Prettily Damaged

Jul 02, 2012 16:52

Title: Prettily Damaged
Author: mystery
Pairing: Taoris
Rating: R
Genre: Hurt/comfort (kind of)
Warning(s): Possibly disturbing themes (self-harm/cutting)
Summary: Yifan freaks out when he notices blood stains on the bathroom floor. Zitao is... different.
Author’s Note: What is this even omg.


Zitao thinks it’s beautiful, the way the red taints his pale skin. Yifan, of course, throws a fit when he finds the blood stains on the bathroom floors and yells at the members to tell him where the fuck they are from. Everyone stays silent until Yifan sinks to his knees and cries. Zitao stares.

“Gege…” he quietly utters into the silence. Yifan lifts his head and it breaks Zitao’s heart to see his tear-stricken face. “I cut.”

Yifan flows up from the floor and grabs Zitao’s left arm, pulling his sleeve up to his elbow. Zitao winces when the older harshly brushes against his freshest wounds, but says nothing.

Their leader’s face pales as he spots the red lines on Zitao’s arm. One of them, the one that left stains on the floor, is still bleeding slightly.

“Why?” he asks, his voice breaking on the single syllable. Zitao looks up at him, searches his face.

“I think it’s pretty,” he replies. Yifan clenches his eyes shut and another few tears escape, trailing down his cheeks.

On impulse, Zitao stands up and tentatively licks at one of the salty tracks. Yifan sucks in a gasp as he backs away, eyes wide. In the background, one of the other members makes a noise.

“You’re sick!” Yixing exclaims and stands up from where Yifan had firmly placed him on the couch earlier. It stings as he walks away, but Zitao ignores it. Yifan has yet to say anything.

“I’m… sorry?” he tries.

Thinking back, he realizes licking Yifan’s cheek might not have been the best idea. He wonders if there is something in what Yixing said, if there really is something wrong with him. He rarely agrees with what the other members seem to think. His way of thinking is… different, and he sometimes gets these weird impulses. He’s usually better at controlling it, but Yifan’s reaction threw him off balance. But is he sick?

Yifan slowly shakes his head. He’s stopped crying but he still looks a bit shaken up. “Is that the only reason you cut?” he asks quietly, completely ignoring the licking-incident. Zitao is vaguely aware of Luhan and Minseok staring at them with wide eyes. He nods. A small crease appears between Yifan’s brows.

“Absolutely certain? It’s not because you’re… sad?”

Zitao lets out a bark of laughter and shakes his head. “No, I’m not like that. I’m not like those kids who cut to escape.”

Yifan seems relieved and takes a step forward to envelop Zitao in a hug. On another incontrollable impulse, Zitao bends his neck and places a quick, open-mouthed kiss on Yifan’s neck. To his surprise, Yifan shudders. It isn’t visible, but he can feel it.

“I think I like you,” he whispers in the other’s ear and whoa, that was something he didn’t know himself until he said it.

Minseok and Luhan leave as Yifan hugs him tighter. “I fucking love you. Please don’t cut anymore?”

“I can’t… I can’t promise.”

When Zitao draws back, they kiss. They kiss again and again and again until a loud slam and an equally loud curse from somewhere in the dorms interrupt them.

“You should probably check what happened,” Zitao murmurs, a little breathless. Yifan sighs and leans his forehead on his shoulder.

“Not now. Talk to me.”

Zitao tells him everything, and Yifan promises it’ll be okay. Zitao cries, because this is something he’s kept bottled up inside him for a long time and it feels so good to finally let it out. Yifan hugs him and kisses his tears away. He calls for Yixing, who approaches them warily.

“Zitao isn’t sick,” Yifan says, glaring sternly at him. Yixing sighs and his frame slumps just a little.

“I know,” he answers. “I was just… grossed out or something. I’m sorry Zitao.”

He joins Yifan in comforting their youngest and doesn’t even flinch when the leader kisses Zitao right in front of him.

“Everything will be fine,” Yifan murmurs into Zitao’s mouth.

Zitao believes him.

fandom: exo, fanfiction: drabble, pairing: kris/tao, rating: r, genre: hurt/comfort

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