Saint Sebastian 4/?

Mar 02, 2009 13:50

Title: Saint Sebastian Part 4/?
Author: Doc C.
Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Mohinder, Virginia, Chandra, others may be added
Rating: NC-17 for sex, which I guess is graphic.
Genre: AU Romance Suspense Comedic Fluff? Will eventually evolve into suspense and angst?
Wordcount: 5,360
Spoilers: Season 1 and 2, but in a roundabout, AU way. May eventually touch on S3 spoilers in that same roundabout way, but I'll provide an extra warning for it.
Warnings: An affectionate but probably blasphemous look at religion, science, relationships and eventually sex. Some characters who are usually relatively good will be complete bastards, unbelievable shmoopiness. No offense is intended.
A/N: Um... apparently I'm funny, or so a few people keep telling me, so it might be humor, and since it's me, you can pretty much bet on an eventual happy ending. Also, it's 1994.
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes, NYU, the Catholic Church, or any of the deities, saints, and other religious figures mentioned herein.
Summary: What if Mohinder had picked a different path than science?

Never gonna fall for
Modern love walks beside me,
Modern love walks on by,
Modern love gets me to the church on time.
Church on time, terrifies me,
Church on time, makes me party,
Church on time, puts my trust in God and man.
God and man, no confessions,
God and man, no religion,
God and man, don't believe in modern love.

-The Last Town Chorus, "Modern Love"

"Can I ask you a question?" Gabriel asked as they sat at their table in the diner, idly stirring his milkshake with a straw.

"Of course," Mohinder answered.  "You don't have to ask if you can ask."

"Why don't you and your father have the same accent?" Gabriel asked.  "I mean, you sound more English, and his is more Indian."

"I went to school in England from the time I was small," Mohinder answered.  "I spent a gap year back home in India, which is when my father told me that he didn't want me helping on the Project, and then I came straight here.  I imagine if I spent any time in India that part of it would come out stronger.  You haven't really got an accent to speak of compared to most New Yorkers I've met."

"Educated by nuns," Gabriel explained.  "Nuns with a thing for good diction."

"Ahh," Mohinder smiled.  "Well, I like listening to you speak.  Your voice has a lovely resonance to it."

Gabriel paused halfway to the straw in his milkshake, thrown off of balance by the random compliment.

"Thank you," he finally got out.

"So what are your plans after high school?" Mohinder asked, dunking a curly fry in ketchup.  "I don't think we've ever discussed it."

Gabriel paused.

"I want to take over my father's watch shop," he said firmly.  Mohinder nodded seriously.

"But your mother doesn't want you to?" he asked.  Gabriel sighed.

"There's no point in finishing high school now, really.  I know everything I need to know to keep the shop going.  There's nothing my dad could do that I can't.  I just don't understand the point of delaying it."

Mohinder smiled sadly, eating the fry and taking up another.

"Your mother just doesn't want you to pick your direction before you see the crossroads, I expect.  If you drop out of high school, it would make it terribly difficult to change your mind if you decided the watch shop wasn't what you wanted to do with your life."

"She has this… just this crazy idea of some sort of greatness I'm capable of.  I don't know what she thinks I'm going to be, you know?" Gabriel shrugged.

"I suppose it's human nature to make presumptions about that which those closest to us are and are not capable," Mohinder pondered.  "Your mother thinks you capable where you think otherwise, while my father--"

Mohinder let that train of thought die out.

"But enough about them," he said, his smile slightly forced.

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said, stricken that he'd inadvertently brought up the man they were both trying to avoid.

"Don't be silly," Mohinder insisted.  "It's a perfectly legitimate line of conversation."

"No it isn't," Gabriel argued.  "It makes you uncomfortable.  Whenever your father comes up, it... it almost looks like it physically hurts you to talk about him, or anything to do with him."

Mohinder sat stunned, mouth slightly open.  Gabriel rubbed his hands together self-consciously, as if cold, and continued.

"I can see why you don't get along, but something in the way you react when you think about him makes me think..."

Gabriel trailed off, and Mohinder swallowed.

"Makes you think what, sweetheart?" he prompted.

"Makes me think he did something that would make me want to kill him," Gabriel finished.  "Something more serious than just disapproving of your career path."

Mohinder nodded grimly, rubbing an imaginary mark on the Formica of their table.

