Feb 05, 2008 03:03

Writer: Liz Friedman
Director: David Straiton
Original Airdate: 3 Feb 2008

House forms an unusually strong connection with his newest patient - a sassy psychiatrist stuck in the South Pole, whom he can only diagnose via webcam.

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I. Cuddy hooks House up to the South Pole

Cuddy: Why do I even give you an office? New case. Psych department asked for you personally.
House: The patient's a crazy person?
Cuddy: You're a crazy person! Patient's a psychiatrist.
House: Something's wrong with Coma Guy's cable.
Cuddy: He seems fine with it. Your patient is an adjunct faculty member here but currently... [House slaps the TV, Cuddy pauses, annoyed] The Budget Committee voted to charge for cable in the patients' rooms.
House: Slippery slope. Today we withhold porn, tomorrow it's clean bandages.
Cuddy: Talk to Carlson in Derm, he runs the Budget Committee. After you look at this.
House: After you talk to Carlson, maybe I'll...
Cuddy: Patient is trapped at the South Pole.
[House takes the file, intrigued. Cuddy knows she's hooked him.]

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II. Cuddy tells House she's fired Cameron

Cuddy: How's your patient?
House: She has an autoimmune disease. Tell our psych department she's in denial.
Cuddy: I had to fire Cameron.
Foreman: What? What happened?
Cuddy: 65-year-old man came into the ER with hip fracture. Cameron gave him Demerol. The guy was on an MAOI. Put him into a hypertensive crisis.
Foreman: Is he going to live?
Cuddy: Taub caught the error in time. If she'd just admitted the mistake, maybe I could have just suspended her, but... [House walks off.] She's packing up. You wanna say goodbye?
House: Should be hearing from the South Pole in a few minutes.
Cuddy: That's it?
House: There's nothing to be done. She screwed up. No one to blame but herself.
[Cuddy leaves.]
Foreman: I gotta go talk to Cameron...
House: Cuddy won't can her for one screw-up. If she did, she wouldn't come to me. And if she did, she wouldn't open with 'how's your patient'. And if she did...
Foreman: Why would she lie?
House: Timeless question. In this case she conspired with her co-workers to teach me that some things are more important than cable. I'm going to have to teach them that they're wrong. Come on, the South Pole really should be calling.

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Random quotes:
- When discussing Wilson's new girlfriend, House decides it can't be Cuddy: "Not Cuddy. You're straight."

- season 4

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