Broken Wings

Jun 06, 2011 22:20

 Title: Broken Wings
Author: Mystery
Rating: PG
Genre: Very much AU
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): I'm not sure if angels and vampires and elves and what not should be a warning...
Author’s Note: Uhm... I don't remember how I began thinking of this. But I remember how awesome I thought it was. And they were all except one supposed to be humans, but my mind tends to take things like this a little overboard ;__________;
Fiction Archive

Seunghyun never knew much about angels. No one did, really. They were mysterious creatures, preferred keep to themselves (of course, they lived in heaven), but in school they said they’d sometimes come down to the earth, just for a short visit. They wouldn’t talk to anyone, usually not even look at people, because it could be dangerous for them. Why? Well, none of Seunghyun’s teachers had ever said why. What everyone was certain of, though, was that angels were exceptionally beautiful.

Which is why Seunghyun was one hundred percent certain that Jiyong was an angel. His brown eyes always had this glow in them (except when he was really tired, and that broke Seunghyun’s heart), his skin was perfect and his smile was enough to disarm anyone. He was the most beautiful person Seunghyun had ever seen, easily beating all the pretty girls he’d ever complimented (and not complimented).

“Hey! Who’s up for truth or dare?” Seungri stuck his head into Jiyong’s and Seunghyun’s (unfortunately) shared room. Seungri was one of those few very nice vampires, who actually tried not to attack people, but he was rather annoying. Sometimes, anyway. Other times he’d be really nice and then Seunghyun thought it was all worth it.

“I’m in!” Jiyong quickly stood up from where he was sitting on his desk chair and Seunghyun inwardly groaned when the younger looked at him expectantly.

“Yeah, okay then. Just this once.” So if Jiyong was an angel and Seungri was a vampire, what was Seunghyun? Seunghyun had grown up in a family of humans, but he was half elf. His mother had abandoned his father and all humans she knew for living with another elf - only that she also left Seunghyun, the child who was half her sort half their sort, like some elves liked to say about humans.

“You think we should ask Bom-noona too?” Bom wasn’t human either, she was a jinn and it was very rare to actually see her, when she was actually in school that is. She did, however, have a soft spot for Seungri and did usually show up when he asked her too.

“Bom-noona is creepy,” Jiyong said, scrunching his nose and Seunghyun and Seungri laughed. Seungri, by the way, wasn’t his real name. It was a nickname he’d chosen so that people wouldn’t confuse him with Seunghyun - they actually had the same name.

“Who’s creepy?” a female voice joined the conversation and the boys jerked.

“Bom-noona!” they said in unison and she laughed, finally appearing in front of them. She was looking expectantly at Jiyong, a leopard tail swaying behind her.

“I’m sorry, noona. I didn’t mean it,” Jiyong said, his head hanging, and Seunghyun was once again grabbed by that oh-so-strong urge to hug him. Bom smiled at him, nodding.

“It’s okay. Anyway, Seungri, what were you going to ask me?” The youngest of the four, Seungri, looked at her, baffled.

“Uhm… You were around all this time?” She smiled faintly at him.

“No, I came just a few minutes ago.”

“Oh, well, we were wondering if you wanted to join us for a round of truth and dare.” Jiyong glared at him and Bom made a face.

“No, I don’t feel like it. I’m sure Dara or Minji will be up for it, though, they always thing such things are fun. Especially if it’s with an elf and a vampire.” Dara and Minji were two of the rather few humans on their school. The school they were in were for humans, demons, vampires and elves, occasionally jinns and angels if they wanted to join, but that only happened once in a blue moon. Bom and Hiko were the only jinns and if Jiyong was one, he’d be the only angel.

“Okay. We’ll ask them if we see them.” Bom smiled, nodded and disappeared again. The boys looked around them a little suspiciously before continuing to Seungri’s room, although they still didn’t relax fully. Jiyong was right; Bom was rather creepy at times.

In the end, it was Seungri, Yongbae, Jiyong, Seunghyun, Minji and Chaerin who played. Chaerin was another vampire, but a little fiercer than Seungri. The school provided her with enough blood to keep her calm during the semester and made sure she didn’t hunt too much during the holidays. Yongbae was, just like Minji, one of the few humans.