"My father doesn't simply disapprove of my choices, Gabriel," Mohinder said in a small voice.  "He disapproves, and as dramatic as this will sound I mean it quite literally, of my existence."

"Why do you think that?" Gabriel asked.  He wished they had started this conversation someplace private, because Mohinder looked like it was taking every bit of his strength not to come apart at the seams, and all Gabriel wanted to do was take his hand.

"I am not, or was not, an only child," Mohinder said.  "I had a sister who died when I was two.  I don't even remember her, but my mother told me about her last year.  She would have been an only child, but she had leukemia.  My parents had me to be a marrow donor when neither was a match.  Unfortunately, I wasn't a match either, and my sister died before one was ever found.  Because of this, in my father's view, I am a failed experiment that didn't have the decency to ever end."

Gabriel shook his head.

"He can't think that," Gabriel said, and believed it.  How could anyone see this person before him as a failed anything?

"Oh, he does," Mohinder said, mouth twisting into a bitter grin.

"How do you know?" Gabriel asked, though under the table he was digging his fingernails into his palm, knowing the answer that was coming.

"He told me.  In those very words.  He also told me that I am a parasite on our family, and that if he was a stupider man, he would believe me punishment for something he had done in a past life."

Gabriel didn't care where they were.  He tried to take Mohinder's hand on top of the table, only relenting when Mohinder took its opposite underneath it.

"It's fine, honestly," Mohinder said.  "Not everyone gets on with their family.  My mother adores me, and... he's never gone so far as to express his dislike physically.  It's fine.  Really."

"No," Gabriel contradicted, a soft growl in his voice.  "It's really not.  Why do you live with him?  How can you?"

"It was harder before I knew about my sister," Mohinder said.  "He's no more distant than most roommates."

Mohinder put down the French fry, now quite sodden with ketchup.

"Do you think we could talk about something else?" he asked, suddenly seeming about fifteen years old.  Gabriel squeezed his hand tighter under the table.

"Anything you want," he answered.  "Tell me about your happiest memory."

Mohinder's face lit up.

"Well, I was trying to immerse myself in a religion very different than my own, and-"

Gabriel laughed and he ducked his head, blushing.

"Okay, what's your happiest memory from before Thursday?"

Mohinder gave a little smile.

"I suppose when I got the acceptance letter from NYU.  It was the first major decision I ever made that was purely self-interested, and the world didn't end, Chennai didn't drop into the ocean, nothing," Mohinder said.  "I was almost offended that the universe took it so lightly."

Gabriel laughed at that.

"When your whole life changes, it does feel like everything else should change as well."

"Human arrogance," Mohinder agreed.  "I'm surprised I didn't see you before.  I've been to services at Saint Sebastian's many times."

"I took a year off of school when my father died," Gabriel answered.  "I needed to look after my mother, take care of outstanding work in the shop before we packed the whole thing in mothballs."

Mohinder nodded.

"You'll be nineteen soon, then," Mohinder confirmed to himself.  "I'm not such a dreadful cradle robber after all."

"Oh yeah, May-September, that's us," Gabriel laughed.

Mohinder's eyes crinkled as he smiled even more brightly, squeezing Gabriel's hand.

Chandra Suresh didn't question where the money came from that allowed him to run expensive tests like full DNA sequences, and so quickly.  He didn't care.  What they wanted with the science wasn't the point.  The science was its own end.

Gabriel Gray was special.

It was the first time that Chandra had found someone special who was still alive.  The only one he'd known previously was Shanti, and she would be dead long before the Human Genome Project was even a glimmer in biology's eye, before Kary Mullis ever sorted out PCR.  He'd seen samples from the deceased who'd donated their bodies to science, people with the same anomaly which might, just might have pointed at something truly extraordinary.

Gabriel Gray was the first one who was still around for him to find out for sure, and without even knowing it Mohinder had brought him to Chandra's doorstep and acquired the DNA sample.

Chandra drummed his fingers on the cover of his own book, pondering.  The boy was interested in science, in puzzles.  Mohinder was an open book of tawdry feeling.  Surely the seduction of such fascinating material as genetics would be enough to break a hormonal teenaged infatuation with his son.

The first step was easy.

