Always Together

Jun 08, 2011 18:18

 Title: Always Together [5/?]
Author: Mystery
Rating: PG?
Genre: Romance, I guess
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there’s no way in hell I’d write this half-assed shit about them. I’d film them 24/7.
Warning(s): Hm... None that I can think of.
Author’s Note: Re-posting~
Fiction Archive

It had been two weeks. Two weeks of the new life of Choi Seunghyun and Kwon Jiyong, teenage rebel lovers. Or, well, that’s what everyone thought and that’s what they told them. It was more like it had been two weeks of the new life of Choi Seunghyun and Choi Jiyong, teenage incestuous lovers. It had been two weeks since they’d ran away from home and received help from Seunghyun’s friend Jiseok (who gave them new names and an address of a place they might be able to live). It had been two weeks since Mr. and Mrs. Cho allowed them to live in one of their apartments. It had been one and a half week since Jiyong started attending school and Seunghyun began working.

Seunghyun was not pleased with Jiyong’s new friends. Most of them were girls, rather busty girls with huge, annoying smiles and fake interests in the things Jiyong liked. He brought them home and Seunghyun had to watch them be all over his little sunshine.

And one day, Jiyong brought home the six that actually stuck with him. Jiyong had called him at work to ask if it was okay if he brought them home for movies and sleeping over and he’d said it was okay, even if he wanted to shoot them. When he came home, he found Jiyong in the middle of the bed (which they also used as a couch when necessary), with one of the girl’s head in his lap, one on each shoulder and one behind him. The other two were sitting on the floor in front of him, their backs leaning against the side of the bed. He could’ve dealt with the positions, if Jiyong’s left arm wasn’t slung around the shoulders of the girl on his left, his right hand playing with the other girl’s hair. That was just… Too much. So he snapped. He picked up the remote control from the bed and turned the TV off.

“Hi Ji,” he said, effectively gaining his brother’s attention. Jiyong was glaring at him. “What’d you do that for?” Seunghyun snorted. “You think that’s an acceptable way to greet your hyung?” Jiyong rolled his eyes and stood up. The girls all looked up, confused. At least half of them immediately fell in love with Seunghyun. It wasn’t that hard to notice, really.

“Hey, ladies,” he said, smiling, and propped down on Jiyong’s place. While two of the girls moved away, the other four moved closer to him. He pulled them closer, smirking at Jiyong who glared back at him. “I ain’t talking to you,” Jiyong ground out. Seunghyun chuckled. “Too bad.” He gave one of the girls a kiss on the top of her head and she squealed. Jiyong didn’t seem to know what to do for a few moments, but then Seunghyun - who was still staring at Jiyong - could feel a hand trailing along his thigh, up to his groin…

“Don’t fucking touch my boyfriend, bitch!” Jiyong grabbed the girl’s wrist and pulled her up from the bed, leading her through the apartment, picking up her things along the way, and practically pushing her out. Then he turned around to glare at each of the girls that were left. “No one touches my Seunghyun, understood?” One after the other, the girls got up to gather their things and left.

“Bye, Jiyongie” they said, smiling at him as brightly as if he hadn’t just revealed that he was gay and unavailable.

“Well,” Seunghyun said when they were finally alone. “That was effective. I’ll remember that.” Jiyong didn’t even glance at him as he went to get himself ready for bed. Seunghyun sighed, but went to use the bathroom after Jiyong without saying anything.


The next day was Saturday. Sadly, Seunghyun had work on Saturdays, but Jiyong was free. Jiyong woke up when Seunghyun had to get up, but he didn’t say anything. While Seunghyun was eating breakfast, Jiyong used the shower and while Seunghyun was showering, Jiyong ate. None of them uttered a word throughout the whole morning, even though Seunghyun was very surprised when Jiyong took his jacket and shoes and followed Seunghyun to work.

Jiyong was sitting on a chair behind Seunghyun, who was working as a cashier in a clothing store, all day, occasionally helping his customers with choosing clothes in the right size and color - even if it meant pissing them off. He never even glanced at Seunghyun, who felt his annoyance rise each time Jiyong threw a female customer a flirty grin and said “this will look amazing on you, miss!”

