The only things I talk about: porny literature and food. SOB.

Nov 12, 2010 20:02


Trenette with lobster in tomato sauce! It was an otherworldly experience. WONDROUS. The pasta was amazing and the lobster was enormous and it took me half an hour to eat the whole thing. THEN I WENT INTO FOOD COMA. The dessert was also amazing, because chocolate biscuit-like cake plus gelato sprinkled with hazelnut bits = A+++. (Before & after. It was so good. And also expensive, ahaha, but let us not go into such saddening details.) This restaurant opened my eyes to the inherent excellence that is remarkably found in bread with olives. I dislike olives and yet the bread we were given was delicious. How is this possible!


Rigatoni with tuna, button mushrooms and beans: ALSO WONDROUS. I would have taken a picture if I hadn't been so busy eating ravenously.

A couple of days ago:

I accidentally ended up at a fair (how does one accidentally end up at a fair?) and bought a delicious caramel apple. IT WAS SO RED. I felt like a bull who is irresistibly attracted to red things. I was unfortunately unable to eat it all because it was enormous and I was afraid I would go into a sugar frenzy. So I had to leave it unfinished. :'(

... have you ever read Lucian's Verae Historiae/Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα? He is hilarious! It is, basically, a science fiction novel about a guy who goes travelling with his friends and a) ends up on the moon, where people are born from testicles and b) ends up being eaten by a giant whale. HE ALSO MEETS SOCRATES AND HOMER.

books, food!, anus recocta vino

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