Chandra went back to the apartment and plucked one of many copies of Activating Evolution off his shelf, planted himself in a chair at the kitchen table and waited.

When laughter approached, he busied himself pretending to be sipping a cup of tea.  When the door opened and Mohinder saw Chandra sitting there, his laughter died out, face becoming instantly guarded and cold.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel asked, Mohinder having stopped in the doorway.

"Oh stop being absurd and come inside," Chandra said.  "I'm not going to do anything horrible."

Gabriel peered over Mohinder's shoulder and placed his hand on the small of Mohinder's back.

"It's okay," Gabriel said softly.  "Let's just-"

"I'd like to apologize, if I could," Chandra said, his face relatively contrite.  "I'm so used to assuming that everyone is as… clinical, I suppose is the best word, about these things as I am.  Truly, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Gabriel.  If you're interested in science, I have some books you can certainly borrow, and heaven knows I have enough copies of this one."

Chandra self-deprecatingly waved the book in the air.

"I can't promise it's never been used as a coaster, but it should still be legible and free of any writing in the margins."

Gabriel didn't crack a smile, and Mohinder's eyes narrowed suspiciously.  If Mohinder had ruined this for him already, Chandra would just strangle the boy.

"It goes into great detail about how various aspects of the DNA lead to certain human capabilities.  It's practically science fiction," Chandra smiled.  "All very hypothetical, but you might like it."

Chandra held out the book and Gabriel reluctantly took it.  Chandra smiled.

"Again, I really can't apologize enough.  I'll get out of your hair, do let me know what you think, and let me know if you change your mind about the Project," he said, picking up his empty teacup and retreating to his own room.  When he heard Mohinder's door click shut, he pressed the cup to the shared wall between their rooms.

"You can leave that here," Mohinder sighed, sitting on the bed.

"Won't he notice?" Gabriel asked, sitting next to him, placing his head on Mohinder's shoulder and staring at the book.

"There are dozens, but it's pretty good, if you are interested in science.  Somewhat improbable, but nonetheless."

"Do you think he's actually sorry?" Gabriel asked quietly.  Mohinder shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid I rather doubt that," Mohinder replied.  "He doesn't feel particularly compelled to justify why he does anything he does."

Mohinder slipped his arm around Gabriel's waist and pressed a kiss to his neck, just below the hinge of his jaw.  Gabriel smiled, tossing the book over by his coat and wrapping arms around Mohinder, stealing several kisses.

"Maybe I should move out," Mohinder sighed, stroking Gabriel's face, nestling his fingers in Gabriel's hair.  "There are classmates with whom I could live, or I could get into student housing next semester."

"That sounds…" Gabriel looked dubious.  "Okay, student housing sounds really horrible."

"Well don't sugar coat it!" Mohinder chuckled.  "I'd probably just see about moving in with Adam."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed.

"Adam?" he asked.  Mohinder stroked his shoulder gently.

"You spoke with him on the phone the first time you called my office at school.  He's a bit of a flirt, but he keeps his hands to himself."

Gabriel continued to look marginally unhappy.

"I'd rather have a roommate who's harmlessly flirtatious than a roommate who's unspeakably rude to my boyfriend," Mohinder pointed out.  Gabriel melted against him, kissing him and making them both lie back.

"Say that again."

"I'd rather-"

"Just the last part," Gabriel cut him off.  Mohinder smiled.

"What, 'boyfriend'?" he asked, laughing as Gabriel nibbled his ear in response.

"I always thought that was such a stupid word, but you make everything sound great," Gabriel sighed around Mohinder's earlobe, causing still more laughter as his breath tickled Mohinder's neck.

"If you really don't want me to move in with Adam, I won't," Mohinder offered.  Gabriel let go of his ear and drew back.

"Will Adam have a problem with me coming over?" Gabriel asked.  Mohinder shook his head.  "What about kissing you in front of him?"

Mohinder chuckled.

"No, not likely to mind that either; he's a bit of a libertine."

"So he won't mind if I stay over every now and then?" Gabriel coaxed.  Mohinder shook his head again, this time with a fond grin.

"He'll probably make you eggs in the morning and introduce you to his one-night stand, if he remembers his or her name."

Gabriel chuckled softly.

"So he won't be bothered by the sodomy then," Gabriel stated.  Mohinder snorted.

