Always Together

Jun 08, 2011 18:16

  Title: Always Together [4/?]
Author: Mystery
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, smut... slight bits of humor?
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): Rather short and rather porny.
Author’s Note: Re-posting stuffs at my LJ so I can update my archive... Why do I always forget to post it here too?
Fanfiction Archive

Maybe Jiyong wouldn’t have minded as much the second time the doorbell rang, if he wasn’t currently being pinned against the wall by a certain, very sexy person. He groaned in half-annoyance, half-pleasure as Seunghyun sucked even harder on his neck for a second out of surprise.

“Ignore it,” he breathed when Seunghyun’s mouth parted from the skin on his neck. “Ignore it, please.” Seunghyun shot him an amused look, but didn’t disobey and instead went to work on the task of ridding Jiyong of his shirt. The doorbell rang a second time as Seunghyun latched his mouth onto one of Jiyong’s nipples, sucking and licking and teasing the other nipple with his fingers. Unfortunately, neither of them thought of the fact that the door was unlocked…

“He- Oh my God!” Myunghee said. Neither of the two boys heard her as her rather low squeak was drowned out by Jiyong’s moan and the thumping sound his head made when it connected to the wall.

“Seunghyun… Will you just… Hurry up, please?” Seunghyun slid down to stand on his knees and Jiyong’s fingers laced in his hair in anticipation, but suddenly he grabbed the elder’s hair a little harder and pulled him back up.

“Changed my mind, it’s my turn.” He paused for a moment while he spun Seunghyun around and looked deep into his eyes. “And another thing…” a little louder; “I think we got an audience.” Seunghyun glanced to the side and then his eyes widened.

“Myunghee!” he exclaimed, obviously embarrassed and shocked. “Wh-what are you doing here?” She stared back, equally as wide-eyed, when Jiyong didn’t seem to care about her at all, just leaned in to nibble on his collarbones. “Uhm, I… Realized that I… Dropped my bracelet and… It wasn’t in the stairs so I thought it might be here.” Seunghyun nodded and leaned his head against the well, eyes closing. Jiyong lifted his head then to look at Myunghee, not caring at all about Seunghyun’s disapproving glare.

“If you wanna watch, that’s alright with me, but I have a few rules…” Myunghee’s eyes widened and her cheeks became bright red. “No touching yourself, or my Seunghyun. Or me. Just watching. And no telling anyone else.” Her eyes widened a little further, but she stood frozen to the spot. Until Seunghyun’s shirt was off and Jiyong bent down to lick his nipple, that is. Then she shook her head and fled the apartment with a squeak. Seunghyun laughed, a little breathlessly, and Jiyong smiled against his skin.

“Sensitive little thing…” Seunghyun mumbled. He had intended to say something else, too, but forgot what when Jiyong kneeled in front of him and began to work on the button and zipper in his jeans, quickly pulling them down along with the boxers underneath when he’d completed his task. Then he paused, eyeing Seunghyun’s cock in awe. He’d never seen it this close before. Then he glanced up at the older, eyes twinkling when he met Seunghyun’s heated, lust-filled gaze. Slowly, too slow, his pink tongue poked out from in between cherry lips and made contact with the skin on the underside of Seunghyun’s cock. Seunghyun’s eyes closed, the sight nearly too erotic to handle, but Jiyong wasn’t too pleased with this.

“Open your eyes, hyung,” he demanded. “Watch me.” Seunghyun simply couldn’t disobey that voice and so he was practically forced to look down as Jiyong took the tip of his cock into his mouth and sucked. His hands went down to intertwine in Jiyong’s hair for leverage.

“Shit, Jiyong,” he said in a loud whisper as Jiyong’s tongue swirled around him. Jiyong hummed and took some more of the length into his mouth, his hands going to stroke what he couldn’t take into his mouth. He tried to take in even more, but quickly drew back as he nearly gagged. Seunghyun stroked his cheek with his thumb.

