Feb 07, 2008 03:02

Writers: Doris Egan & Leonard Dick
Director: Deran Sarafian
Original Airdate: 5 Feb 2008

House has to grapple with his belief that people never change in order to treat a rapidly declining woman who converted to Hasidic Judaism just six months ago, even as he tries to come to terms with the fact that Wilson's new love interest is rejected fellowship applicant Amber  Volakis (a.k.a, Cutthroat Bitch).

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I. Cuddy suggests change as a form of therapy

Yonatan: We'd like a different doctor.
Cuddy: I assure you that Dr House is our best...
Yonatan: Then we will settle for second-best, someone who doesn't think my wife is sick just because she's religious.
House: If you prefer, I can give your wife my second-best diagnosis.
[Cuddy turns around to look at him expectantly.]
House: Do you know Wilson's dating Amber?
Cuddy: I have reviewed the chart - someone on your team must have pointed out that cryoglobularnaemia also fits the symptoms.
House: Yes, it fits many of the symptoms.
Yonatan: My wife's body is sick, her mind and soul are fine.
House: You live according to God's 600 commandments, right?
Yonatan: 613.
House: You understand them all?
Yonatan: It takes a lifetime of learning...
House: But you follow the ones you don't understand because the ones you do understand make sense and you believe that the guy who created them knows what he's doing.
Yonatan: Of course.
House: You will trust my diagnosis, you'll let me treat her, because in this temple, I am Dr Yahweh.
Yonatan: I want a new doctor.
[He leaves, and Cuddy throws up her hands in exasperation.]
Cuddy: I'm starting him on endomethicin for the cryoglobularnaemia.
House: People don't change - for example, I'm going to keep repeating 'people don't change'.
Cuddy: So alcoholics that successfully go through treatment don't exist.
House: They're still alcoholics - they'll never take a drink as long as they live only because they didn't live long enough.
Cuddy: If you're dissatisfied with your life, changing it is a symptom of mental health. I get why that concept is strange to you... [She puts her hand on House's shoulder and he looks down at it... and her.]
[House's beeper goes off.]
[Cut to crash cart being wheeled into Roz's room.]
13: 02 stats are 85. She's hypoxic. We might need to intubate.
[Cuddy enters and grabs a stethoscope.]
Yonatan: What's wrong with her?
Cuddy: It's definitely not cryoglobularnaemia.
House: (points upwards) Better ask him.

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II. House wants Cuddy to spread the love i.e., sleep with Wilson

[House barges into Cuddy's room.]
House: I need you to sleep with Wilson.
Cuddy: Good morning.
House: He's involved with an... inappropriate woman.
Cuddy: His people are sheepherders and Amber's are cattlemen?
House: He's combining two of his worst qualities - his love for me and his love for need. As administrator of this hospital, you have to save your star oncologist.
Cuddy: Wish I could help but, as administrator, there are some people in Accounting I'm scheduled to sleep with first.
[House rolls his eyes at the sass, and follows her out of her office.]
House: Wilson has a pattern with women. He saves them, then he betrays them, which then causes guilt, which then causes him to go sleep with somebody else, for example, a hospital bureaucrat nearing forty who has no personal life. I suggest you go braless.
Cuddy: I get that 'sleep with' is your way of saying I should talk to him?
House: No, I really mean 'sleep with'.
Cuddy: You're not worried this relationship will fail, you're worried it'll succeed. That Wilson will no longer be at your beck and call 24/7. That your best friend will change.
House: People don't change just because they wish they could.
Cuddy: And it bugs you that he wishes he could! You'll never lose your friend, House. You're the long-distance runner of neediness.

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III. Cuddy tries to save Wilson from Amber's lair

[Wilson is in the clinic, reading a chart. Cuddy comes up to him.]
Cuddy: Are you sure she doesn't want to just take you back to her lair, hang you upside down and deposit her eggs in you?
Wilson: Excellent disguise, House.
Cuddy: You two are really that serious?
Wilson: She's pretty. She's fun. Maybe she's a little more...
Cuddy: Evil?
Wilson: ...aggressive than you'd expect for me, but I'm happy. Can't I just enjoy what that feels like for a while?
Cuddy: How many people have looked at you trustingly while you gave them a fatal prognosis? But you knew it was kinder to tell them the truth. Amber compulsively looks out for number one. You compulsively look out for the person that you're with. Your needs are gonna feed her needs until all that's left is a Wilson chalk outline on the floor. [She shrugs - she's just telling it like it is.] Sorry.
[She leaves.]
Wilson: Wow.

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- season 4

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