"Bothered, no, but he'll consider it prudish if rum and the lash aren't involved as well."

Gabriel's eyebrows went up.

"I'm not suggesting that!" Mohinder protested.

"I'm not sure which I like less, you living with an unkind father or a pervert," Gabriel mused.

"A nice pervert, though, who accepted that I wasn't interested in casual sex a long time ago," Mohinder pointed out.  "I can handle Adam Monroe.  I don't want you to have to handle my father."

"It's not that bad," Gabriel protested.  Mohinder gave him a pointed look, and Gabriel sighed.

"I'll admit that he startled me with the whole plastic cup thing, but I'm in high school.  I hear cruder things in the locker room all the time.  And even that's nothing compared to what I hear from Mrs. Fitzpatrick."

Mohinder looked unconvinced, but just fussed with the collar of Gabriel's shirt and said,

"Well.  It's certainly nothing that needs to be decided this very moment."

On the other side of the wall, Chandra set down the cup, scowling at the plaster.  He would have to act quickly before Mohinder spirited Gabriel out of reach.

After kissing for a while longer, Gabriel checked his watch.

"Do you have to get back?" Mohinder asked.

"I've got a while longer."

"Do you want to stay the night?" Mohinder asked, a tinge of hope in his voice.  "If it's all right with your mother, that is?"

"Let me give her a call," Gabriel said.  "She'll probably say yes as long as I promise to be home in time for church."

He sat up, finding the phone on Mohinder's desk amid all the books and artifacts.

"Hey Mom," he said.  "Are you winning?  Good!  Of course Mrs. Fitzpatrick says hi.  Tell Mrs. Fitzpatrick I said she's a psycho.  Is it all right if I stay the night?"

Gabriel's hand strayed into Mohinder's hair as he gazed up at him.

"Yeah, if you want," he said quizzically, handing the phone to Mohinder.  "She wants to ask you something."

Mohinder nodded, taking the portable phone.

"Yes Mrs. Gray?" he said, stifling the desire to sigh happily as Gabriel wound a curl loosely around one finger.

"Mohinder, do you remember what I told you before?" she said tensely into the phone.  "About the rules of the game?"

"Of course," Mohinder replied, looking up at Gabriel, whose face was concerned.  Mohinder pulled Gabriel's hand from his hair and down to his cheek.

"So long as we're clear.  You can put Gabriel back on," she said.  Mohinder gave a small smile and handed the phone back.

"Everything okay?" Gabriel asked into the phone.  Mohinder nodded placidly as Virginia replied on the phone,

"Mm hm!  I just wanted to make sure Mohinder knew you had to be at church in the morning so not to stay up too late."

Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"I haven't forgotten I'm Catholic, Mom," he said.

"A good Catholic at that," she laughed.  "All right, let me get going before Hannah tries to start without me.  You boys be careful."

"Love you Mom; don't bet the apartment," Gabriel laughed, hanging up and setting the phone back on the desk.  He twisted back towards Mohinder, placing his palms on either side of Mohinder's head, then stared at him, all the fond amusement that had been on his face while talking to his mother slowly evanescing away until only calm intensity remained.

"You have me all to yourself 'til morning," Gabriel said quietly.  "What are you going to do with me?"

"Anything you want," Mohinder replied with a soft smile.

"What about what you want?" Gabriel asked.  "All this one-sided patience, Mohinder..."

Gabriel leaned down, kissing Mohinder's lips lightly and holding him down by the shoulder when he tried to deepen it.

"All this one-sided patience is almost enough to make me think you don't want anything."

Gabriel trailed the hand on Mohinder's shoulder down over his chest, stomach, down the front of his trousers and squeezed through the fabric.  Mohinder's cock was hard already, and Gabriel's answering grin of triumph was shot through with hunger.

"So tell me what you want, Mohinder," Gabriel said, lifting the pressure of his hand so that Mohinder could just barely feel his fingers at all.

"I don't want to push," Mohinder swallowed.  Gabriel's voice darkened slightly.

"I do.  I want more.  You know what more is.  I want you to tell me."

"It's still so soon-"

"I don't care.  And you only wish you cared.  So tell me: what do you want to do to me?  Or what do you want me to do to you?"

Mohinder's eyes were dilated pitch black with desire, teeth worrying his lower lip.