Jiyong’s revenges often worked like this, because he knew how easy it was for him to make Seunghyun jealous and desperate of contact with him. It had never been this bad, however, and Seunghyun felt his mood sink with each minute of their time that Jiyong refused to give to him.

When they came home, he wasn’t disappointed or sad any more. He was angry, on the verge of pissed. Jiyong seemed satisfied, though, and he really didn’t want to ruin that. He really didn’t, so he tried not to scream at him. It was only that he couldn’t not be mad at him when he began swaying his hips just a little extra as he walked in front of Seunghyun, pretended to stretch so that he could let his shirt ride up just a little.

“Fuck you.” Jiyong stared. Seunghyun only ever swore at him when he was really, really angry and he was rarely very angry. You know that it’s your own fault, right? If you hadn’t pissed me off to begin with, it would’ve never happened.” Jiyong continued staring. Seunghyun sighed. “Whatever, I’m going for a walk before I do something I’ll regret.” Jiyong’s eyes widened when Seunghyun turned around.

“No!” he exclaimed, and Seunghyun stopped. “Don’t go. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” Seunghyun turned back again, one eyebrow raised. “I wasn’t flirting with them!” Jiyong blurted. “I was just… Being me. You know how I am…” He looked genuinely worried that Seunghyun would actually leave. “I’m sorry, just… Don’t go. I need you.” His lower lip was quivering by now and Seunghyun easily gave in, stepped forward and embraced Jiyong in a tight hug.

“I know, honey, I know,” he mumbled. “Don’t you have any guy friends, though? I don’t like seeing you with girls…” Jiyong sobbed, then and Seunghyun felt how he became worried. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, pulling away from Jiyong just enough to tilt his chin up so that he could look him into the eyes.

“The guys in school,” Jiyong said, “they’re not nice to me. They say I’m ugly, too skinny and a disgusting gay. They say I have no talent for anything other than being fucked. They say I’m a whore!” Seunghyun frowned. “They… What?” It was impossible, How could anyone insult his baby brother? Jiyong nodded. “Some of them even tried to beat me up, but the bell rang before they could do so… And then when school was over, I ran, so they didn’t catch me.” Seunghyun’s hands clenched into fists. No one was allowed to touch Jiyong, especially not if they were going to hurt him! No one was allowed to tell him such things!

“What they say…” He swallowed, trying to make the trembling in his voice to go away. “What they say, Jiyong, isn’t true. Don’t ever let it get to you. But I’m coming with you to school on Monday, okay?” Jiyong’s eyes widened, but then he nodded. “Okay.” He smiled a little. “It’ll be fun. I bet my teacher will drool all over you.” Seunghyun raised an eyebrow and Jiyong punched his chest lightly. “Because there is no one as sexy as you.”


On Monday morning, Seunghyun woke up earlier than Jiyong. He called his boss and said he couldn’t come today, got dressed and prepared breakfast before he went to wake Jiyong up. The smile on Jiyong’s face when he realized was more than worth it.

When they arrived, three or four girls immediatley ran up to them, Myunghee among them. Jiyong greeted them all with a smile, but the girls stuttered when they answered him, and they kept glancing at Seunghyun.

“Uhm, Jiyong… Who is that?” the bravest of the girls, Eunjung, asked. Jiyong smiled at her, his eyes shining with pride. “This is Seunghyun.” All of the girl’s eyes immediately widened. “Oh, Seunghyun-oppa! We’ve heard so much about you!” Eunjung squealed and Seunghyun could feel his cheeks heat up. “Is that so?” All of the girls nodded vigirously, their hair flying. Seunghyun leaned forward so that he could whisper in Jiyong’s ear, “Do they know that we’re a couple?” Jiyong shook his head. “Do you want to tell them?” Jiyong nodded and Seunghyun straightened up again, smiling. “Good,” he said and slung an arm around Jiyong’s arm, walking with him into the main building as the bell rang.

“I see we have a guest today,” the teacher, Mrs. Chae, said. “Who is this, Jiyong?” She gestured for the two to come up the front and Jiyong bit his lip to hide his smile as he grabbed Seunghyun’s hand and dragged him along. “This is Choi Seunghyun, my roommate and lover.” Everyone’s eyes widened and Seunghyun could hear how Mrs. Chae gasped. Then everything fell silent. Seunghyun stepped closer to Jiyong and pulled him close, one eyebrow raising.

