Fic: "Midnight" & "Fair Trade"

Mar 01, 2009 15:28

These are fics I wrote for the last twoheroes_exchange  events. I hope you enjoy them!

Title: Midnight
Recipient: takhallus
Rating: R
Character/Pairing: Sylar/Mohinder
Words: 2109
Summary: After the downfall of Pinehearst, Sylar and Mohinder discuss their future.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes.
Author’s Note: Beta'd by the ultra-win moorishflower :D Written at the end of the Villians arc, so naturally it is now AU.

As Mohinder looked at himself in the side mirror of the car, Sylar smiled. Destiny had bought them together again in the form of a road trip. Life truly did have its poetry.

Title: Fair Trade
Recipient: the community!
Pairing(s): Sylar/Mohinder
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 2,572
Spoilers: Up to Blood and Trust
Warnings: Oral, some cursing
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring, NBC et al.
Author's Notes: Beta’d by the awesome win of speccgeekgrrl. Written at the beginning of the Fugitives arc, so now it is AU.
Summary: Mohinder is captured by Sylar and is ready to use any means to escape.

Bright lights forced Mohinder’s eyes open, harsh and sudden. Where was he?

genre: au, genre: angst, rating: r, rating: nc-17, fic

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