The first question fell to Seungri and he happily asked Chaerin not to drink any blood for a week. She glared at him and refused to accept the dare.

“You know as well as I do what’ll happen if I don’t drink,” she spat. Sadly, everyone else in the room knew, too. Only Minji was too young to have lessons about vampires yet, but she already knew what happened to a vampire that didn’t drink - they became mad. Their physical strength increased as well as the strength of their poison while their ability to think straight decreased until they jumped anything that smelled of life. Seungri just shrugged.

“Three days, then?” Chaerin thought for a moment and then nodded.

“Three days is fine.” Then she turned to Minji. “Truth or dare, Min?” Minji thought for a moment, before she chose truth. Chaerin smirked.

“I know you have a crush on someone in this room… But who is it?” Minji blushed bright red and stared at the floor, squirming. Seunghyun felt kind of sorry for her. “Come on, Minji…” Chaerin said.

“Yongbae-oppa,” Minji finally whispered and Chaerin, with her excellent vampire-senses, acted like a speaker. Seunghyun could impossibly not notice the way Yongbae flushed and looked away as well.

The game went on for some while with silly questions and answers that half of them already knew. It was fun, though, seeing the embarrassment the confessions caused his friends. Then it was his turn to ask someone - the only one he hadn’t asked was Jiyong.

“Jiyong, truth or dare?” Jiyong looked up from where he’d been playing with a piece of paper, looking kind of like a deer in headlights. Seunghyun wanted to kiss him, stare into those eyes forever…

“Truth.” Seunghyun nodded, trying to think of something to ask. He really did try to come up with an original question, but it wasn’t the easiest task. He watched Jiyong’s fingers play with the pencil in his hand and suddenly blurted, “Why are you so beautiful?” The room became dead quiet and Seunghyun inwardly kicked himself. Then Jiyong laughed, and it was the prettiest thing Seunghyun had ever heard.

“What kind of question is that? I’m not answering that,” Jiyong said, still smiling when he turned to Yongbae to ask something. Seunghyun wasn’t listening anymore.

He was still thinking about it when they went to bed. He just couldn’t let it go.

“Hey, Jiyong?” he whispered and was awarded with a sleepy hum from the other side of the room. “I was serious, you know.” Jiyong turned around in his bed and Seunghyun could feel his piercing gaze even though he couldn’t see it.

“Yes, Seunghyun, I’m an angel. I know that’s what you really wanted to ask.“ Silence ensued and Jiyong sighed as he got up to walk across the room and sit down on the edge of Seunghyun’s bed. “So why am I on Earth?” More silence, in which Jiyong grabbed Seunghyun’s hand. “I was one of those curious young angels who wanted to know more about Earth. My mother warned me not to look at anyone or anything and I promised her not to - but then I heard your voice.” Jiyong sighed again.

“My voice…?” Seunghyun carefully asked when Jiyong didn’t continue.

“Yes, your voice. Your voice was the most beautiful earthly voice I’d ever heard and I tried not to look up, but I did anyway - and I fell in love. Do you know what happens when an angel falls in love with an earthly creature, Seunghyun?” Seunghyun whispered a ‘no’ and he swore he saw Jiyong’s smile lightning up the darkness of their room. “When an angel who’s in love with an earthly creature returns to Heaven, they have to gather meet up with their family and the mightiest angel, Gabriel, who shreds their wings to pieces… And you can’t put them back together until the one you love loves you back with every fiber of their being.”

Seunghyun closed his eyes and imagined Jiyong with wings… Then how his wings were being shred. It surprised him how much it hurt.

“Then we fall. Landing hurts of course since we have no wings to stop the fall, but the physical pain is nowhere near the painful feeling of your heart being shred to pieces - because an angel’s heart is with their wings, did you know that?” Jiyong took a deep shaky breath and when Seunghyun’s thumb came in contact with the too soft skin on Jiyong’s cheek, it was wet. “We have to figure everything out on our own - clothes is the first thing we look for. Then money and a place to live. I’m lucky - I found you just a few hours after I landed and followed you to school. I’m exceptionally lucky.” He was saying that he was lucky, but his voice carried sadness and longing.

