice anything. Even if it was their first and last “day off” - if you didn’t count the single dance practice and the vocal lesson Kyungsoo and Baekhyun would attend - in a while, Joonmyun had gotten them all up at a ridiculous hour, in Jongin’s opinion.

Kyungsoo and Joonmyun were already finished and were sharing the shower, Sehun was tiredly staring into space through half-lidded eyes as he ate his cereal and Chanyeol and Baekhyun were joking around as usual. No one seemed to notice that Jongin was barely eating anything and kept squirming in his seat as he stole glances at Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

When he thought about it, the two were perfect for each other. They fit like two pieces of a puzzle, if not even better. It may not seem like it at first, but they were… well, a perfect match. Two halves of a whole. Yin and yang personified.

Sehun finished his cereal and got up from where he was sitting, putting his bowl and spoon in the sink as he exited the kitchen, moving like a zombie. Jongin didn’t move. Chanyeol and Baekhyun kept talking, joking, playing games with their hands, whatever they were doing, Jongin didn’t really care.

“Hyung,” he spoke up when he’d had enough. Chanyeol and Baekhyun immediately looked up from where they were playing a reaction game with their hands. Baekhyun tilted his head to the side and smiled at Jongin.

“Yeah?” they chorused.

Jongin squirmed and felt his face heat up. “I, um, yesterday, I… I’m sorry, I was on my way back from the bathroom and I, um, I kind of, eh, I kind of…”

Chanyeol suddenly grinned. “You saw us, I know,” he said, and Jongin looked up with wide eyes.

“You noticed?” he asked, grimacing as his voice came out unusually high and somewhat strangled. Chanyeol chuckled and nodded. Baekhyun’s face reddened and he glared at Chanyeol.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he hissed, but Chanyeol merely shrugged.

“Didn’t really think it mattered.”

“You horny bastard,” Baekhyun muttered through clenched teeth, seemingly immensely embarrassed, “I bet you only cared about coming, huh?”

The shit-eating grin on Chanyeol’s face was all answer he needed and Baekhyun’s closed fist came in contact with Chanyeol’s bicep, hard. Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at Baekhyun and rubbed his arm before he turned back to Jongin, who didn’t miss the odd way Baekhyun eyed Chanyeol’s tongue.

“Anyway, I figured you might feel… well, awkward about it, so I thought it best if you came to us first. I don’t really mind, and I don’t think Baekhyun does either, he’s just embarrassed. Yes, we are together. No, none of the others know and please don’t tell them. We’d rather tell them ourselves.”

Jongin nodded. “Just… how long?” he asked, cheeks flaming. Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun, who seemed thoughtful.

“Maybe… three or four years? We knew each other a while before this,” Baekhyun said after a moment, aimlessly waving his hand in the air. This, as in becoming trainees, singers, Jongin thought.

“So all that getting to know each other was just for show?” Jongin asked. Chanyeol and Baekhyun nodded, both smiling now. “Okay. Well, I don’t… I’m fine with it. I was just a bit shocked.”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol chuckled. Jongin stood up, following Sehun’s example as he put his half-empty bowl and spoon in the sink. He turned towards Chanyeol and Baekhyun to say something, but the two were busy kissing, so Jongin silently left the kitchen, cheeks still burning.

They really are a perfect match, he thought to himself.

fandom: exo, fanfiction: drabble, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol, genre: fluff, rating: r, genre: smut

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