Title: 5 Times Mohinder Gave Up (and one time he didn’t)
5 TimesAuthor: Card
Pairing(s), Character(s): Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: R
Warnings: Mention of sex things, cursing, a continuation of previous crackiness. We’re going to say that this diverges off the end of volume 3 with Sylar attaining the shape-shifting ability somehow. Add in violence/blood.
Summary: Exactly as the title says.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters or profit from this fiction.
Word Count: 3,000
*Sequel to 5 Times Sylar Held Back (and once he couldn't)
Mohinder stood until they told him to sit, listened to them explain what they were going to do, how there would be people watching his every move. (That was hardly new.)