(no subject)

Mar 02, 2009 02:16

TITLE : So much the mouse
AUTHOR: faycequevoudras
SUMMARY: The tables are turned
RATING: PG 13 for miiild sexual references
WARNINGS/SPOILERS: Set within season 3 with mild spoilers for that season
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Heroes, the characters or the actors. They are just being used out of love and affection... and a need to see the pretty in my mind's eye. Originally written for a-to-z-prompts

He hated waiting in the shadows. It was so trite and overdone. Villains always waited in the shadows, wearing their black and working to blend in. The only reason Sylar could blend in was that most in the world didn't have the senses he did. Most couldn't hear a heartbeat, notice the chance in the shadows because they had them memorized. If the world that Sylar saw was technocolored then most lived life in black and white with varying shades of grey to fill in the detail. Sylar's world was so much richer than the shadows and yet he was forced to live with them. He would always live in the shadows unless he wanted to find himself living under harsh light in a grey cell and everything he'd known of the outside world gone.

Staring up at the building, he tried not to think of the last time he'd been there, the last victim he'd sought. If he allowed his thoughts to stray to the artist then he would lose focus. Just the most glancing thought of the man splayed out, still not screaming even though he knew his death was imminent, even just the slightest mental glimpse of what he'd looked like and Sylar's heart began to race. It was a dangerous sound he couldn't afford. Not with Suresh inside that building. Not if the rumours about what it was Mohinder now was were true.

Could it be possible? Was he one of them now? Was it possible that the brave, strong man that Sylar had known and longed for was now strong enough to survive their confrontations? His blood raced at the thought of what could now be possible. He wouldn't have to hold himself back, just as he could take any abuse and heal from it. The fights would be epic. They would be erotic and deadly and...

Biting back a groan, he focused his attention back upon the yellowish glow of the window above. Sylar couldn't afford to give Suresh the upper hand. Another hour, once he was sure there was no one else in the loft but Mohinder and his work, then Sylar would make his move. In through the window, take the other man by surprise, and then the games would truly begin. No matter that time crept slowly and a hunger seemed to gnaw at his very soul, he needed to bide his time. Too soon and he risked a run in with Bennet, or someone else working for the company. He needed Suresh alone. He needed to wait until the time was just...

A hand clamped over Sylar's mouth, the hand unbelievably strong. Just as strong as the seeming steel band that locked around his waist and hauled him back further into the shadows. For a moment all he could hear was the sound of his own heart racing, the panic enough to overrided his senses.


The single word wasn't enough to actually make Sylar do what he was told. It wasn't the word but the voice that spoke it. Smooth, accented, and as exotic and rich as cayenne laced chocolate. The hold was so strong, stronger than Suresh had ever been. Sylar had his answer. They were on a level playing field now, and Suresh had turned the tables on you.

"Shall we keep playing hide and seek?" Again came that voice, as heated as the breath that caressed Sylar's ear. "Do you still fancy me the mouse, Mister Sylar? It does seem you were the one caught." The words should have brought anger but instead Sylar smiled against the palm over his mouth. Suresh was willing to play.

Gasping, Sylar squirmed as he felt Mohinder's tongue play over that tender spot just beneath his ear. "You taste like vanilla,' Suresh whispered.

Reelling from those words, it took Sylar a moment to realize the hold was gone. So was Suresh. Grinning, he forced his breathing to slow so he could control the erratic beating of his heart. Oh yes, the games had only just begun, and an entire city was going to pay for their play.

mohinder plus powers, character: isaac, rating: pg-13, genre: au

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