Mar 03, 2009 16:18

A few weeks ago I had a post up asking about peoples interest in a ficathon. It seems that a vast majority of you are in favor of it so here we are :D
I figure this will be a good way to get the community inspired before we do the next round of awards in May.

The rules are as so:
-Please email me with your information at DO NOT respond here. Thanks.
-All entries must be Mohinder and Sylar (Not Sylar OR Mohinder) - other characters and other ships are fine and dandy but the focus is on Mylar.
-All fics should be beta read (I’ll be making a post in a few days to update our beta list)
-All fics must be a minimum of 2,000 words.
-You are more than welcomed to link your fic to your personal journal but you must post a link here. NO friend locked fics. If your fic isn’t public, I will delete you. NO EXCEPTIONS.
-If you can not complete your assignment, you must email me as soon as possible so I can find a pinch hitter. This is important. I will publicly flog you if you fail to do this, no ifs, ands, or buts. I’m serious.

Entry Form
(Stolen from everyone) XD


LJ Name:

Rating requested (PG-NC17):

Prompts requested (please list at least 3, more if you'd like):

What don’t you want your fic to include?:

What rating would you prefer to write? (PG-NC17):

What won’t/can't you write:

Can you pinch hit for those who can’t finish their assignment?:


All entries must be submitted by Friday March 11.
Assignments will be mailed out by Tuesday March 15.

Your completed fics are due by Friday April 17. You can post anytime between now and then.

Remember have fun!!! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks everyone and happy writing.

ficathon, !mod post

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