"Or I suppose I can teach you to play bridge-" Gabriel began.

"Have sex with me," Mohinder blurted, chest rising and falling faster the less Gabriel did.  "It felt so good when you put your finger inside me while you went down on me, Gabriel..." he stammered, attempting to justify it.

"And you want more," Gabriel said with a shiver of lust, the iodine colored irises of his eyes dilating further.  "You'll have to be very clear about what you want, since I've never done this before.  I'll need to hear every little detail.  Can you do that for me?"

Gabriel held out his hands, hovering them just above the buttons of Mohinder's shirt.

"Ask me," Gabriel growled.  Mohinder swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Unbutton my shirt, please, and touch my chest and throat," he asked.  Gabriel smiled and started undoing buttons in an even, steady rhythm, opening the fabric and then letting his fingertips stray down Mohinder's flushed brown skin.  He traced up the divide along Mohinder's sternum, the flat of his thumbs feeling the soft skin in the dip of Mohinder's throat before sliding over the slim arches of his collar bones.  Cradling Mohinder's neck with his fingers, he explored the skin of his throat with his thumbs, using the lightest possible pressure, the barest friction.  Mohinder's chest heaved as Gabriel's thumb moved over his pulse.

"Does that feel good?" Gabriel asked in a voice as soft as his touch.  Mohinder nodded, whispering back,

"Kiss me there."

Gabriel leaned down, lips finding the thudding point just to the right of Mohinder's Adam's apple, the tip of his tongue feeling the echo of Mohinder's heart.

"Oh!" Mohinder cried softly as Gabriel formed a seal with his lips and sucked on the skin, bursting tiny capillaries to leave a darker bruise on dark flesh.  Mohinder's chest rose and fell unevenly, as if he couldn't decide whether to hyperventilate or hold his breath altogether.

"What else?" Gabriel asked against the now-damp patch of skin.  He got nothing more than a fevered groan in reply, so he drew back, fixing Mohinder's gaze with his own.

"Lock the door," Mohinder replied hoarsely.  Gabriel stood and did so, placing the desk chair under the knob as he'd seen Mohinder do earlier.  When he turned back, Mohinder was divesting himself of his remaining clothing.

"Come here," Mohinder demanded, and Gabriel hardly needed a second invitation, taking hold of Mohinder's waist and raining kisses all over his face, jaw, neck and shoulders as Mohinder wrestled with the buttons of his shirt with very little patience.  Gabriel finally let go to take over while Mohinder moved on to his belt and fly instead, arching their backs so that their hands could work while they kissed.  When Gabriel finally got his shirt free he held Mohinder at arm's length, just to look at him for a moment before toeing off his own shoes and socks and removing his pants and underwear, quickly before he lost his nerve at the idea of being so vulnerable in front of someone else.

"Now what?" Gabriel asked because the silence was just too difficult.  Mohinder took Gabriel's hand and put it back on his waist while he reached up around Gabriel's neck for a kiss.  Gabriel sucked in a breath, biting down on Mohinder's lip slightly as Mohinder rose up onto his toes, causing his cock to drag against Gabriel's.

"Oh God," Gabriel moaned, pushing Mohinder towards the bed.  The back of Mohinder's knees hit the mattress and he dragged Gabriel with him as he collapsed back, and the sheer difference between this and what they has done before thrummed over Gabriel's skin.  Where before there had been single points of contact, now they were pressed together entirely, and Gabriel could scarcely believe that he was about to get even closer.

Mohinder stretched out an arm, and Gabriel reluctantly released him slightly to let him reach the drawer he was flailing for.  Mohinder yanked it open and tugged out an unopened box of condoms and a bottle of lube that still had a tamper resistant plastic band around the cap.  Gabriel picked up the box and opened his mouth.

"Yes," Mohinder interrupted before he could voice his question.

"Yes what?" Gabriel asked, confused.

"Yes, you need the Magnums," Mohinder replied, fighting the plastic band with a fingernail.  Gabriel looked at the box again.

"Are you-"

"Entirely sure, yes," Mohinder answered with a saucy grin.

"How did you know?" Gabriel asked.  After all, Mohinder hadn't had any direct evidence until a few hours ago.

