(no subject)

Jan 01, 2011 14:14

Well this is a short list!!

1. Chemise a la Reine

2. Dormouse Cap

I don't have any great pictures of it but here is what I have (it was very sunny that day which is why I am shading my eyes):

3. Ballgown for Regency Ball in Hampshire

This is the first time I used poly taffeta and I was NOT impressed! I decorated the gown with ruched pinked strips (which I have done with great success with silk taffeta) and it just shredded all night long. And got on EVERYTHING! I normally wouldn't have bought poly, but I hadn't gotten any fabric and didn't have time to find something else so I just bought it. I like the dress otherwise though. It is a very dark green/yellow changable taffeta. The sleeves are inset with a matching organza. I just took this picture now because I didn't get any pictures of me at the ball (I wasn't dancing because of my foot). The second image is truer to the color of the taffeta.

4. Day gown and matching reticule for Hampshire Regency after-ball outing

David and I woke with terrible headaches the next day (dehydration not hangovers!) so we went home instead of the outing. As a result this gown was never worn. I can't wait to wear it though because I absolutely LOVE it!! It was made from a sari and I was surprised to find one that only had simple cross stitch embroidery. The reticule looks a bit wonky in the picture because it was hanging funny, but it is very cute.

Now that my foot is being fixed, hopefully I will have more reason to costume. There was a lot I just couldn't do this year. I have to get all of our kit together for the War of the Roses living history group we have joined, so that will be a lot. I'd also like to add to our Georgian stuff. So the planned to-do list for 2011 looks something like this:

- 15th century braies, joined hose, doublet, short gown, and shirt for David (multiples of some of that)
- 15th century padded jack for David (soft armor)
- 15th century kirtles, smock, hose, coif/headwear and gown for me (multiples of some of that)
- Georgian stays and pocket hoops
- Georgian day gown and evening gown
- Georgian suit for david

David also needs more regency stuff, but I think I will have my hands full! Maybe in 2012.

15th century, regency, 18th century, 2010

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