“Hey hey, take it easy,” he said and Jiyong nodded. He gave himself a moment to breathe before taking the tip of Seunghyun’s cock into his mouth again, sucking lightly. Seunghyun groaned again and before he could no longer resist the urge to thrust into Jiyong’s mouth, he tugged on the younger’s hair to make him stand up.

He kissed him again, the taste of himself on Jiyong’s tongue going straight to his groin, even though it should be disgusting. Without any further discussion, he lifted Jiyong up and stepped out of his pants, which were pooled around his ankles, carrying the smaller to their bed.

“Hmm, I wanna fuck you so bad,” he whispered against Jiyong’s lips and he felt rather than heard the small groan Jiyong emitted. “I wanted to try too,” he whispered breathlessly. “But that can wait… For some other time.” Seunghyun chuckled, but didn’t say anything, concentrating on ridding Jiyong of his pants and boxers. Once he succeeded, he gave Jiyong a few fingers to suck on and went down to tease his nipples again. Jiyong whined and Seunghyun looked up at the rather erotic sight of Jiyong sucking his fingers.

“You’ll be the death of me, Ji,” he groaned, hiding his face against Jiyong’s chest. Jiyong laughed and Seunghyun took the opportunity to withdraw his fingers, trailing them slowly down Jiyong’s body, pushing one inside as they reached their destination. It was only a few moments, and then Jiyong was asking for another. He moved them around, stretching Jiyong’s entrance, and it was just a little longer before Jiyong whimpered “more” this time, and Seunghyun obliged, adding a third finger. Jiyong squirmed a little, trying to get Seunghyun’s finger where he wanted them. When the older realized what Jiyong was trying to do, he smirked and deliberately avoided coming in contact with Jiyong’s prostate as good as he could.

“Seunghyun!” Jiyong growled. “It’s not fair! If you don’t watch it, I’ll go to the bathroom and take care of myself, tha-“ Seunghyun stopped him by smashing his lips against Jiyong’s, kissing him with all skills he had. While Jiyong was distracted by the kiss, Seunghyun withdrew his fingers and positioned himself at Jiyong’s entrance. He parted just a little from Jiyong’s lips to catch his breath before kissing him again, this time also thrusting his hips forward, burying himself in the tight heat of Jiyong.

Jiyong’s lips parted from his as the younger’s neck arched when he moaned. Seunghyun moaned, too, burying his head against Jiyong’s shoulder. He paused for a few moments and the only sounds in the small apartment were from their heavy breathing and the faint sound of their heavy heartbeats.

“Move,” Jiyong mumbled and Seunghyun complied, pulling out and thrusting back in. Jiyong moaned again and put his arms around Seunghyun’s neck. It wasn’t long before he asked Seunghyun to move faster, thrust harder, and Seunghyun couldn’t do anything else than obey. He leaned down to silence Jiyong’s loud moans with his own mouth, whispering against his lips that they no longer lived in a house and maybe should be a little quieter.

“I don’t fucking care,” Jiyong moaned then, and the look on his face was the sexiest ever. Seunghyun reached down to stroke Jiyong’s cock and elicited a small scream from the younger.

“Shit, shit, Seunghyun,” he moaned. Seunghyun bit his shoulder to keep quiet. “I’m gonna come… Shit, Seunghyun!” His body tensed up and he shuddered as he came over Seunghyun’s hand and his own chest and stomach. Seunghyun looked up just in time to see the erotic expression on Jiyong’s face. The sight, combined with the feeling of tensing muscles around him pushed him over the edge and he painted Jiyong’s insides with his own release, collapsing on top of the younger.

They lay like that for a while, Jiyong letting his fingertips dance across the skin on Seunghyun’s back as they tried to catch their breaths and make their heartbeats calm down.

“I love you, hyung,” Jiyong whispered and Seunghyun couldn’t help the grin that spread across his features. He lifted his head and met his brother’s tender gaze. “I love you too, Ji. More than anything.” Jiyong smiled too and let his eyes close.

“Hey, you wouldn’t mind getting some tissue or something, would you? This sticky stuff is disgusting…” Seunghyun laughed and got up, offering Jiyong his hand. “I wouldn’t mind showering with you…” he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jiyong laughed, but accepted the offer.