"I got a box of pretty much every size I was aware existed at the drug store before you came over.  Not that I was assuming anything would happen," he added quickly, looking guilty.  "I was just-"

"Hoping," Gabriel answered, opening the box and tearing one of the packets free.  "Good.  Should I put one on now?"

"Not yet," Mohinder answered.  "It'll take a moment to stretch me out; it's been a long time since I've done this."

"Stretch you, so... you want me to be the one inside you?" Gabriel asked, looking Mohinder over with rapt attention.  Mohinder's eyes went a bit hooded at that frank statement in that wonderful voice and nodded.  He finally got the bottle open and dripped lubricant on his fingers.  Gabriel reached for the bottle so he could do the same, and Mohinder shook his head.

"Sit back," he said.  "I want you to watch me."

Mohinder placed his feet apart, knees bent, tucking a pillow under his hips, canting them up and placing his legs on either side of Gabriel's.  Gabriel looked on in awe, circling his fingers on his knee.  Mohinder's thigh muscle jumped, and he shivered.

"That tickles," he said with a nervous smile, cupping his own balls and lifting them out of the way, circling the ring of muscle and rocking his fingertip, easing it inside while Gabriel watched, eyes fascinated, as intensely hungry as those of a man who'd spent years in the desert.

"Deeper," Gabriel moaned, and Mohinder complied, sliding his finger further in.

"Like that?" Mohinder asked, and Gabriel nodded as Mohinder drew it out again and slid in a second, drawing them apart, twisting them, then pulling them out and adding a third.

"I didn't know that it could stretch like that," Gabriel said softly.  Mohinder nodded, a fine layer of sweat over his brow.  "You're doing that so it won't hurt when I…?"

Mohinder nodded again.

"It can stretch, just not right away," he said hoarsely, gasping as he felt a feather-light touch around his fingers inside himself as Gabriel carefully explored with his fingertips.

"How long?" Gabriel asked.  Mohinder's eyes met his, and there was that hungry look again.

"Just a bit more…" Mohinder replied, spreading his fingers slightly and then pulling them free, whispering, "Put it on, quickly."

Gabriel tore open the condom packet and rolled it down to the base of his cock.  He moved over Mohinder, hands on his hips, the tip of his cock as close as it could be to Mohinder's asshole without touching it.  Mohinder licked his lips.

"Coat your cock with a lot of lube.  Push into me as slow as you can, and when you feel the glans is in all the way, stop, and let me get used to the difference," he said slowly, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.  Gabriel nodded, taking the bottle and opening it, pouring the lube into his hand and slathering it all over his cock.  He held his penis and lined up, looking into Mohinder's eyes as he pushed, not breathing, so focused that he thought for certain his heart had stopped too.

This shouldn't be possible.  It shouldn't be possible for him to fit something as thick as his cock into a ring of muscle that had felt so tight around his finger, Gabriel thought.

"Oh god," Gabriel panted as he felt the head breach the ring, Mohinder's asshole constricting around the shaft.  He stopped; Mohinder had told him to, though every nerve in his body was thrumming, demanding that he keep going, go further.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked, trying to interpret the expression on Mohinder's face.  "Am I hurting you?"

"Give me a second," Mohinder replied, his breathing short and labored.  Gabriel brought a hand up to his face, brushing his hair back and kissing his lips lightly.  He felt Mohinder relaxing around him, just slightly, the tightness that had bordered on painful easing just a bit.

"Push in the rest of the way," Mohinder said, reaching up and stroking Gabriel's hair, wrapping a leg around his hips.  "Go slow; I'll tell you if you need to stop."

Guided by the warm weight of Mohinder's leg on his back, Gabriel slid further in, listening carefully to Mohinder's breathing and watching his face.

"Yes," Mohinder sighed.  "Good."

Their hips met, and Gabriel trembled.

"You feel…" Gabriel shut his eyes, regaining his composure.  "You feel so good, Mohinder."

He felt Mohinder's hands slide into his hair, tugging his head down and kissing his eyelids, then his mouth.

"So do you," Mohinder said against his lips.

"It doesn't hurt?" Gabriel asked, stroking Mohinder's face desperately, petrified that what felt so life-changingly-wonderful to him was hurting Mohinder.

"No," Mohinder answered.  "It aches, but… it's such a good ache."

Gabriel let out the breath he'd been holding.

