FIC: Simpatico; Fandom: Heroes; Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar

Apr 17, 2009 19:43

Title: Simpatico
Author: greyelveneyes
Characters/Pairing: Mohinder, Angela, Sylar, Peter, and mentions of others. Probably one-sided Mohinder/Sylar, in a amusingly creepy way.
Disclaimer: I own nothing at all, and the only profit I make from this is the appreciation of a collection of comments and/or constructive criticism from fellow fanfiction writers. All characters that you see as recognizable belong to their respective creators!
Rating: Can’t be much more than PG-13.
Warnings: Sylar is kind of a warning in his own right. Some violence, character!death(-ish), some sensuality. Some kind of inappropriate amusement? XD
Wordcount: Approx. 3,500 It kind of got away from me. XD
Summary: Mohinder knows he could push Sylar away, and knows that he should, but the perceptive slant of Sylar’s eyes has him unnerved. “…because I died, and she says you brought me back. She wants to know why.”

Recipient: The incredible levitatethis!
Author's Notes: Written for the Mylar Exchange at mylar_fic. The prompt was: Sylar admits that Mohinder gives him purpose (not romantic, think the Joker and Batman and “You complete me”). It came off a little more romantic than I expected, whoops? XD




rating: pg-13, ficathon, fic

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