It took them almost an hour to shower, especially as Seunghyun managed to get Jiyong all dirty again. Twice. It wasn’t like Jiyong complained, but it was a bit annoying. When they finally emerged from the shower, however, there was a third ring on the door.

“Oh, what the fuck,” Jiyong grumbled as he stumbled towards the door at the same time he tried to pull his pants on. He picked up Seunghyun’s on the way and threw them in his brother’s face. He opened the door and was faced with Mrs. Cho and Myunghee. Neither of them looked angry, so Jiyong thought he could relax a little.

“Hi!” he said, giving them his biggest and most charming smile, the one his brother and girls in school always praised him for. Seunghyun glared at him as he saw how Myunghee and Mrs. Cho practically melted, but chose to ignore it. “What’s up?” Myunghee giggled a little, and Jiyong did his best to ignore the annoying sound.

“We just thought that you’d need some help,” Mrs. Cho said. “Can we come in?” Jiyong nodded and stepped aside, letting the two women enter their small apartment. Seunghyun hurriedly went to make their bed, to hide the possible evidence of their love making session that could be seen on the sheets.

“I was thinking that at least one of you might need a job, yes?” Seunghyun nodded. “I thought of this yesterday, before we fell asleep. I’ll take a job so that Jiyong can go to school.” Jiyong glanced at his brother and reached a hand out to grab his hand. Seunghyun glanced back, a smile playing in his eyes. “But I don’t know any schools around…” Jiyong resisted the urge to hug his brother at the hint of pain in his voice. Mrs. Cho smiled at them.

“That’s why I’m here,” she said. “Jiyong could go to Myunghee’s school - I already spoke to the principal - and there’s a clothing store a little further down the street that is hiring right now. If you want to, I could follow you there. Myunghee could take Jiyong to visit her school tomorrow.” Jiyong grabbed Seunghyun’s hand even harder.

“No!” he said. “I want to come with Hyun, too!” Mrs. Cho smiled at him gently, understanding. “I’m sorry but you can’t,” she said. Jiyong glared. “I’m not leaving my brother!” Seunghyun turned to him, surprised and touched. He hadn't realized how attached Jiyong had really become to him.

“Jiyong, sweetie,” he said. “You have to. Besides, it’s not for long. Just a few hours, each day, right? You can do that, we’ve done it before.” His voice was gentle, caring, and Jiyong blinked the tears in his eyes away.

“But that was before! I don’t wanna be away from you!” he shouted before letting go of Seunghyun’s hand and turning around, throwing himself on their bed and burying himself in the sheets. Seunghyun sighed, an apologetic smile on his face as he turned to Mrs. Cho and Myunghee.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I’ll talk to him and then I’ll come down to you, okay?” Mrs. Cho nodded and smiled back, dragging her daughter along. Seunghyun went to sit on the edge of the bed, his fingers playing with the hair in Jiyong’s neck.

“One of us has to work, Jiyong. One of us has to work, so the other can study, and so that we can eat decent food, can buy new clothes, can get haircuts… And have fun. Why can’t you see that, Ji?” Jiyong lifted his head enough to be able to say, “I can. I know, but I don’t wanna.” His voice was shaking and even though Seunghyun couldn’t see his face, he knew he was crying. He knew his little brother too well not to notice.

“Jiyong-ah, why are you crying?” he mumbled and embraced the younger in a tight hug. “Don’t cry, please…” Jiyong turned in his arms to be able to hug him properly, wetting his chest with tears and snot. “I don’t know… I’m just… I want my life back.” Seunghyun felt a piece of his heart break. This was all his fault, wasn’t it?

“I’m sorry,” he whispered into Jiyong’s hair. “I’m so sorry.” He wished he could do something to soothe Jiyong’s pain, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t do anything else than just be there, and it was breaking him.

genre: au, fanfiction: chaptered, fandom: big bang, pairing: g-dragon/top, rating: nc-17, genre: smut, genre: romance

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