"Good," he said.  "Good."

He drew out, slowly, almost all the way, and, acting on instinct, pushed back in, angling up to try and find that place Mohinder had had him touch with his finger earlier.

"Ah!" Mohinder cried, his back arching and his hands clinging.  Gabriel froze, and Mohinder's eyes snapped open.

"Don't stop," Mohinder pleaded.  "Please don't stop, Gabriel."

Gabriel started moving again, stroking Mohinder's face and raining kisses down on him as he thrust in and out.  Later on, he'd be relieved that they'd fooled around earlier, otherwise he never would have lasted, and he wanted so very badly to make Mohinder come again.  A sharp cry escaped Gabriel as Mohinder raised his hips and thrust up to collide with his.

"Jesus," Gabriel panted.  "Mohinder, god… is it good?  Can you… is it…"

"Yes," Mohinder groaned back, rocking his hips up faster.  "Gods, keep going, Gabriel, harder."

Harder.  That word scraped against his mind like a match, and he thrust forward with a grunt, and Mohinder cried out and grabbed Gabriel's shoulders, pulling his body tighter against him and thrusting back.  Gabriel started up a steady rhythm of sharp thrusts, feral noises coming out of him every time he felt that impact, that slap of his skin against Mohinder's.  Mohinder kissed him frantically, nipping at his lips as Gabriel kissed over to the corner of his mouth, over Mohinder's jaw, and down to his neck.  All that friction and heat and the pretty cries coming out of Mohinder were getting to him.

"I'm going to come," Gabriel hissed.  Mohinder nodded.

"Touch my cock," he moaned.  "I'm very close."

Gabriel obeyed, arching his back and getting hold of Mohinder's cock while kissing at his throat, jerking away at Mohinder's cock, just roughly enough for the ferocious turn their intercourse had taken.

"Gabriel!" Mohinder whimpered, and Gabriel nipped the skin on the side of Mohinder's neck, ducking his head further and biting harder, right where his neck and shoulder met.  Mohinder let out a strangled wail and came over Gabriel's fist, spattering onto both their stomachs.  Gabriel winced; the wave of contractions of muscle around his cock hurt as much as they felt amazing.  That pain, and the pain of Mohinder's fingernails digging into his shoulders, made it feel like something had snapped in him and he was coming, dizzy with the way it crashed over him.  A person could get addicted to that.  He thrust erratically a few more times, the aftershocks of his orgasm shuddering through him.

"I love you," Mohinder whispered.  "That was amazing."

Gabriel kissed his lips softly, caressing the bridge of Mohinder's nose with the tip of his.

"You're amazing," he said, knowing it was a cheesy thing to say, but unable to stop himself.  "I love you.  Sit tight, I'll go get stuff to clean up."

Mohinder gave him a sleepy nod and a slight wince as Gabriel pulled out, pulling off the condom and wrapping it in tissue before throwing it out in the waste basket, pulling on his boxers and jeans to exit the room.

He felt different.  He didn't expect to feel different, but… he did, as he walked into the bathroom.  He felt so confident; how could he not when he'd just made Mohinder's whole body sing like that?  Mohinder loved him.  How could he not feel proud?

He exited the bathroom with a few damp washcloths and a dry hand towel, and nearly ran into Chandra Suresh.

"I beg your pardon," the professor said.  "I didn't realize you were still here."

Gabriel regarded him coolly.

"I'll make you a deal.  You want me to participate in the Project, right?" he asked, his voice low and steady to keep Mohinder from hearing.

"It's up to you, I have no vested interest-" Chandra began.  Gabriel tilted his head.

"I think you do," Gabriel contradicted.  "Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to apologize, or offered me that book."

Chandra gave him a guarded look.

"What sort of deal?" he asked tentatively.  Gabriel smirked.

"Stop antagonizing Mohinder and you'll get your sample.  You don't have to be nice to him, you don't have to be father of the year, but stop needling him."

Chandra gave a nonchalant shrug.

"Certainly," he replied.  "If it's that important to you."

Gabriel gave a mirthless laugh.

"You have no idea what I'd do for him," he replied.  "No idea."

He slipped back into Mohinder's bedroom and shut the door behind him, without a backwards glance.

character: gabriel, genre: high school au, character: chandra, rating: nc-17

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