“Yeah. Anyone got a problem with that?” No one said anything and he smiled. “Good.” Then he lead Jiyong back to his seat and grabbed a spare chair to sit on.

When the bell rang for the first break, Eunjung and her best friend Aesook immediately ran up to Seunghyun and Jiyong.

“Is it true that you’re lovers?” Jiyong rolled his eyes, but Seunghyun nodded. “Aw, you’re so cute!” Seunghyun smiled, Jiyong looked the other way. “So you’re both gay?” Seunghyun nodded again, Jiyong carried on ignoring them. “Then I guess it isn’t possible for us to become your girlfriend even if you break up…” Seunghyun shook his head. “I won’t ever break up with Jiyong.” Jiyong finally turned his head to look at them - and smiled. “You know that I’d kill you if you would,” he said and Seunghyun smiled too. “Yeah. And I don’t think the world would be alright with one Choi Seunghyun less, now would it?” Jiyong and Seunghyun laughed as the girls shook their heads. “You’re too gorgeous for that, oppa,” Aesook said. Then break was over.

It was the same thing in the other classes, that didn’t have Mrs. Chae as teacher. Jiyong would drag Seunghyun up front and he’d introduce himself as Choi Seunghyun, Jiyong’s lover, or Jiyong would do it.In one class, a girl even asked them to kiss. Seunghyun had felt his ears burn bright red, but the teacher had nodded at them, and so he pulled Jiyong closer and lowered his head to meet the younger’s lips with his own. It was awkward at first, but then he felt Jiyong’s tongue against his lip and he forgot about everyone in the room - until the teacher cleared her throat, that is. They broke apart, panting slightly, and stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments. When they returned to their seats with lowered heads, they were both very embarrassed.

It wasn’t like Seunghyun disliked the attention - the questions were weird, sure, and the girl’s giggles were annoying, but it was kind of nice. Until the boys started going up to them and calling them fags and fat and ugly and other pathetic things they could come up with. But then this boy, Jaesun, tried to hit him.

“Hey, midget-fag!” he shouted. Jiyong lifted his head despite Seunghyun’s quiet order not to. “C’mere. I wanna show you something.” Jiyong glanced at Seunghyun who sighed, understanding that he couldn’t really stop him, and then walked over. Seunghyun couldn’t really see what Jaesun did, but when Jiyong bended over with his arms around his stomach, he understood what had happened.

“What the fuck did you just do?” he said and walked up to Jaesun, who snickered, the little bastard. “Did you just hit Jiyong, my Jiyong?” Jaesun’s nose wrinkled. “Ew, you fucking-“ He couldn’t finish with the word fag because Seunghyun hit him, so hard that he fell off the chair he was sitting on. He didn’t even have the time to sit back up before Seunghyun was over him again. Jiyong flinched at the cracking sound Jaesun’s nose made when Seunghyun’s fist connected to it. Then he started bleeding. His nose, and then his lips.

“Stop,” he said, but Seunghyun didn’t seem to hear him. “Hyunnie, stop!” he shouted and grabbed the elder’s shoulders. Seunghyun’s movements halted and he got off Jaesun, snorting. Then he turned to the little audience that had gathered.

“Whoever hurts my Jiyong… Will have to deal with me. Any questions?” It was dead silent and Seunghyun grabbed Jiyong’s hand and walked away.

When the day was finally over, Seunghyun felt very relieved. Eunjung and Aesook wanted to follow them home, but both of them declined. Myunghee accompanied them on their way home, although neither of them listened to her endless chatter. It was pretty clear that she had a crush on Jiyong and tried to ignore the fact that he was gay and unavailable either way.

When they came home, Seunghyun was exhausted while Jiyong seemed to be rather lively. But when he offered to make dinner, Seunghyun stared at him.

“You’ll burn down the entire complex,” he said and Jiyong laughed. “No. Don’t worry, I’ll pick something easy and do exactly as the recipe says. If I need any help, I’ll run down and ask Mrs. Cho. Okay?” Seunghyun gave in and collapsed on the bed, face buried in Jiyong’s pillow. He was asleep within three minutes, the sound of a happy Jiyong making dinner having lulled him.

genre: au, rating: pg, fanfiction: chaptered, fandom: big bang, pairing: g-dragon/top, genre: romance

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