“If the earthly creature loves the angel back… What happens then?” Seunghyun asked, barely breathing. He was sitting up now too, continuously trying to wipe the tears away from Jiyong’s cheeks, but they kept falling.

“If they confess, the angel can give them a pair of wings for one purpose only - fly to heaven and prove their love to Gabriel. If they’re ready to leave earth and live in heaven with their angel, then the angel gets its wings back.” Jiyong paused to collect himself and when he finally stopped crying, he stood up. “Sleep now,” he whispered and leaned down to place a kiss on Seunghyun’s forehead.


It took two days for Seunghyun to muster up the courage to confess, despite already knowing that Jiyong wouldn’t reject him. They were on a picnic in the forest with their friends, when he pulled Jiyong aside and confessed his hearts’ words to him. Jiyong smiled at him then, a smile that carried relief and sadness. Then he pulled Seunghyun into a deep kiss and when Seunghyun pulled back, his shirt was on the ground.

“Fly,” Jiyong whispered. “Fly and we’ll see how much your love holds for.” And to his surprise, Seunghyun flew. He flew past the clouds and through the gates to Heaven. When he understood that he’d arrived, because he couldn’t fly higher, he stopped and looked around. Everything was either white or light blue and it was rather cold. He shivered.

“Who are you?” a voice from no-where said and Seunghyun’s body jerked. “I… I’m Choi Seunghyun,” he said, looking around suspiciously. “And why are you here?” A shadow appeared in the white, a shining shadow. “I’m here to prove my love to Kwon Jiyong.” The shadow got a face, a beautiful face - although not as beautiful as Jiyong.

“You must be Seunghyun, Jiyong’s elf then. I’m Gabriel, the mightiest angel in Heaven.” Seunghyun nodded and took Gabriel’s hand when it was reached out towards him.

“Yes. Yes, I’m Jiyong’s elf,” he mumbled, blushing a little. Then he looked around in awe as houses in shining gold appeared on the clouds. The air suddenly felt a lot warmer.

Gabriel brought him to a house that was shining so brightly his eyes hurt. Not to mention it was huge. Gabriel grabbed his wrist and guided him through at least ten different rooms and corridors that all had decorations in gold and silver and even diamond and seemed to be endlessly huge. Angels sure had a liking for beauty…

Seunghyun was brought into a rather small room (it was bigger than his and Jiyong’s room in school, though) with only two chairs and a table. It was the simplest room Seunghyun had seen in this place so far; they were made of wood and had no special decorations except the words in a language Seunghyun did not understand that was carved into the material.

“Please have a seat,” Gabriel said and gestured to the chair furthest away from the door. The walls had no windows and only one door. Seunghyun couldn’t see any lights, but it was still strangely bright in the room. The magic of angels, he assumed.

“So you’re the one who loves our Jiyong.” The casual words that would’ve sounded strange if uttered anywhere else in Heaven than this room seemed to fit the situation. Seunghyun nodded. “I hope, for Jiyong’s sake, that you can prove it…” Gabriel paused, tapping his chin with his index finger.”First of all, I would like to ask you… What’s his favorite color?” Seunghyun smiled; that was easy.

He passed favorite color, favorite clothing brand, favorite music, favorite cologne and favorite food. Then Gabriel asked him to describe Jiyong, in whichever way he wanted in every little detail he could remember. So Seunghyun closed his eyes and began talking.

He described how Jiyong’s eyes sparkled when he was happy, he mentioned three different hues of brown he could see in them, he described Jiyong’s kind of wild reddish hair that would stick out at odd angles when he’d just woken up - he might’ve mentioned how maddening adorable that was, too. He described the way Jiyong jumped up and down when he was particularly excited, how he would throw himself at Seunghyun and nearly hug him to death when either of the two passed a test, how he smelled. He described how Jiyong’s face would be so peaceful Seunghyun’s heart ached when he slept and how he would somehow longingly stare up at the sky. He described Jiyong’s being down to every little detail and when he opened his eyes again, Gabriel was smiling.

