Finally jumping on the band welcome wagon.
Reading spoilers has definitely ruined my appetite. I just can't get all worked up when I know what's happening. Clearly, I need to lay off. So, these comments may be slightly biased by my having known what was going to happen and then my being annoyed at myself for being weak and reading spoilers. Anyway.
Piz. Clearly he's the character to comment on, and since much has been made about him being either the second coming (of Duncan) or the anti-Christ (again, Duncan) I have to say, quite firmly, meh. He's a dude, y'know? He's there. Him introducing himself to Wallace was weird and awkward, the whole "I'm racist! No I'm not, it was just a set-up for my clever, clever joke! Ha ha!" was just... no. It didn't work. He seemed kinda like an ass. Is this what RT, et all meant when they said he was "witty"? Lowell's pretty enough for TV, but as a comedy actor there's no subtlety. His reaction to his stuff being stolen was laughable. Piz seems to be a very what-you-see-is-what-you-get character. But we've come to expect a lot more from our VM characters. Maybe later they'll dredge up some hidden depths for him, but from his fairly flat performance in the premiere that'll ring a bit false. I did love the reappearance of That Argyle Shirt. I hope it was just a gag, and not a passing of The Argyle Mantel of Lame Love Interest. Logan was eyeing the shirt rather wairily. He knows girls can't resist argyle.
Logan/Veronica. They were in the credits! Together! And JD is now credited second! I have to admit I'm pretty jazzed about that, as it hopefully shows RT is committed to them as a couple and maybe even will give them interesting things to do together. He can totally help her solve mysteries! He's not just there to look pretty! I like the new credits. At first they seemed too static, but I'm warming up to them. (The extra dose of Logan helps oodles.) Just can someone tell me why Logan and Dick appear to be soliciting in front of a nudie bar? Er, back to episode. So, they were in bed together. Not touching. Uh, ok. And it was a weird segue from the Keith plotline. The bit with the phone was much cuter and more natural and awww. I don't really care about seeing awesome sex scenes or whatever, but being cute and funny is a must. And... where does Veronica get these giant t-shirts? Last season I assumed it was Duncan's (even though it had no argyle) but it looks like she's got the exact same shirt on. And she never takes it off. It's Veronica's sex shirt. Uh... Veronica? Are you trying to tell us you're a never-nude? The scene in the cafeteria was awfully cute, with the bow schtick and the awww. And then Dick getting whaled on. When Logan asked for V's bag, I honestly thought he was going to wallop the other dude with it. Instead he used the taser! He's growing as a person! Old Logan would have gotten into an unwise brawl that would have had repurcusions. True, in the real world, tasering someone probably also has serious repurcusions, but we're going to ignore that. I still want to see more of Logan interacting in a group with Veronica and Wallace and Mac. Hopefully soon, like when Logan GOES TO CLASS. Seriously, Logan, go to class. You'll learn things and can hang with Wallace. Veronica is impressed when Wallace likes you. That way you insinuate yourself more deeply in her life. Be friends with her friends, it makes it harder for the writers to root you out and replace you with a moppy-headed argyle clone.
Parker. I liked her better than Piz. I loved her description of Logan Colin Farrel. Ah, the fangirl mentality. She did a good job of being ditzy and bubbly party girl and it'll be interesting to see how she changes post-trauma.
Dick. Apparently he's the new woobie. Man, Dick has not had a good summer. Veronica wasn't exaggerating when she called him the town drunk. The scene with Mac was pretty funny. Did he not notice her name on the door? And, are there really non-coed floors left in some colleges? Like, as a normal thing instead of a freak anomally for the incredibly uptight and sheltered? Anyway, I like that he goes to Logan and the end and Logan finally realizes that there may be someone even more fucked up than him on the show, and he has to take care of him. This can only be good for Logan's character. It'll be interesting to see what Veronica thinks of his new charge. I think the only thing left now is for Dick to inherit the argyle shirt.
Wallace and Mac weren't really in it much, except to be the best friends/sidekicks. (Mac assissted in a way that didn't involve computers! She's branching out!)
Keith. Ok, so Cormac? Not worth going to prison for. Bye-bye, Kendall. So why WAS Vinnie's pen in Keith's briefcase? Is he working for Liam? I'm interested for more Fitzpatrick drama, so this could work well.
All-in-all I think it was a solid start to the "new" Veronica Mars. It's a bit weird seeing them at a new location (no Neptune High!) but I think they'll do ok with it. Yay, new season!