“That’s good,” he said, his voice soft and respectful. “I’ll be right back.” He left Seunghyun alone in the room, biting his lips and anxiously thinking what he’d said over and over. Had he forgotten something? Before he could totally ruin his lip, Gabriel re-entered, this time with four beautiful girls in tow.

“I will let you choose one of these four beautiful girls,” they all smiled at him, ”to take with you down to Earth on a date.” Seunghyun blinked, stared and blinked again. Then he looked at the girls. They were all charming, but there was something about them…

“No,” he said. “I don’t want to. What if Jiyong found out? He’d be heartbroken.” Gabriel smiled at that.

“He already is,” he said, “Literally. But you can heal him. There is just one more thing for us to do…” The girls exited and four young boys entered instead. Seunghyun looked into the eyes of one - and immediately hoped he hadn’t. Nothing could’ve prepared him for the images that assaulted his mind.

Jiyong was doing his homework on vampires when the door behind him opened and closed. He barely had time to turn around before he had an armful of Seunghyun sobbing into his neck.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he whispered and let his fingertips ghost over the skin on Seunghyun’s neck. Then his heart nearly stopped beating. “Did you pass the test?” Seunghyun nodded against his neck and Jiyong relaxed again.

“Yes… Yes, just… I… They…” Seunghyun was crying so hard he could barely breathe and Jiyong pulled him close to his chest, shushing him and rocking him from side to side. When Seunghyun finally calmed down a little, he talked into Jiyong’s neck about those four boys, and what they did to him. Whenever he looked into their eyes, they locked him into place with their gaze and he saw things… Like Jiyong being tortured. Images too horrible to describe with words, but they all involved Jiyong. Images that made Seunghyun cry out in pain and hurt, nearly convinced that it was actually happening. By the time he finished talking, he was crying again.

“Hush baby, it’s okay. I assure you that I was safe the whole time. Nothing happened to me…” He pulled Seunghyun as close as physically possible, placing small kisses on his neck and shoulder. “Nothing can keep us apart now. Let’s sleep. We’ll be moving into Heaven tomorrow.”

When Seunghyun woke up he didn’t even remember going to bed, but he was lying in Jiyong’s bed with the younger’s arms around his waist. He felt safe, secure. He turned in Jiyong’s grasp to look at his face, so beautifully illuminated by the rays of sunlight that Seunghyun’s breath caught in his throat. Then the moment was broken as Seungri slammed the door open.

“Hyung!” he shouted in his typical Seungri-fashion, but immediately stopped, staring at the bed. “Oh. Uhm… I’m sorry?” he said stupidly, lips parting slightly as Jiyong raised a little - Seungri now had a perfect under their blanket and Jiyong wasn’t wearing a shirt. Seunghyun growled when he noticed the look on Seungri’s face and pulled Jiyong closer.

“I swear, Seungri, if you attack him…” Seungri smiled then, finally moving his gaze from Jiyong’s neck to Seunghyun’s face.

“Oh, don’t worry,” he said and Seunghyun relaxed enough to look down at Jiyong’s face. He’d closed his eyes again and was pushing back into Seunghyun’s chest, like a cat. “But did something happen that I should know?”

“We’re moving up to Heaven today,” Jiyong said and opened his eyes. “Because I’m an angel and Seunghyun is mine. So I’ll take him with me home.” Seungri’s eyes widened.

“Oh! I always thought you were an angel,” was the first thing he said with a crooked smile. “Just make sure you come to say bye before you leave and please, please visit me sometimes or I’ll come up to heaven and kill you.” He chuckled a little, waved their hand at them and turned around to leave, but not before Seunghyun could recognize the shimmering in his eyes as tears. He sighed into Jiyong’s hair.

“I’ll miss him.” Jiyong chuckled.

“Yeah? To be honest… Me too. But Heaven is wonderful, and we can visit Earth anytime we want.”

“I love you, Jiyongie.”

“Love you too, Seunghyunnie.”

genre: au, rating: pg, fandom: big bang, fanfiction: oneshot, pairing: g-dragon/top, genre: romance

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